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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. At first, I didn't tell anyone. I thought it was a very personal issue. Now, there are some people I don't mind telling and others I will never tell (i.e., my ex husband). Most of the time if people comment on it, and especially if they have a weight problem and mention their struggles, I will share my band experience with them. But, when I wasn't telling people about it, I had no guilt over not telling them about my band. I just said I was on a new weight loss regime, which was true.
  2. *susan*

    And I Have All of You to Thank!

    Congratulations on your decision to get banded. Let us know how things progress.
  3. *susan*

    Something is wrong with Christmas

    Of course Santa is real, how else would all those presents get under my tree. That reminds me, I need to get to the mall before it is too late so I can sit on his lap and tell him what I want for Christmas. I fit on his lap much better since getting the band!
  4. *susan*

    Rediculous School Rules

    I agree. My daughter started highschool this year and they told us during orientation they have a no tolerance policy when it comes to fighting. They said if you are in a fight, it is an automatic 30 day suspension. If it happens a second time, then you are expelled. Fortunately, this is not a problem as my daughter has never even been close to a fight, but I still find it extreme. One lady asked if one person was basically innocent and did not start the fight or anything, would that be taken into consideration. The principal stated again the no tolerance policy and regardless of who started it, the punishment applies to all those involved. So, I told my daughter if you ever do have someone decide to attack you and want to fight, at least beat the living tar out of them to make the suspension worth it. I know, bad mom. Gummie, if your child does get suspended when he is innocent, I believe I would be getting a lawyer and going up against the school board.
  5. *susan*

    Something is wrong with Christmas

    Wow, she is really a very angry sounding person. Me personally, when something bad happens, I deal with it, get over it and move on. I don't let it ruin the rest of my life. I want to live and be happy, in the present, not the past. I can't wait to see what Santa Claus is going to bring me. I look forward to hunting for eggs the Easter Bunny left me. And, I actually look forward to getting old and possibly losing some of my teeth again because I miss the tooth fairy leaving money under my pillow!
  6. *susan*

    Just Starting Out

    Hi and welcome to LBT! Let us know if you have any questions.
  7. *susan*

    Guess who is in Onederland?

    Congratulations! Doing the happy dance for you! :Banane48:
  8. *susan*

    First Broth! Yea!!!!!

    Ahhh, I remember those days. Each time you pass from one eating stage to the next, and you have that first taste of something in the new stage, you feel as though you have literally died and gone to heaven. It is wonderful!
  9. Ha Ha, Amber, you pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. I found it grossly fascinating.
  10. *susan*

    I need your help

    Um, I think if you need us to decide for you, then perhaps you have already answered your own question. You are probably not ready for the band. It is a personal, lifelong commitment and decision that one needs to make for themselves after doing all the research they can, talking with the appropriate health professionals and examining themselves and their willingness/readiness to commit to the band and the new way of life.
  11. Wasa, I have to be really careful too. It could take me an hour, but usually after 25-30 minutes, I am bored of eating, ready to move onto something else, or just sick of eating cold food. Sometimes I just don't have time to spend that much time eating, so I will do a protein shake too.
  12. *susan*

    60 pound happy dance!

    Congratulations, you are doing awesome! :waytogo::)
  13. It takes me about 25-30 minutes. I don't use a full size dinner plate, I use the smaller dessert plate. I just go really slow because if I am not careful, I have problems.
  14. *susan*

    does your band...

    Absolutely, stress makes my band tighter. I have to be very careful if I am having a particularly stressful day and stick to something like soups.
  15. *susan*


    Hey Donna, welcome back. I am just coming off some problems with my band which resulted in some weight gain too. I had all my fill out for a while. I just got filled again yesterday and am starting over again, in my eyes. We just need to get ourselves motivated again.
  16. *susan*

    Tracey-my story

    You haven't lost much, just 21 pounds?!! 21 pounds is awesome girl!! You are doing great. The band is not like bypass, it is meant to take weight off slowly and safely, at an average of 1-2 pounds per week. You are way above that average.
  17. *susan*

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Ok, I have read many pages of this thread and am convinced... I just sent an email to my hubby with the link telling him I want a body bug for Christmas. Crossing my fingers that he gets me one, lol.
  18. *susan*

    Bowl Movement Post Op

    I went a week after I had my surgery. It finally took a good dose of Milk of Magnesia to "get things moving". Periodically, I find that I still have to use it. I usually take it at bedtime on the weekend to guarantee I will be at home near my own bathroom when things start happening.
  19. Hi Thunder, and welcome to LBT! It sounds like you have a great attitude and will do well with the band. I hear you about turning 40 and the ol' body not being what it used to be. My weight never used to slow me down, but it sure started to about the time I hit 39. Now that I am 41 and losing weight, I am starting to feel so much better. The difference in energy level is amazing. Keep us posted on how you are doing. (p.s., My parents owned a fancy steakhouse, so I grew up on steak. I have no problem eating a nice filet mignon. The cut is good and it goes down well. Just eat it in moderation).
  20. *susan*


    Congratulations to both of you on your decision to get the band. It really is life-changing. If you have any questions, just ask, we are happy to help.
  21. *susan*

    Just banded!!

    Hi Carole, congrats on getting banded! Glad you found us!
  22. *susan*


    My parents were firm believers in spanking, I, however am not. I have never spanked my children. I couldn't imagine how I would feel if my boss was unhappy with something I did, so to punish me and make sure I didn't do it again, he hit me. Or, if because someone is bigger than me, they figured they could "spank" me to make me behave in the manner they feel is appropriate. To me, spanking is humiliating. It is teaching that if you are bigger than someone, you can control their behavior through pain. I believe I am a very good parent. I have a son who will be 17 on Friday. He is in the gifted program, has never made anything but straight A's and never had any problems in school. My daughter will be 15 on Christmas. Again, she is in all honors classes, makes straight A's and never been in trouble. Other adults and their teachers frequently compliment me on how well my children behave, how respectful they are and how caring they are of others. I did all this without ever physically harming my children (aka, "spanking"). Talking with a reasonable explanation almost always worked for my kids. If not, I would remove them from the situation, put them in time-out or take away something that meant a lot to them for a period of time. This method worked great for me and I have great kids.
  23. Hmmm, I got up to do a load of laundry and hubby sat here and read this thread. First, he says he knows it has to be way more than a teaspoon. Secondly, he wants to know if I have got all my protein in today. :faint:
  24. My doctor said I could drink up to my meal, but not during my meal. After 30 minutes have passed, I can then drink. I tried drinking once during a meal, it was awful, I immediately got stuck. That cured me of that habit in a hurry. :sick

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