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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. Hi Shannon, I didn't have to go through that, but I wanted to bump your post in the hopes that we can find someone who has that can chat with you. I hope you get to feeling better soon!
  2. *susan*

    the ball is finally rolling

    Welcome, we are glad you decided to join in and start posting! Let us know how things are progressing.
  3. *susan*

    Hey From Delaware

    Hi Ally, and welcome to LBT. We look forward to getting to know you as you go through this wonderful journey.
  4. *susan*

    Never sick before the band???

    I agree with Jachut 100% on this. We still need our fruits and vegetables in order to maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet. If you are eating a well-balanced diet, then you will naturally get in the protein your body needs, as well as everything else.
  5. *susan*

    banding at Loyola hospital

    Hi Judymarie and welcome to LBT. We are glad to have you here with us. I am going to move your question to our doctors and hospitals forum, where you will hopefully get a better response.
  6. *susan*


    Teckla, if you are having those kind of problems, then my thoughts are you are too tight. If it has been 9 days since the fill, your swelling should be down. It sounds like you are very similiar to me, you have to be very non-aggressive with your fills and just a small amount can make a huge difference. Does your doctor have you drink before leaving the office to make sure everything is going down ok? Honestly, if my doctor had as much trouble finding the port as yours seems to, and then didn't believe me when I told him I couldn't keep anything down, I would be looking for a new doctor. He is obviously not sensitive to your needs and what reason would you have for lieing to him and saying you can't even swallow your own saliva. Additionally, I would suggest that you have a fill done under flouro just to make sure everything truly is ok with your band. If you were having that much trouble keeping things down, you may have a small slip and need a complete unfill to help it get back into place.
  7. Happy Birthday!

  8. *susan*

    Never sick before the band???

    Stupid band! If it weren't for it, I would have never gotten this paper cut on my pinky this morning.
  9. *susan*

    I ate a pork chop thought I was GONNA DIE!

    Wow, what an awful experience for you. I hope you get to feeling better soon. I am glad that you posted this though. It helps remind everyone of why it is so important to follow the bandster rules when eating. It can save a lot of pain and heartache.
  10. *susan*


    I wouldn't wait for two hours for Sonic, or any fast food restaurant for that matter. Like others said, I find their food to be pretty greasy. But, alas, I must admit I do love their peanut butter fudge sundaes!!
  11. *susan*

    Banded Soon in 3 months

    Hi and welcome to LBT. You have definitely come to the right place for support and advice regarding the band. We look forward to getting to know you. Keep us posted on how things are going.
  12. *susan*

    weight loss keeper

    Check out this thread as well, it gives step by step instructions with pictures. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f5/ticker-tutorial-pictures-41782/
  13. Hi there, and welcome. When did you get your band? It is easy sometimes to fall back into old habits. That is why I love LBT, you can get inspired here by looking at the before and after pictures, and count on our fellow members to get us back on track. Check out our men's only forum, you will find some great support there from your fellow male bandsters as well.
  14. *susan*

    New here

    Hi Holly, and welcome to LBT. You will definitely find a ton of great information here on the band. Check out the stickies at the top of most of the forums, and our frequently asked questions forum, they have a lot of really useful information. And, of course, feel free to ask us questions as well, we are happy to help.
  15. *susan*

    where to blog

    At the top of the page, underneath the LBT girl, you will see a menu of items. The third tab is the "blogs" tab. Click on it. Then, on the left side of the page you will see the option to enter your own blog.
  16. *susan*

    Band Slippage

    Did he also put you on a liquid diet as well? My band slipped, although I don't think it was as severe as yours. My doctor took all my fill out for close to two months, and I did a liquid diet for one week after he took the fill out. That resolved my slip. Please keep us updated on how things are going for you. We are all hoping for the best.
  17. *susan*

    liquid diet..........

    The liquid diet is the toughest in the first two to three days. After that, the hunger seems to pass and it gets easier. You just have to keep in mind the prize for sticking to it; your band and a healthier you! Don't worry about the surgery, it really is a breeze. They will give you something when you arrive at the hospital tohelp you calm your nerves as well. Have you had surgery before?
  18. *susan*

    Breast Cancer 3 day Walk

    Is there a link you can post where we can go and find out more information about this, especially where it will be taking place locally? I might be interested.
  19. *susan*

    Any restrictions on exercise?

    At seven months out, everything should be well-healed into place. I really don't see why you would have any restrictions at all. I am working out at a gym and do every piece of equipment they have, as well as many floor exercises without any problems.
  20. *susan*

    Barbeque Marinade Recipe

    Sarah, this sounds delicious! We grill just about everything, so I think we will try this this weekend.
  21. Now I understand!! Thanks for starting my day off with a good laugh. I am going to forward this to my dh. :eek:
  22. *susan*

    upcoming surgery

    I second that!!!
  23. Hi there, and welcome. First off, you are gorgeous girl!!! I understand about wanting to have more energy. Since getting the band, I am amazed at how much better I feel and how much more active I am now. The health benefits of the band are wonderful. You appear to be quite young, so you probably are not having many, if any, weight related health issues right now. However, as you get older, those problems are bound to start popping up. Better to get the band now and head them off before they even have a chance to affect your health. You should have your boyfriend go to one of the seminars, or go to your consult with you, if he hasn't already. It really does help to get the information firsthand from the doctors and be able to ask them questions directly. Let us know if we can help you with anything. We look forward to getting to know you better.
  24. *susan*

    Jumping in head first

    Hi Minnie, and welcome to LBT. It sounds like you are well on your way. Let us know as soon as you get a surgery date and if you have any questions along the way. We look forward to getting to know you.
  25. I know it can be so difficult to get back on the wagon after falling off, you have to really want it and be prepared mentally to do it. Coming here is a good start. Go through the before and after pictures, they are very motivating and help remind you why you started this process to begin with. You may also want to check out our lapband buddy forum and see about getting a buddy to help you. You definitely need to go get that fill. Without it and proper restriction, the band isn't going to be much help to you at all. Lastly, perhaps you might want to start tracking your calories on a website such as www.thedailyplate.com , www.fitday.com , or www.sparkpeople.com . They are all three great sites where you can track exactly what you are eating for free. It can be a real eye opener. Good luck to you, we are here to help.

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