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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Full Liquid Stage Recipies

    Hi Patti, Here is a link to the liquid stage recipes in the food forum as well. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/liquid-stage-recipes-17636/
  2. *susan*

    Mushy Stage Recipies

    Hi Patti, Have you checked here http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/mushies-stage-recipes-17637/ as this is a sticky for mushy stage recipes.
  3. Hi Karaleeh, I am sorry you have not had any responses to this yet. Perhaps you can try posting in the Canada forum?
  4. Not from the area, but am bumping this for Laura.
  5. *susan*

    I need a swift kick in the...

    It is so tough to get in the exercise mode. I once heard that once you do anything for 30 days, it becomes a habit. I think that is true, because that is what happened to me with my treadmill. I used to dread it, but now, I go into panick mode if I don't do it. When I was working on getting myself into the habit, I set reminders on my blackberry to exercise. Then, if I was really good and met my exercise goal for the week, I would reward myself. I let my family all know what my goal was and what my reward was so I couldn't cheat. I looked forward to getting a manicure, a new shirt, things like that.
  6. *susan*

    Jacksonville, Florida

    I would love to get together with some local LBT'ers, and can certainly use the support as well! Whatever everyone decides, definitely count me in!!
  7. *susan*

    New from NC

    Hi Grammy and welcome! We are glad you found us. Wow, 50 pounds already! You are doing fabulous.
  8. *susan*

    Hi there!

    Hi Alisa and welcome to LBT! We are glad to have you join us and here if you have any questions along the way. Let us know how things progress with the insurance process. I know it can be frustrating, but the end reward is very much worth it. By the way, I love your user name. My daughter says that all the time.
  9. *susan*

    I have a surgery date!

    Sheryl, that is great news, before you know it you will be banded. I, along with many of us on the forums, was also self-pay. Despite the expense involved, not once have I regretted my decision.
  10. Hi Lily! Welcome to LBT,we are so glad you joined us. We look forward to getting to know you and sharing your band journey with you. Newgal, many medications are available in liquid form. Perhaps you need to ask your doctor if your blood pressure medication is. As far as weight loss, it is important to remember that the time right after your surgery is for healing, not losing weight. The band is designed to work once you start getting fills, which you have not done yet. But once you have had a couple of fills and reach your sweet spot, you will begin losing weight.
  11. *susan*

    Chicken Fight

    Ahh, the memories of our first PB. Mine was on corn and I still remember the pain to this day. And, as mentioned above, I was pretty green and didn't know much about pb'ing, so the first thing I did was try and wash it down with water. That was the worst pain I ever experienced, and a hard lesson learned.
  12. *susan*

    Newcomer in KC

    Hi and welcome to LBT. We are glad to have you here with us. Your date is getting close! Let us know if you have any questions, we are happy to help.
  13. Oh oh, PhotoEgor, I think you may be in trouble with the wife!
  14. *susan*

    Question for the Veteran Banded...

    Jachut, McDonalds is truly revolting to me now. I used to practically live on their fries. Now, I can't even stand the smell of them. I may as well poor some grease in a glass and lick it up as eat a french fry! :thumbup:
  15. *susan*

    Question for the Veteran Banded...

    I am not able to eat the regular or thick crust. But I have no problem with thin crust pizza, as long as I eat slow and carefully. I can eat one piece and sometimes 1 1/2 pieces of Papa John's thin crust pizza.
  16. *susan*

    The night before surgery

    Hi Ruth, I am so excited for you, you will be banded before you know it girl! I know how hard it is to sleep the night before. I took a nice, long bubble bath before going to bed, with candles and music and it really helped me relax and made going to sleep easier. Once you get to the hospital, things will go so quickly. One minute the doctor will be telling you to count backwards from 100 and the next thing you know, you wake up and are banded! I am sure everything will go well for you. Please let us know how you are doing as soon as you feel up to it.
  17. *susan*

    Hungry! Hungry! Hungry! Help me please!

    It just sounds to me like you have not yet reached proper restriction. Sometimes it takes many fills and many months to reach that point. When are you scheduled for your next fill? Maybe you need to move it up. Also, are you making sure you get in plenty of Protein? Protein really does help curb hunger. And, drink plenty of Water between meals as well.
  18. *susan*

    The Stupid S&^t we Say...

    I think one of the dumbest things I do is when I am not restricted and I start eating more than I should. Next thing I know, the scale has gone up a bit instead of down. Simple resolution is to go to the doctor for a fill, right? Wrong, I put it off because I am embarrassed because I have gained weight, which results in my gaining more weight. Dummy, that is the purpose of the fills, to restrict me, I need to learn to make that appointment as soon as I lose restriction, lol.
  19. *susan*

    crossing my legs at long last!!

    Crossing your legs is a great NSV! Congratulations!!! :thumbup:
  20. *susan*

    Lap band to get pregnant

    Hi, I have also PCOS. My symptoms really did not get bad until after I had children though. There is another thread that you may want to check out that is dedicated to people with PCOS at http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/those-who-have-pcos-44999/ You will be able to get great support there and hear from many others who are going through the same thing as you. Best of luck to you.
  21. *susan*

    New from NorCal

    Hi and welcome to LBT! Unfortunately, there are many insurances that still do not cover lapband, but will cover other types of wls. It is truly very frustrating. But, if your insurance does not cover, there are many ways out there to finance and pay for your surgery available to you. The band will definitely help you with hunger issues. You stay full much longer after meals. Drinking plenty of Water between meals also helps. Sometimes, your body fools you into thinking you are hungry, when what you really are is thirsty. Keep us posted on your progress and let us know if you have any questions.
  22. *susan*

    New From Covington, WA

    Hi Rondi and welcome to LBT! I was also private pay, we refinanced the house to pay for the surgery. But, we considered that such a small price to pay considering the wonderful benefits I have reaped from the band. Keep us posted as things progress and let us know if you have any questions.
  23. *susan*

    Just Banded In Idaho

    Oh, I remember that pain. Actually, for the first week, I slept in a recliner and found that to really help with the pain from trying to go from sitting to an upright position. I also used a heating pad on my tummy and that helped a lot.
  24. *susan*

    mrs carol snead

    Hi Carol and welcome to LBT! Keep us posted on your journey and don't hesitate to ask questions if you need help.
  25. *susan*

    Not so sunny Florida..

    I think feeling a bit blue after surgery is to be expected. You were so excited and filled with both anticipation and nerves prior to the surgery, that once you have it and are at home and in recovery mode, it seems a bit of a let down. During the liquid and mushy stages, you may mourn a bit over food. However, once you get back to a "normal" diet, I think you will find that you can eat most anything, just in smaller quantities. You can still treat yourself and do so comfortably with the knowledge that your band will keep you from over-indulging.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
