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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. This thread was too funny. And, I think my chocolate lab Max could out-fart all of you! He really knows how to clear a room. They are loud and as soon as he lets one, he jumps up and looks really shocked like he can't believe that came from him and then he runs and hides in the other room.
  2. *susan*

    Ladies? (waxing question)

    I really admire all of you that were brave enough to have this done. I would be terrified and would probably cry my eyes out. Plus, I would be embarrassed because I think they would need an extra person just to hold my apron up out of their way. Sorry dh, things shall remain as they are for now!
  3. *susan*

    Jacksonville, Florida

    Hey Everyone, I see Karen hasn't posted since getting banded, I was just wondering how she is doing. Hopefully she will check in soon. Kelly, what does your doctor suggest you do after getting a fill? Dr. Herrera requires us to be on liquids for 24 hours. After that, as long as I am careful, I am able to return to my normal diet.
  4. *susan*

    Do you miss eating?

    Honestly, I wouldn't really say I miss eating, because even with my band, I can pretty much eat anything, just in smaller portions. At first, I found myself getting a little upset because I thought something tasted so good and I just really wanted to eat more, but couldn't. But then I had a smack myself up across the head kind of V8 moment and realized that it isn't like I will never be able to eat this food again. I will have it again and be able to enjoy it again, just in smaller quantities. The only thing I really miss is this wonderful Italian Sandwich bread that Publix has. I used to love it with roast beef, but I just can't get the bread down anymore.
  5. *susan*

    Traveling after surgery

    After two weeks, I would think a five hour car ride would be fine. I would allow time to periodically get out and move a little, but I think you should be fine.
  6. *susan*

    Do protein bars keep you full?

    I don't know if this counts as a protein bar, but I usually have a slimfast bar for breakfast around 7:30 a.m. It keeps me full until I go to lunch at noon.
  7. *susan*


    MMM, I love alaskan snow crab legs, and they go down very easy for me. The only problem is, I really love them drenched in the melted butter. So, that is a treat that I save for once every couple of months or so.
  8. *susan*

    Biggest Loser

    I have to agree with you about him fitting in the 36 pants. My husband is much, much smaller than him and he takes a 36. I find that hard to believe. As for his mother, I thought that was wild how she had it all worked out on who they were going to vote off, and then the tables were turned on her at the last minute. They looked really shocked. This is definitely getting interesting.
  9. *susan*

    failing optifast stage!

    I would definitely talk to your doctor about how you are struggeling with this. I know my doctor has all his patients go on a diet similiar to Optifast for two to three weeks prior to surgery. I have known a few patients who were also very hungry and when they talked to him about it, he permitted them to have a small chicken breast in the evenings. Perhaps your doctor would be willing to allow something such as that as well.
  10. *susan*

    New From Ga

    Wow, a clinical trial? That sounds very interesting. It will be awesome for you and your sister to be able to go through this journey together. Please keep us posted on how things go.
  11. *susan*

    Hello From Georgia

    Hi there, and welcome to LBT! I started off in Central Florida, then we moved to Duluth, which is basically Atlanta for awhile. That area was just way to busy for me. So, we relocated back to Florida about 4 years ago. We ended up in Jacksonville and absolutely love it here. Anyways, glad you found us.
  12. *susan*

    Jacksonville, Florida

    Hi Everyone! I have been away from the forum for a while, and was so excited to see a Jacksonville thread! I am from Jacksonville, Mandarin area. Dr. Herrera did my surgery at St. Vincent's. He is absolutely wonderful. I have had some problems, so even though I was banded in April of 2006, I have not lost a lot of weight. But, I am trying to get back on track and have always found that coming back to LBT is great for the support and advice I need. And, when possible, I love giving and offering support as well. So, maybe as an "older" bandster, I can offer you guys some insight and advice, and you guys can help me regain the excitement and promise of having this wonderful tool and get my booty back in gear. I look forward to talking to all of you!
  13. I am 100% in agreement that you need to see another doctor. You, or your insurance company, have paid him a lot of money to properly take care of you. You are the boss here, if he refuses to do a flouro on you, then find another good, reputable doctor in your area who will.
  14. *susan*

    Biggest Loser

    Angie, I so agree with you! After every commercial they recap what we just saw,what, do they think we all suffer from short term memory loss or something? And the in-show ads are getting annoying too. But, I am still addicted. I also agree about the yellow team. They are divorced, apparently both have new significant others, but are doing this together and sharing a room. If I was the SO, I would be pissed. Especially with the way he is always hanging on her. And, apparently this week he is going to confess how much he still really cares for her. That should be interesting.
  15. *susan*

    Hello Fabulous Fourties!!!

    Hi All, wow, I was away from the forum for a month and everything completely changed while I was gone. I am 41, although I still find that hard to believe. It seems like just yesterday I was graduating high school! Anywho, I will have been banded for two years on April 28th. I am so embarrassed by my low weight loss, that I have removed my ticker and any reference to it from my signature. I did so awesome the first year. Then, I started having problem after problem. I ended up having a complete unfill in October to help alleviate some of my problems. It worked, thank goodness. I had another fill in December, but my doctor wants to take it very slow because of the problems I had, so I still have no restriction. Ok, here is the really stupid part, I desperately need a fill, but have avoided going to my doctor for one because I am so ashamed and embarrassed about how much weight I have gained. I have gained nearly 20 pounds since my complete unfill. I have completely launched back into all my old habits and can't seem to pull myself out of this downward spiral. I know what I am supposed to be doing, I just can't seem to get motivated to do it. So, I decided I needed to come back here to get some support. I was so excited to see the new forums with age related threads. I am hoping to get some support from people close to my age who understand what I am going through and will help kick my booty back into gear. I look forward to getting to know all of you and offering as much support as I can as well.
  16. *susan*

    Help me come up with a new SN!

    Ha ha, it sounds almost pornographic. I like it! :bounce:
  17. *susan*

    Flipped port operation

    Hi, my port flipped 4 months after I got banded. The surgery was a breeze, I was in and out of the hospital in about 2 hours. They did what they call "twilight" anesthia. I was asleep, but not for long. The recovery was very easy and I was back at work the next day. I had some mild discomfort, kind of like a pulling sensation, but that was all.
  18. This is just what I need to get my rear in gear! name ...... starting# ....... current#.........goal#.......togo# Rainer...........264................264..............248.........16 wombat712....154.8.............154.8............140.........14.8 LessnLess......172................172..............164.........8 metawnny......252................252..............240.........12 Skinny_Jill......195.................195.............180..........15 Candle .........218.................218..............207.........11 KarenG..........207.................207.............199...........8 Hopping to it .350.................314.............294..........20 SWEETY........180.................180.............170..........10 juliegeraci.......220.................220.............210..........8 Trystelle.........219.................219.............205..........14 Susan4794......240.................240............225..........15
  19. *susan*

    Sweet Spot? And Caloric intake?

    I don't really monitor how many calories I eat in a day. To be honest, when I got my band, one of my plans was to not have to count calories anymore. The only time I did was about a month ago just to see what I was doing. I was eating around 1350 a day, which gave me an average weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week. That is perfect, as that is what we should average with the band.
  20. *susan*

    Was it like this for you??

    It takes some people as many as 3 or 4 fills to get good restriction, so don't worry, you are doing fine. When I had my band, I didn't get actual restriction until after my second fill, which was four months after I got banded. As for golf balls, personally, I don't want to experience them. It usually means I am not working well with my band, or am overfilled, and that is not good.
  21. It took two fills for me and things were great. You can absolutely gain weight from being overfilled, I am a perfect example. I had lots of problems last year and due to my own personal issues was unable to get to the doctor to get unfilled. Ice cream was my friend and I gained. I had a complete unfill in early November. In December I got a fill, but it wasn't enough so I am going back next week to "tweak" it and then hopefully the weight will start coming off again.
  22. *susan*


    I take Viactive chewable vitamins. They have ones with extra iron for woman. And, they satisfy that urge to chew and have chocolate!
  23. *susan*

    Drinking While Eating

    I actually stopped drinking with meals when I started my pre-op diet so by the time I was banded I would already be used to it. Plus, like others, I experience pain if I drink with my meals. My daughter usually fixes our drinks at dinner and just doesn't put one out for me. When I go to restaurants, I never order a drink. It is always kind of funny because the wait staff get really concerned that I don't want anything and constantly keep asking me if I am really sure I don't want anything.
  24. *susan*

    So Annoying!

    First off, if I had seen the show, I probably would have responded by sending them an email explaining that they should do more research before making such an ill-informed statement. Perhaps they should interview some wls patients to find out from them just how "easy" this really is. Secondly, I agree. Who cares how I lost the weight or how they lost the weight? The important thing is that we do lose the weight and get healthy!
  25. *susan*

    Completely opening the band

    I had some problems recently and had my band completely unfilled for about six weeks. It was like I had no band at all. The hunger returned and I could eat anything I wanted to. Not a feeling I liked! So, I would say yes, if you have your band completely unfilled, you can probably eat anything you want. Like the other poster, I am not sure what you mean by a "normal" diet. To me, a "normal" diet is eating healthy, which I do with my band. Once I reach goal, I do not intend to have my fill taken out because, as I learned over those six weeks, I quickly return to my old habits.

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