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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Help! Lunch advice?

    This is another good thread for lunch ideas: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/lunch-box-ideas-54501/
  2. *susan*

    12 hrs til im banded x

    Good luck, I am sure everything will go well.
  3. I am hoping some of my LBT friends will be able to help me. My daughter is 15 and, as usual, we are having a terrible time finding her a bathing suit. In terms of pant sizes, she is a 8. But, she takes after her mom in the boobs and is a 34D. Like most teen girls, she wants to wear a two-piece bathing suit. I don't mind her wearing a bikini, but we can't find one that is appropriate for a large-breasted teenage girl. Any suggestions on stores or websites where I might find some suits for her? I have tried Venus, Lands End, Speedo, etc. Thanks.
  4. *susan*

    All you people do is complain...

    We have a Maxwell House coffe plant by us. I am not a coffee drinker to begin with, and that smell is just overpowering and I hate it.
  5. *susan*

    New Features Added to LBT

    Awesome new features, Alex!!!
  6. *susan*

    Having trouble drinking your water?

    I am not a big fan of plain old water either. If it weren't for crystal light, I probably wouldn't get any in.
  7. *susan*

    Soda - Is this dumb?

    I thought it would be so tough to give up diet coke, but it really wasn't. I used to drink at least 6 or 7 a day. But, I tried it once since getting banded, and I couldn't stand the taste, texture, or anything.
  8. *susan*

    Hello from Texas

    Hi and welcome. Congrats on joining the band!
  9. *susan*


    Lapband is definitely less invasive. There are stickies at the top of most of the forums that are loaded with good information for you.
  10. *susan*

    New from IL...

    Hi Tonya, and welcome!
  11. *susan*

    MissWilde (UK)

    Hi there and welcome to LBT! Keep us posted on how things are going and let us know if you have any questions.
  12. *susan*

    Remember me? Anyone?

    Hi there and welcome back, I do remember you!
  13. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    If your referring to the post I think you are, that made absolutely no sense whatsoever! I am still scratching my head going "huh" on that one.
  14. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I love your tattoo, it is gorgeous! How long did it take? I have a hummingbird in a flower on my right calf. That one didn't even hurt, but there is more fat tissue there than the back. I haven't figured out where I will put my goal one yet, but was thinking right shoulder.
  15. *susan*

    NASCAR Fans

    Ok, if Mindy can post in the "mens room" so can I! :scared2: My favorite drive is Tony Stewart, that man is awesome, can flat out drive a race car, and I love his tell it like it is attitude. I have to agree with Mindy, I love Junior, but I can't stand Gordon or Johnson and really wish he had gone with another team. I also really like Harvick.
  16. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    You have to post pics of your tattoo, please! I want to get a new one when I reach goal too, but I want it to symbolize my weight loss, and am not sure what to get that will do that. What did you get?
  17. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Same here, but please only send the ones that smell like fruity skittles.
  18. *susan*

    All you people do is complain...

    GaLina, where did this come from? Wheetsin is a well respected member of LBT, not to mention a super moderator. She is very eloquent in her postings and very knowledgeable. I really do not understand what it is you found in her post to be arrogant. Please explain. Also, please explain what "supidity" and "difinition" means. Thank you.
  19. *susan*

    Just Starting

    Hi and welcome! The lapband is a wonderful tool and will help you achieve your goals. Let us know if you have any questions as your journey progresses, we are all happy to help.
  20. *susan*

    April 06 Bandsters, how are we doing?

    Hey all, I know, I can't believe it will be 2 years next month since being banded. The first year was so wonderful, I was in bandster heaven. Then, for the past year I was in bandster hell. Probably some of you have read my postings. Long story short, I got overfilled and let it stay that way for ages due to some financial issues. Stupid me, I know. I lived on ice cream because it was one of the few things that passed through. Everything else made me pb. I ended up gaining 23 pounds!!! :thumbup: When I finally had enough and went to my doctor, he was not happy with me. He said my health was more important than money and to not ever do that again. He refused to charge me for my visits either. He was so awesome. I had to have a complete unfill because I had a minor slip from all the pb'ing and had really irritated my esophagus. We determined I am one of these who has to go really slow with my fills as a little bit can effect me a lot. I have slowly worked my way back up and as of Monday's fill, I finally feel I am once again at my sweet spot and lost 4 pounds this week. I am still loving my band and confident that I will reach my goal! I see many of our fellow April 06 bandsters have reached goal, or are pretty close, way to go guys! For the rest of us, we can do this and we will succeed!!
  21. *susan*

    Jacksonville, Florida

    Hi Tina, sorry to hear about your ankle, is it feeling better? The 17th will be here before you know it. I am so excited guys, after a year of ups and downs, I have finally slowly worked my way back up to restriction. I had a fill on Monday and feel like I am finally back at my sweet spot, I lost 4 pounds this week!! Yay me! So, where are we at with getting together? I haven't heard anything in a bit and would sure love to get together with all of you.
  22. Ha Ha, you bet it will too!!!
  23. First off, I am not an expert by any means, nor am I a doctor or a nutritionist. But, like Jachut said so wonderfully, this a lifestyle, not a diet. And, if you deprive yourself, that is most likely when those foods will control you and you will binge. For me, getting the band was just the start of my change. I also had to change the way I think about food. Yes, there are certain foods that you can eat and pass right by the band. That is where you need to get in the right mind set. When I want a cookie, or some chips, I eat them. But, I don't sit down with the whole bag. I get one or two cookies and put the rest back. And, I remind myself that yes, I am enjoying them, yes they do taste good, but no, I don't need to eat the whole bag. They are not going to stop making them. I can eat a couple and then have some another day when I want some. I enjoy life, I enjoy living and I enjoy food. I make healthier choices, but I also allow myself treats. If I am making the right choices, eating my Protein first, then veges, etc. then I know I am getting a good amount of protein and other nutrients that my body needs. I take my Vitamins, I exercise and I enjoy my new, healthier soon to be one sexy 41 year old self!! :thumbup:
  24. The best thing to do is have this exact conversation with your doctor and see what he/she suggests is best for you.
  25. *susan*

    The Date Has Been Set!!!

    Congrats on getting your date! You are on your way to a healthier new you.

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