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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. Sometimes it can be a long process, but it is so worth it. It won't be long now, congratulations!
  2. *susan*

    :') so close i can taste it

    Wow, that is amazing, so happy for you!
  3. *susan*

    at the hospital!

    Awesome, good luck and let us know how you are doing as soon as you feel up to it!
  4. I have always had large breasts, and when I was 20 I had a breast reduction from HHH cups to DD. When I had my surgery, I was a 44DD. 100 pounds later I am now a 34DD. So, no change in cup size here.
  5. *susan*

    New to the Community

    Welcome, we are glad to have you join us!
  6. *susan*

    I lied.

    LisaLoseALotx2, I have deleted your comments. We are done with people calling each other names, making accusations and being generally disrespectful to one another. Please review our forum rules if you have any questions, or contact me privately. Thank you.
  7. Check you out! You are totally rocking your sleeve, way to go!
  8. *susan*

    Dr Luna

    Clearly, there is. That is why I said I am ending all the arguing, name calling, etc. Whether negative or positive, everyone is permitted to post their own personal experiences.
  9. *susan*

    Dr Luna

    We don't pull them off because members have a right to be informed. However, we are putting a stop to all the arguing going on, as mentioned in my previous post. Anyone who feels the need to continue to argue should take it to pm.
  10. *susan*

    Dr Luna

    Heybaby, really, you went back and dug up a month old thread just so you can further instigate a topic that has already been argued to death and caused a great deal of dissension on the forums? Please people, the arguing, name calling, etc. has gone on long enough. Lets get back to what our website is here for, and be supportive of one another instead of jumping from thread to thread to see what new, ridiculous fighting can be brought up with regards to this subject. If you want to keep it up, I will be more than happy to start issuing bans if that is what it takes to bring peace back here.
  11. *susan*

    Best condom idea, ever!

    No worries, it's all good!
  12. *susan*

    New to the site!

    You are most welcome!
  13. *susan*

    Best condom idea, ever!

    I'm terribly sorry that you find my enforcing our forum rules to be a "controlling issue" for me. However, the men's forum was created as a specific forum for men to post issues directly related to them and to be able to discuss them with other men; as was the powder room created for specific women's issues. While you may not see them posting it directly here, for fear of retribution from certain members, we are often contacted privately from members who are afraid to post in the gender specific forums because very often members of the other gender join in and it ends up turning into a big joke. Now, perhaps you will look at previous messages in this post, and see that Alex, VST Founder, also deleted several female posts. Would you like to address him as controlling too? My suggestion would be that if you have an opinion about the way this site is administered, you contact myself or Alex personally, as opposed to turning a thread into your own personal agenda. There are only two forums on this entire site that are gender specific. You are permitted to post on every other forum here. Why is it so difficult for people to respect these boundaries? Alex and myself cannot be everywhere at once, but when members report a post, we respond. And, we are responding to this thread because members are reporting that females are posting in the male only forum.
  14. *susan*

    When You Make Smoothies...

    I haven't heard of anyone yet who got fat from eating too many fruits and vegetables. Again, good carbs versus bad.
  15. *susan*

    My story made the news!

    Awesome! You are a celebrity!
  16. *susan*


    That is so exciting, congratulations!!
  17. *susan*

    Best condom idea, ever!

    Ladies, please remember this is the man's forum, not the ladies forum. And, every forum except this one and the powder room are unisex forums. You are welcome to post "unisex" topics in the lounge as well. Thank you.
  18. *susan*

    And, now the wait

    Crossing my fingers and toes for your approval!
  19. *susan*

    ice cold water...

    Even as far out as I am now, I prefer my water at room temperature. Anything colder just plain hurts.
  20. *susan*

    started my process!

    Welcome to the forums, sounds like things are moving along well for you. We look forward to following your progress.
  21. *susan*

    My first post

    Welcome to VST, we are excited to have you join us!
  22. *susan*

    New to the site!

    Sorry I am so late to the party, but welcome to our forums, we are glad to have you join us!
  23. *susan*

    Thank You Jesus!

    Ha ha, glad you were able to get some relief.
  24. *susan*

    Long term PPI usage

    Goodness, even as far out as I am, if I miss one day of my Prilosec I am absolutely miserable. I never had a problem pre-sleeve. I guess some of us are just destined to have to continue taking it.
  25. *susan*


    If you do a search here four pages of results will come up. He is a fabulous surgeon.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
