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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Sticky idea

    I stickied it.
  2. I don't think that is what anyone is saying at all. I think they are saying, that for your own personal health and safety, regardless of whether you choose to be banded in the US or Mexico, it is imperative you research your doctor to ensure they are experienced and reputable. To do otherwise would be a huge disservice to yourself.
  3. *susan*

    Myspace page?

    Hi Amy, I hope you don't mind, but I moved your thread out of the introductions forum to the lounge. There are actually quite a few of us who have myspace pages. I have connected with a lot of lapbanders that way, plus, I keep an eye on my kids that way, lol. My link is in my signature. Also, if you do a search, some of the old threads about myspace should come up as well with lots of members links in them.
  4. *susan*

    Will I get approved?

    Hi there and welcome. I don't believe age should have anything to do with whether or not you are approved. Under normal requirements, you should definitely qualify. As for the bust, I don't know. I have been large busted since I was 10, and back then the rest of me was small! Since losing weight, the girls have not decreased in size at all. I think my dh is ok with that though, lol.
  5. *susan*

    Lap Band? New to group

    Hi Char, and welcome. I did not have sleep apnea, but I know I have seen many of our members who did, but were eventually able to stop using the machines after they lost weight. I was borderline diabetic, with a strong history of diabetes and heart disease in my family, which is why I got the band. I have lost enough weight now that I am no longer borderline diabetic. Between losing weight and exercising, I am feeling the best I have felt in 20 years. The lapband is a wonderful tool. But, it is important to remember that it is just that, a tool. One has to be ready to make the commitment to eating better and exercising in order to truly achieve the weight loss you want.
  6. *susan*

    ouch that hurt

    Wow, I bet that did hurt. My doctor numbs me before doing fills, so I don't feel a thing. I tend to retain more water in the summer as well. I hate it when I look down and my ankles look like water filled balloons.
  7. *susan*

    Esophageal Spasms -- Help!

    Wow, I don't think I have experienced anything quite to that degree, it sounds awful though. Ever since I got my very first fill, I have not been able to drink anything cold. Everything has to be room temperature or it is very uncomfortable and even painful for me. However, the pain usually subsides within 30 minutes max.
  8. *susan*

    Of ALL the people in the whole world!

    That is funny. I probably would have walked out or demanded someone else weigh me, cause I am just that way, lol.
  9. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I am posting to say I am sooooo bored. I did nothing all day long today and am now sitting here waiting for the race to come on. Tomorrow we are painting the pool. What an exciting three day weekend. I think we better go jeeping or to the beach or something on Monday.
  10. *susan*


    I am against spanking as well. My parents were spanker's. All I ever learned from it was that a) I better be more careful to not get caught next time and :cursing: If you are bigger than someone you can make them do what you want by hitting them. I have a 15 year old daughter and a 17 year old son. Neither has ever been spanked. When our children do something wrong, we speak to them intelligently and informatively. We explain why what they have done is wrong and how it could have adverse effects. When they were babies, we simply redirected them. As they got a bit older, time out worked well. As teens, we find that we never have problems with them that more than a talking to can't fix. I have only on one or two occasions taken away privileges from them. Even my parents admit that my children have turned out wonderfully despite our refusal to use physical punishment on them. They are both in all advanced and honors programs. They have many friends and are very well thought of. I constantly receive compliments from their teachers, their friend's parents and other adults on what wonderful, caring and respectful children I have. And to imagine, I did that without ever laying a hand on them.
  11. Hi Deb, we are glad you joined the site. Only 30 pounds away from goal already? Wow, you are doing awesome. I have had my band for two years and still have a long ways to go. I had one full year where I didn't lose anything, and actually gained due to complications and having to be completely unfilled twice. But, everything is better now and I am back on track, thank goodness.

  12. *susan*

    One Day Down

    Welcome and congrats. I am glad the pain sounds managable for you. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  13. *susan*

    Kind of down in the dumps

    Eazes, you said you went to the seminar. How about going to another one, and this time taking your husband with you? My husband originally was against all types of wls, he assocoiated wls with gastric bypass and was firmly against it. He was afraid of losing me to some major complication. But, I learned about the band and had him attend the seminar with me. I sat quietly while he asked a ton of questions. By the time we left, he felt much better about everything. He then went with me to my first surgical consult with my doctor and after speaking with him directly, he was very much in support of my getting the band. Also, I was only the third lapband patient for my doctor, which was a concern of my husbands as well. Once he talked to my doc, learned what an experienced, well-trained and well thought of surgeon he was, he felt much better. Plus, I shared my research on the doc with him, which also helped.
  14. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I had peanut butter tracks ice cream last night and it was sooooo good!! And it was light ice cream too.
  15. *susan*


    Hi Linda, and welcome to LBT! Congrats on getting banded, you are doing great so far. We look forward to getting to know you.
  16. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Is it really possible to hijack this thread?? LOL
  17. *susan*

    Esophageal spasm

    I have never experienced or heard of this before. So I googled it and this is what I found: Esophageal Spasm Topic Overview What is esophageal spasm? Esophageal spasms are irregular, uncoordinated, and sometimes powerful contractions of the esophagus, the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. Normally, contractions of the esophagus are coordinated, moving the food through the esophagus and into the stomach. Esophageal spasms can prevent food from reaching the stomach, leaving it stuck in the esophagus. Esophageal spasms are uncommon. Often symptoms that may suggest an esophageal spasm are the result of another condition such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or achalasia, a problem with the nervous system in which the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) doesn't work properly. Anxiety or panic attacks can also cause similar symptoms. What causes esophageal spasm? The cause of esophageal spasm is unknown. Many doctors believe it results from a disruption of the nerve activity that coordinates the swallowing action of the esophagus. In some people, very hot or very cold foods may trigger an episode. What are the symptoms? Most people with this condition have chest pain that may spread outward to the arms, back, neck, or jaw. This pain can feel similar to a heart attack. If you have chest pain, you should be evaluated by a health professional as soon as possible to rule out or treat cardiac disease. Other symptoms include difficulty or inability to swallow food or liquid, pain with swallowing, the feeling that food is caught in the center of the chest, and a burning sensation in the chest (heartburn). How is esophageal spasm diagnosed? Your doctor can often determine the cause of esophageal spasm from your medical history by asking you a series of questions. These include questions about what foods or liquids trigger symptoms, where it feels like food gets stuck, other symptoms or conditions you may have, and whether you are taking medications for them. The diagnosis can be confirmed with tests, including a barium swallow or endoscopy. These tests use X-rays or a small, lighted viewing instrument to examine the inside of the esophagus. Your health professional may also do esophagus testing, a set of tests used to evaluate the condition and function of the esophagus. Tests measure acid levels in the esophagus as well as the strength and pattern of muscle contractions in the esophagus. Other tests may be done to determine whether chest pain may be caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the abnormal backflow (reflux) of food, stomach acid, and other digestive juices from the stomach into the esophagus. How is it treated? Treatment for esophageal spasm includes treating other conditions that may make esophageal spasms worse, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is usually treated with changes to diet and lifestyle and medications to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach. Spasms themselves may be treated directly with medications such as nitrates and Calcium channel blockers to relax the muscles of the esophagus, although they are not always effective. Treating anxiety with relaxation and controlled breathing exercises may also help to reduce symptoms.1 In rare cases surgery is used to treat esophageal spasm. The surgeon cuts the muscles along the lower esophagus. This procedure is usually performed only in serious cases that do not respond to other therapies.
  18. *susan*

    No Clean up Hobo Meals

    This looks really good, thanks for posting it. I am printing it out now and am going to try it this weekend. Do you have any idea on what the calories are?
  19. *susan*

    Coughing Blood

    Don't wait! If you are coughing up blood, I agree, you need to go to the doctor now!!
  20. Petlady, thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! I am sorry for what you have gone through. It definitely helps, like Mindy said, when people post their experiences whether good or bad so people can make better decisions about the surgeon they choose. US, Mexico or anywhere in the world, there are good and bad doctors.
  21. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Boo Boo, that is awful. I am so sorry, I don't even know what to say!
  22. *susan*

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    My children were 6 and 8 when we learned my ex was cheating on me. I feel so terrible to this day because they were with me when we made the discovery. I just lost it and completely broke down in front of them. I know it had to have affected them horribly. They are 15 and 17 now and we do talk about it. They love their father and have a wonderful relationship with him, which I would never deny them. But, if nothing else they both learned how betrayal like that impacts the partner and are both adamant that they will never do that to someone they love.
  23. *susan*

    American Idol '08

    Christasha, you may be right, I hadn't thought about that. She always wears sleeveless blouses, and I thought that was to show off the tats. Maybe she does have ones on her legs and AI considers them to be too inappropriate for the show or something.
  24. I honestly don't see why you can't go ahead and make that first appointment with the surgeon. That way they can start getting your records in order and you can find out any specific requirements he may have prior to approving you for surgery as well. I would want to get as much of that out of the way as possible so when the six months is up, I could move things along as quickly as possible.
  25. *susan*

    Just starting out

    Hi there and welcome. I had myself completely worked up about the psych eval and it turned out to be a breeze. Like Chris said, just be honest with them and everything will be fine. They just need to know you are in this to get healthy and that you are mentally and physically ready to commit to what you need to do to achieve weight loss with the band.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
