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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    American Idol '08

    I agree about David Cook's hair, it is annoying. But, his performance of Bille Jean was one of the best I have ever heard on any Idol. And, I don't like Jason's dreads, they look kind of dirty to me. Brooke has slipped a bit, but I still like her and am hoping she comes back next week. I am so annoyed that Remiele is still there, she is the one who really, really bugs me. She is whiny and acts about 3. David A. has a great voice, but I don't think he is much of a performer. Maybe in a few years, with some maturity, but right now I just don't think he is an "American Idol".
  2. *susan*

    Help me find my daughter a bathing suit, PLEASE!

    Thanks for the sites guys, I am definitely going to check them out. Her father and stepfather are all about "more coverage", lol.
  3. *susan*

    Parents pick prayer over docs; girl dies

    See, if they were charged, went to trial and I was on the jury, I would have no problem convicting them. I know there are a lot of religious folks out there, but I have yet to see any evidence of prayer saving anyone. Just my opinion.
  4. *susan*

    Advice you can take or leave, but please listen..

    Very well said!
  5. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I have a question... I have yet to experience these "rainbow farts" you guys keep talking about and am feeling like I am missing out on a prime bandster experience. If I eat a bag of skittles, will I then be able to have "rainbow farts"? And, will they smell fruity?
  6. *susan*

    LapBandTalk CHAT

    Alex, I was going into LBT withdrawal last night, lol!! I even sent you an email because I was so stressed about not being able to get on.
  7. *susan*

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Oh hell no!!!
  8. *susan*

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Ok, I showed this thread to my hubby, and the charcoal underware and now he is in on his computer reading OH and I keep hearing laughter coming from the den.
  9. *susan*

    Parents pick prayer over docs; girl dies

    I think they basically murdered their daughter due to neglect for not seeking the proper medical attention that she so obviously needed!
  10. Brandy, First, I am assuming because they didn't know the size of your band, that whoever does your fills is not the surgeon that placed your band? My concern is this, you say you were having problems eating "the good foods" but not the things that traditionally get by the band easily. Then you say you went to your "filler", explained your problems and got another fill. Where are you getting your fills? It sounds to me like you were probably too tight to begin with, and then they made you even tighter. Perhaps you need to find a new fill doctor. Also, I have had the experience of being overfilled and know the effects it can have on you. You might need to get a complete unfill to give your body time to heal. Possibly liquids only for a few days after that unfill would be helpful as well. Then, be a little less agressive with the fills and slowly work your way up to optimum restriction. If you are at proper restriction, you may be a little tight in the mornings, but the rest of the time you should be able to get most foods down comfortably so long as you are following the rules of bandster eating. I hope you get better soon.
  11. *susan*

    I think my band has got to go.....

    I am so sorry to hear that this has happened to you. Please keep us posted on how things go.
  12. *susan*


    You are doing awesome, congratulations! I love that you have a reward for reaching your mini goal. I think those little rewards are great motivators.
  13. *susan*

    Purees!!! Yeah!!

    Check out these threads: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/mushies-stage-recipes-17637/ http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/lapband-food-stages-lists-suggestions-3995/
  14. Congratulations on getting to onederland! That is wonderful.
  15. The band is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I have no shame in having it. Why should I be ashamed that I am doing what I have to do to improve my health, be happier, more self-confident and increase my lifespan so I will be hear to see my kids kids, etc.?
  16. *susan*

    4 weeks post op, hungry and not losing

    As the others said, what you are feeling is perfectly normal. Right now is your time for healing, not dieting and losing weight. Many people even gain weight before they reach proper restriction. With no fill it is basically like you were before you were banded. Another important thing to remember is that you might not necessarily get the restriction you are looking for with your first fill either. For many people, it takes several fills to reach their "sweet spot". You have to be patient with the process.
  17. I have no problem with steak, as long as it isn't a cheap cut. Filet mignon goes down very well for me.
  18. *susan*

    Molly Version 2.0

    Hi Molly and welcome! I love your user name, it is cute. You are so right about LBT. It is great to be able to come here and chat with others who are going through the same victories and struggles as we are. We look forward to getting to know you as progress through your journey.
  19. *susan*

    Getting closer and closer

    Hi there and welcome to LBT! We are so glad you have joined us. I completely understand your desire to have a new you to go with your new life, as well as wanting to be able to play with your children. The band is a wonderful tool. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
  20. My husband won the trip from GM. He has the one of the highest customer service ratings in the Southeast, so they are sending us out there to attend a big awards banquet. That is the only obligation we have while there, is to attend the banquet for about two hours to get his award and the rest of the time is ours.
  21. Aubrie, my dh won an all expense paid trip to Vegas for two next month as well! I am nervous about it, because I have never been on a plane in my life. Plus, I just had a fill on Monday and have restriction for the first time in forever. Now I am worried about my band getting too tight while on vacation, between my nerves and the actual flying.
  22. Ugh, you poor thing, that had to have been miserable for you. I am so sorry you had to go through that. And, like others have mentioned, completely perplexed that you were allowed to go home without peeing first. That is very unusual.
  23. *susan*

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    I agree with Wheetsin. I joined there a couple of years ago, but left as soon as I discovered LBT. Me thinks I may also have to re-subscribe just for the entertainment value.
  24. *susan*

    Losing too much weight

    What I got from Grace's post was that she feels America's ideal of what is attractive and healthy looking is not necessarily in jive with the rest of the world. I also think that she was saying that on her, a size six is too small because she feels she her bones stick out too much and that is an unattractive look for her. And that may be very true for her. I have never met her, I do not know how tall she is, I do not know her body build and bone structure. While a size six or smaller may be very healthy and attractive for one type of body build, it may very well make someone of another type body build look too small and unhealthy. Just because she chooses to not get down to something smaller than a six does not mean she is choosing to be unhealthy. I am 41 years old. I don't anticipate even coming close to a size 6. I am looking for a 10 or 12 and I will be thrilled, and that will be a healthy weight/size for my age and body build. I don't think any of us should criticize anyone for what they choose to set their weight goal to. The fact is, anything is healthier than where we were when we started, and just by losing a little weight, we are adding years to our lives. Lets remember to be supportive of one another and not critical of each other's choices.
  25. *susan*

    American Idol '08

    Ok, Remiele needs to go home!!! I am so over her. She acts like she is 3 and is annoying. Michael Johns was great tonight, I really enjoyed him. But, the one I am still shocked over was David Cook. I was really hoping he would do something good tonight. Then they announce he is doing Michael Jackson's Bille Jean and I absolutely cringed. I was like, "what in the world was he thinking". But man, the way he changed that song and what he did with it was absolutely awesome! I loved it.

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