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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*


    If you eat, and then proceed to "puke" that is not proper restriction, that is being over restricted. When overfilled, people tend to eat things that go around the band (slider foods) and those things tend to be less healthy and higher in calories. I was over restricted and most foods made me pb. In order to compensate, I learned to eat slider foods and actually managed to gain weight while being too restricted. Secondly, I am sorry, but 800 calories a day truly does seem like too few to me, especially when exercising. Are you tracking what you eat, along with your daily fitness? If so, that may give you better insight as to why you are not losing. I was at a bit of a standstill when I was exercising and only eating about 1200 calories a day. I upped my caloric intake to between 1500 and 1700 a day and am now losing about 2 pounds per week. Perhaps meeting with a nutritionist or personal trainer to better evaluate exactly what you are doing and what your body needs to lose weight would be a good idea. Lastly, everyone please remember that like the others said, the band is a tool. We do have to commit to better, healthier habits. And, this is not gastric bypass. The band is designed for us to lose a healthy 1-2 pounds per week.
  2. *susan*

    I Got My Approval

    Congrats on winning the appeal, that is wonderful! It won't be long now.
  3. Hi there and welcome to LBT. Have you checked in the local support forums for people near you? The Georgia forum is linked below for you: Georgia Local Lap-Band Support
  4. *susan*

    Subscribe to forums

    Glad to help. :wink2:
  5. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Laurend: Way to go!!! LJM: I think you may have just given me another reason not to take up running. BBK: Welcome back, how are you feeling?
  6. *susan*

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Another one dropping by to send you hugs and wish you the best. I also went through it with my first husband, he cheated on me with my best friend. It is a very, very difficult thing to have to go through, and you will run through a ton of different emotions. But, whatever the outcome of the marriage, you will be a much stronger person in the end.
  7. *susan*

    Subscribe to forums

    I click on my user cp and my subscribed forums lists shows up right under my subscribed threads list.
  8. *susan*

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I gave in to the M&M's demon last week and have to make up for it this week.
  9. *susan*

    Second fill....still on liquids

    It sounds like you may be a bit too tight. Five days after a fill, any swelling, if any should have gone down by now and you should be able to eat. If you are following the bandster rules of taking tiny bites, chewing your food to mush and waiting a bit between bites but are still getting stuck, I would call your doctor and request a slight unfill.
  10. Good luck and let us know how you are feeling once you are up to it. Remember, as many people here as you may see having problems, there are many more out there loving their bands and not having problems. They tend to not hang out on the board as much once they have had their bands for a while because they are doing well, living and loving life and don't need the support as much anymore.
  11. *susan*

    Three years...and starting over.

    Hi TS, and welcome back! Yes, it is possible to have problems, rally and come back from them to begin losing weight again. I do know from experience. I had my band on 4/28/06. Like you, the first year was wonderful for me. I lost 60 pounds my first year and thought by the end of my second year I would be at goal. Then, much like you, I got overfilled. I was having financial issues and the end of my one year of free visits had come and gone. So, I let the problem persist. I finally went in for an unfill and then tried another fill two months later. I was still overfilled. Once again, I let it go on for months. I began living on things like ice cream. I gained back 20 pounds. When I finally went back to the doctor, he chastised me for not coming in, said my health was more important to him than money and refused to charge me. I had a slip in my band because I was so tight that I was pb'ing constantly. So, I had to have a complete unfill for about two months. I gained back another 10 pounds. We learned from all of this that we need to go very slow on fills with me and a little bit makes a huge difference for me. As of April, I am finally back at my sweet spot and am losing about 2 pounds a week again. I am exercising and feeling great and back in love with my band again. So, as I have shown, it is possible to come back from problems and start losing again. I have learned to not let any band problems I am having persist for more than a day or so now, it simply isn't worth it. I hope you have wonderful luck with your new surgeon. I would suggest having him do a fill under flouroscopy just to make sure everything is ok with your band. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Don't let one bad apple spoil the crate for you, so to speak. We really are a supportive group here and want to help one another. Even with the band, this is not an easy road and we all need help from time to time.
  12. *susan*

    Tomorrow's my band-day!!!

    Good luck tomorrow! Let us know how you are feeling as soon as you are up to it. Take advantage of the time in the hospital to get well rested before going home.
  13. *susan*

    Subscribe to forums

    When you are in a specific forum, you will see a drop down box marked "forum tools". Click the drop down box and select the "subscribe to forum" option.
  14. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Lol, toe stubble is the worst.
  15. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ah, that's ok. I will admit I shave my big toes. Darn PCOS.
  16. *susan*

    Ouchies ....

    Better put on lots of sunscreen and cover up before you head back out today. You sure don't need to burn more! Hope you get better quick.
  17. *susan*

    American Idol '08

    When Fantasia was on the show, I loved her. But, her performance this week was just downright awful. I agree, Simon's face said it all. That was truly a priceless moment.
  18. *susan*

    Hello Fabulous Fourties!!!

    Hi Oregonrose, glad to hear you are recovering well. Actually, the area under your breast that is hurting is probably your port. You usually do not feel much pain from the band itself. The port area is what is usually the most tender after banding. It will get better though. Congrats on being an official bandster.
  19. *susan*

    Do you keep a food journal?

    See, I am a major computer and gadget geek. So, using the daily plate is just another excuse for me to play on the computer. I also like that I can access their mobile site via my blackberry as well. So, no matter where I am, I really have no excuse for not checking what I am eating and recording it.
  20. I love your page, the background is awesome!

  21. *susan*

    Post-op diet????

    I agree, you need to follow your doctor's orders when it comes to the post-op diet. He knows what is best for you. Why risk doing damage to your band?
  22. *susan*

    Healthy Homemade Ice cream

    This sounds good, I may have to give it a try. Thanks for posting!
  23. *susan*

    Lap Band Costs

    Hi Alex, I had mine done in Jacksonville, Florida. I was self-pay and the cost was $16,500.00. That included everything at no charge for the first year (fills, my port flipped and that was covered, etc.). Now, my office visits are $35.00 and fills are $150.00.
  24. *susan*

    plateau problem

    As the others said, I love the daily plate as well. It has really helped me gain insight into what I am eating. There were things I was eating that I thought were quite nutritious and I have now learned they are loaded with calories and not so good for me after all. Also, I recently joined a gym. One of the things the personal trainer recommended was that I start my day with 30 minutes of cardio. He said that gets the metabolism going first thing in the morning. I admit, I am not one that likes getting out of bed early in the morning, especially to exercise, but this really does seem to make a difference. I am also a strong supporter of eating several smalls meals per day. My nut, doctor and the pt all said that by doing this, it also helps keep your metabolism going. Since doing these things, my weight loss has gotten back on track. I hope this helps.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
