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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    American Idol '08

    Is anyone else besides me sitting there scratching their head and wondering what the heck happened tonight? I really thought Jason and Brooke would be in the bottom two with Jason going home. I am so confused.
  2. *susan*

    American Idol '08

    Is anyone else besides me sitting there scratching their head and wondering what the heck happened tonight? I really thought Jason and Brooke would be in the bottom two with Jason going home. I am so confused.
  3. I am just amazed by this entire thread. People, we have all suffered with the issues of being overweight and all the insecurities that go along with it. Why would any of us, in turn want to point fingers at others and say they are fat and should get banded? Just because they are celebrities, does not mean they don't suffer with the same food issues as we do. We should be sympathetic to them, not making a fun time of picking out those who we think are fat and need bands. How would you feel if you found out people were sitting around having a discussion about weight loss surgery and voted that you need it?
  4. *susan*

    just staring my journey

    Hi there, and welcome to LBT. Let us know if you have any questions, we are glad to help and look forward to getting to know you.
  5. *susan*

    New Here

    Hi and welcome! We are glad to have you join us. I take it from your user name, you are a fan of jeeping? DH and I love to take our jeep out to the woods on the weekends and participate in some jeep clubs as well.
  6. *susan*

    I have a complaint!

    You know, I had the same problem with Algebra. I took it my junior year, failed and had to take it again my senior year. I had to pass it in order to graduate. I really think my algebra teacher had enough of me and my clueless self and gave me a D- just to get me out of there.
  7. *susan*

    The Great Flood

    Pier I is my favorite store!!!
  8. That would be wonderful if he would let you do it. Then maybe we could all gain a better insight into his problems.
  9. *susan*

    Jacksonville, Florida

    Hi Tina, glad you are doing so well. Congrats on being an official bandster. That gas can be a bit uncomfortable, do you have your Gas-X ready?
  10. *susan*

    First fill today.. no problems

    As restriction varies for everyone, only you can answer that question.
  11. JACK!! I am 41 and deeply, deeply hurt. In fact, I may never recover from this. First, I have to call my doctor and have my band removed because I am too old, and now my advise won't be any good for another four years!! :crying: :cry_smile:
  12. *susan*

    Surgery is in May

    Hi and welcome to LBT! You have chosen a wonderful tool to help you achieve your goals. Let us know if you have any questions, we are glad to help and look forward to getting to know you.
  13. *susan*

    off track

    First off, I would like to welcome you LBT. I guess before we can offer ideas, we need to ask some questions first. When was your last fill? Do you feel like you need one now? Are you eating around the band? Have you tried monitoring your caloric intake at a site such at Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate or FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal ? Perhaps you could post a sample of your usual daily menu.
  14. Hi Jen, and welcome! We are glad you have joined us and look forward to getting to know you.
  15. I am moving this thread to Rants and Raves. It has gotten to volatile to remain in the complications forum.
  16. You probably felt somewhat compelled to watch that movie and found it difficult to look away. Just like when one is driving down the road and we see something awful, we just can't help looking. You have referenced several times that people do want to hear what you are saying based on the number of views this thread has had. I offer up a different arguement here. People love drama, they are drawn to it, they find they can't just ignore it and look away. When someone sees a thread with so many replies, and see this same thread is being talked about in R and R as well, they are drawn to it. They want to see what all the drama is about. Curiosity is human nature, so they open up the thread. It is not necessarily because they want to hear what you have to say, although I am sure some do, but just as many open it up just to see what the drama is all about.
  17. Ok, first off, take a deep breath, thats right, breathe....... This is one person, just one. In every type of surgery, there are certain risks and a certain, small percentage of people who will have complications. That is a fact. However, you have to weigh the number of those who have benefited versus those who have complications. Then, you have to weigh those small amount of complications versus the far larger benefits you are likely to receive by getting wls. Please don't take this one post as gospel. Yes, I believe he has had some sort of complication, but I believe it may not have been as bad had he sought proper medical attention sooner. As many people have also already pointed out, he is claiming one doctor made a statement about the band coming off the market. Most studies, as pointed out, show that the band is actually proving to be a very effective tool. He has been unable/unwilling to provide us with any information regarding the doctor he states made this claim. Without that information to back it up, again, I would not take it as gospel, but with a grain of salt instead. If you read, you will find there are many, many people here at LBT that are banded and loving it, myself included. And, there are many more that used to post here but we do not see them as often because they are out living their wonderful, new, healthier lives.
  18. *susan*

    Jacksonville, Florida

    Hey JOHNST027, I see your surgery was today. As soon as you feel up to it, let us know how everything went.
  19. Headhunter, I think that until you stop taking the time to argue every comment someone posts, and do as someone else suggested and take the time to type up your full story in word and then copy and paste it here, you are going to continue to catch a lot of flack from our members. It is very, very difficult to sympathize with you when you only post tiny snippets here and there of what happened instead of giving us the full story. All you are doing is confusing people. You say you have lawsuits pending, but to do that, don't you have to have lawyers? You said you don't have one yet because you are waiting for a relative who is not a malpractice attorney to recommend one to you. So, using that as an example, you tend to contradict yourself at times. So, again, I respectfully would like to request that you just take the time to give us the full story. Then, everyone can be better informed and possibly more sympathetic to your plight.
  20. I also have not had any gas problems as you have described.
  21. *susan*

    New, but not newly banded

    Hi Tricia, and welcome! Isn't the increased energy level great?! I love the fact that I can now go hiking and such with my family and not feel ready to pass out after the first ten minutes!
  22. Hi Joanna and welcome! That is wonderful that you have a date. I never doubted my decision to get the band. I was so excited at the opportunity to change my life, I just couldn't wait for the day to get here.
  23. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Congratulations, Grandma Denise!!!
  24. You can see yours? How? Where?

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