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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. I have had my band for 1 year and 8 months. The first year was wonderful. The only problem I had that first year was when my port flipped and I had revision surgery, which was a very simple, minor procedure. The last 8 months have been rough, but all to my own doing, really. I have basically been gaining and losing the same 10 pounds. I had some problems with being overfilled. So I had an unfill. Then I got filled again. I still didn't feel great. Unfortunately, my husband was working on commission and work fell off. The money wasn't coming in and my one year of free visits was over. I simply did not have the cash to see the doctor, and my insurance doesn't cover my band. So, it was so bad, the only way I could keep anything down was to drink something that was literally scalding hot first. Even then, it was hit and miss. But, ice cream went down well. I wasn't even an ice cream eater before the band, but it became my best friend over the past 8 months. Finally, my hubby got a new job with guaranteed income. I went and saw my doctor last month. I had managed to really irritate my esophagus from pb'ing so much. He did a complete unfill. And, when he found out I had gone that way for months due to finances, he showed me what a wonderful doctor he is by refusing to accept payment from me. He said to never allow finances to stand in the way of my health again, that my health is what is most important to him. Tomorrow morning, I am going to see him for a fill under flouro. He wants to make sure my band is completely ok. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything is fine, because honestly, I love my band. It is the only sucessful mechanism I have found for losing weight. And, I can't wait to get back on track again. So, basically, yes, I love my band and do not regret having it done one bit.
  2. *susan*

    How tiny is "tiny"?

    What helped me was something someone else on this board recommended to me. I went out and bought a set of baby utensils. That is what I used until I learned the right size bite I should take. It worked great for me.
  3. *susan*

    Do you trust your scales?

    If I show a loss, I trust the numbers. If I show no loss, or, goodness forbid, a gain, then I re-weigh myself 5 times and swear there must be something wrong with the stupid thing.
  4. I used to be a complete diet coke addict. I had one for breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, mid-afternoon, dinner, before bed and more. I thought I would not be able to stand life without diet coke. But, I went over a year without one. Then, one day we were travelling and the hubby and I were both dieing of thirst. We stopped at a rest area and the machines were out of bottled water, so carbonated beverages were the only choice. My hubby got a diet coke and I said I would wait till the next exit. When we got in the car, I decided to take just a sip of his to tide me over. I was expecting it would be so wonderful just to have a taste. Boy, was I surprised, I took one drink and spit it out. I didn't like the flavor, the texture, the way it felt on my tongue, nothing. Needless to say, I am cured of any desire for carbonated soda. :whoo:
  5. *susan*

    "Houston, We Have Restriction" WEE HEE!

    Finally reaching restriction is wonderful. If you are over tight though, please don't mess around. See your doctor and get an unfill as quickly as possible. This is coming from someone who went overfilled for several months before I finally did something about it.
  6. *susan*

    Can you start over?

    Hi Vicki, I absolutely believe you can start over, in fact, I am doing that now. I have had problems with my band for months now. However, my one year of everything included ran out in April. Due to some financial problems, I put off going to my doctor. I could not eat anything before noon. The only way I could get anything down at all was if I drank something that literally scalded my throat first; and even then it was hit and miss. So, two weeks ago, my wonderful parents said enough, sent me a check and told me to go see my doctor. Let me tell you, I learned what a wonderful doctor I have. When I went in, he was very concerned about me and the fact that I had not been to see him in months (they had called, but I saw their name on caller id and did not answer). When he found out about the problems I had been having and that I did not come in because of my financial situation, he showed me that he is truly a wonderful doctor who really cares about his patients. He told me I should never allow money to prevent me from coming to see him, especially when I am having problems. He said my health is what is most important to him, not my ability to pay for services. And, when I got ready to leave, he refused to accept the check my parents gave me for him and told me there was no charge for the visit, that he is more concerned with getting me healthy again. When I left there I was in tears because I learned how wonderful my doctor truly is. And, then I kicked myself for allowing myself to be miserable for months on end. So, after all that he said my problem was that I was simply too tight and had then managed to irritate my esophagus. (I had done the same as you, to avoid the 3x daily pb's, was eating very soft and unhealthy food, Peanut Butter tracks ice cream was my top food) He removed all my fill and I was immediately better. He said I need to wait 2-4 weeks before I go back and start getting the fill back in. We are going to basically start over again, go slow with the fills and work on getting me back healthy and on track. With the right doctor and team, you can start over. Meet with a dietician if needed, counselor or whatever else you can do. Your band has never left you, it is there waiting for you to finish your journey. Good luck!
  7. *susan*

    Weight Watchers

    Seriously, they will slam you! A few people on the boards do ask about the band, and I try and give them advice from an actual bandsters point of view.
  8. *susan*

    Weight Watchers

    I had always said that once I had my band, I would never "diet" again. However, after having my band for 1 1/2 years, and having experienced some problems, I have recently found myself in need of some help. So, I joined weight watchers online two weeks ago and it has really helped me get back on track and refocused with my weightloss. I don't do meetings, I hate meetings. Online fits perfect with my lifestyle and I love it. My hubby and I are actually the same weight right now. So, we have a personal challenge going to see who can hit 200 first. Wish me luck!
  9. *susan*

    Need advice

    You are definitely too tight and need to call your doctor. Eating 5-6 bites at a time is plain silly for anyone to think that is normal and expect you to live your life that way. You should be able to eat at least 1/2 to a cup of food. A word of caution, I know chicken is often a trouble food for me. If it is even slighly on the dry side, I can just not get it down.
  10. *susan*

    Is peanut butter allowed?

    Hmmm, I had never thought of melting it in the microwave. It seems like that would taste kind of funky to me. But, I have no problems eating peanut butter in its traditional form.
  11. *susan*

    Carbonated Drinks

    I was told no carbonated drinks as well. Like Dave, I was saved by crystal light as well. Up until the day of my surgery, I was a diet coke addict. I drank at least 6-7 per day. Since my surgery, over a year ago, I have not drank sodo of any kind. Well, except for one sip. One day my hubby and I were travelling. We were both really thirsty, so stopped at a rest area and all they had in their vending machines was soda. He got one and I said I would wait until the next exit to get something. I took just a sip of his coke, and the taste totally grossed me out, and I didn't like the way it felt or went down or anything.
  12. *susan*

    6 Sleeps

    I hear you! I remember that last week before my surgery, I was excited and nervous all at the same time. What is really amazing is how once the day gets here, how quickly everything goes and all of a sudden you wake up and are banded. Good luck to you!
  13. *susan*

    how long did you have to take off

    I was actually laid off from my job about 2 weeks prior to my surgery. However, I had originally planned on taking off a week. I was surprised that after a week, I was only just starting to get moving again. Had I had to have gone back to work, I don't think I could of handled it. And, I am a database coordinator, so all I do is sit at my desk in front of a computer all day. I guess everyone heals differently though. Your doctor knows what is best for you and I would follow his/her advice.
  14. *susan*

    Finding a boyfriend/girlfriend on LBT?

    I am happily married, so am definitely not looking! But, I agree with Laura, you need to spill the beans. You can't tease us and then leave us hanging! :omg:
  15. *susan*

    Bye-Bye Band

    I am finding this all to be very interesting. I haven't posted here in a while because I am feeling so negative about my band. I started having problems in January, had a complete unfill, got refilled in March, had problems again and a complete unfill in April. In May I had a fill done under flouro and everything looked fine. That was my last official appointment that was covered under my one year of everything being covered and I haven't been back since, even though my problems from January continue. I cannot eat any food in the morning. I can't even drink liquids before 11:00 a.m. For some reason, I have learned my only hope of being able to swallow food is if I literally drink something that is scalding hot first. I don't like coffee, so before I eat, I have to have a scalding hot cup of hot chocolate. If I don't, I take one bite of food and it immediately gets stuck and I can't eat anything else. I can sometimes eat lunch. Usually, I am able to eat dinner as long as I have the hot drink first. Under no circumstances have I been able to eat if I skip the drink. And, during the week of my period, forget it, I live on liquids because not even the hot drink will loosen me up enough to get food down. You would think with all these problems, I would be losing a ton of weight. Nope, I have been playing with losing and gaining the same 5 pounds for 3 months now. I want the band out in the worst way, but I don't want to gain back the 60 pounds I have lost, but I still have so far to go! I am so disenheartened with this whole situation. I should probably see my doctor, but my finances right now won't allow it. Ugh, what have I done to myself?
  16. Hi all, I haven't been on in a while, but I really need some advice right now. I got my band in April of 2006. Up until January, I had no problems, with the exception of a flipped port, which was no big deal. I had a fill in January and was so overfilled that I could not even swallow my own saliva. My bad, I let this go on for a week before I finally called my doctor. He took almost all of my fill out for 4 weeks. I went in February for a fill. Same problems, real difficulty getting food to go down, although not nearly as extreme as in January. I had trouble keeping anything down during the day, but by night I was ok. So, when I went for my visit in March, he took 2 cc's back out again. I didn't go back until the first of May. Even with the 2 cc's out, I would still have occassional problems. In May, he did my fill under flouro. We got it to what we thought should be perfect for me. Well, as that was my last visit that was covered under my one year of no costs for anything, I have not been back. But, I am still having problems. I could not eat anything until late evening, and even then I would have problems. About a month ago, I discovered by accident that if I drink a cup of something that is extremely, extremely hot right before I eat, I have much better luck getting food down. I still have problems, but not near as much since I started doing this. Please don't tell me I am overfilled, because I am not. Once I drink the very hot Fluid, I can eat pretty much any amount of food I want right now. I am putting weight back on and not happy about that. I am afraid to get a fill. Someone suggsted perhaps there is something wrong with my esophagus. Has anyone else experienced this or have any suggestions. I know I need to see my doctor, it is just the finances are a bit tight right now. Any ideas are appreciated.
  17. I am supposed to weight one hour, but sometimes I only make it to 45 minutes.
  18. *susan*

    Would you date a Single Father?

    I not only dated him, I married him!
  19. *susan*

    Why are so many White Women marrying Black Men?

    Ha ha, this is a funny thread. As to the actual posted question, I believe if you find someone that you are compatible with, makes you happy and your heart flutter everytime you are around them and this is the person you envision spending the rest of your life with, then you should marry that person regardless of age, race or sex.
  20. *susan*

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    Cell, by Stephen King was awesome. I got really mad at the ending though. I love reading Sandra Brown books, she has just enough mystery, drama and romance for a really good read! I just finished reading "The Witness" by her and it was awesome. I also like Danielle Steele.
  21. *susan*

    No Bread or Pasta Forever??

    I have no problem whatsoever with pasta and eat it fairly regularly, just in much smaller quantities than I used to. Pizza goes down, but only if it is thin crust. As for bread, I cannot eat any soft, doughy bread. However, if it is hard-crusted, such as garlic bread, I can eat it.
  22. *susan*

    Thread Killers

    What the he** is that?!!!
  23. *susan*

    Canada Dr's

    Hi, I am sorry that I cannot answer your question. You might want to try posting it in our Canadian forum at this link... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f76/
  24. *susan*

    finished surgery class

    That is wonderful. You sound like you are well-prepared and know what to expect. I am happy you are at peace with your decision. Best of luck and keep us posted on how you do.
  25. *susan*

    port relocation

    I have heard of having a smaller port, but never of having one relocated to the bikini area. I will be interested to see what kind of responses you get to this.

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