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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    LB Haters!!!

    While I understand we may get tired of these threads, or seeing the same things posted numerous times, the bottom line is these people are here for support. I believe that is what this is, a support board. If we come across a post that we find to be utterly ridiculous and we cannot respond to it without being snarky (and it is not in R&R) then perhaps it is best to just ignore that post and not go back to it. I was once a newbie. I was scared, nervous, and if something was happening to me, I wanted my question answered immediately. I didn't take the time to search, I was too busy operating under panic mode. I try and remember that when I see what I feel is the same post I have seen a hundred times before and the only difference is the OP's name. So, I answer them. I don't always agree with what some of them do or say, but I try to disagree in a manner that isn't snarky or rude (even though I admit I am sure some of my posts may come across as otherwise, while not intending too, it is simply a fact of life when not communicating in person). And, I don't then turn around and start a new thread simply to make fun of people and their concerns, lack of experience, etc. I know some people find that to be amusing, I don't. I refuse to participate in threads such as those. They contribute nothing to the board except scare newbies off from a place where they should be able to come and find comfort and support for what they are experiencing. I try to take a higher ground as much as possible, unless we are talking about my ex-husband and his wife, lol, then there is no higher ground for me.
  2. *susan*

    Going Nuts!@#%&*

    d:thumbup::rolleyes2::rolleyes2::tongue2: Thank you heartfire, you just saved me from having to type the same thing. Bottom line, follow your doctor's orders. Just because someone else who is 9 days or 5 days or however many days out did it and it didn't immediately hurt them doesn't mean it won't down the road or that it is ok for you to do it as well. You have commit to your band and your choice to become healthier. If you are having difficulty sticking to your doctor's prescribed diet, then call him. They will probably be willing to try and help you out and offer you something safe that you can eat. And if not, then it is for your own health and the health of your band.
  3. *susan*

    Tampons or Pads.

    Three years ago, I was having major problems with my period. I was having them about every 17-19 days, and they would last anywhere from 8-12 days. My flow was incredibly heavy and I was just miserable. My gynecologist decided to do an endometrial ablation on me. I was done having children, so that wasn't an issue. I have to say it was the best thing I have ever had done. It was a very simple outpatient procedure. I was in and out in probably about 1-2 hours. I had some minor cramping for about 24 hours afterwords, then I was fine. Since then, my periods are so light, a simple pantyliner pretty much works for me. It is just like very light spotting and only lasts about a day. It is a great option if you are having problems, but I am not sure a doctor would be willing to do it solely because you want to try and stop having your period. Which, by the way, many woman do stop having periods entirely after this period. There is, however, the chance your uterine lining will grow back and your periods will start returning to normal again. However, if you are older, (i.e., my age :rolleyes2:) that is not as likely to happen.
  4. I am sorry you had such an awful experience. As with any surgery, complications are always possible and it is important we know the risks as well as the benefits.
  5. Congrats on getting your date, it won't be long now! Great list, Blaze!
  6. *susan*

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Yep, that is what I am using too. I love them, they work great.
  7. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Her dad is a big jerk too. For as long as I have known him, everything has been about him. He never thinks about anyone else, just himself. He doesn't care if he upsets his daughter, so long as she ends up doing what makes him happy. I am so glad I live two hours away from them. If I lived closer, I would probably do something I would regret later, lol.
  8. *susan*

    Rename Rants & Raves Board

    No, No, NOOOOOO, we do not want to change the name to "Susan"! Helen, I love Helen....Helen is wonderful. No more angry faces here!
  9. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks for the support guys. Her stepmom is about 37 years old. Before she started sleeping with my ex, we were actually best friends! After she had an affair with my husband while we were still married, she couldn't understand why our friendship couldn't continue. Yes, she is truly an idiot.
  10. *susan*

    Rename Rants & Raves Board

    WHO IS HELEN??!!!! :confused_smile:
  11. *susan*

    I have a brilliant idea!

    Now this is a good idea! I like the way you think.
  12. *susan*


    Oh thank goodness, I thought this was going to be another doom and gloom thread!
  13. *susan*

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Soap would definitely burn the eyes. I use neutrogena makeup remover pads.
  14. *susan*

    Anyone speak Japanese?!

    Ok, I'll bite, what is this about??
  15. *susan*

    Rename Rants & Raves Board

    "Helen" ?????????
  16. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I am posting to say that my daughter's stepmother is an idiot!!!!!!!!! She sent me an email because my daughter is with them for the week and they were planning to take all the kids to a water park tomorrow. My daughters TOM arrived today. She has never worn tampons and is not comfortable with the idea of doing so. So, wicked stepmom says to me that I need to call my dd because she is refusing to wear a tampon and is going to ruin everything for everyone because of that. OK, first off, how is that going to ruin it for everyone else if she goes but chooses to just stay out of the water and get some sun instead? Secondly, my daughter is 15 years old. It is her body, her choice. If she chooses to wear tampons, fine, if she chooses not to, then that is fine as well. Evil stepmom asked me what kind of parent I am that I would allow something as silly as that to spoil their day? She said her daughter didn't want to wear them but after forcing her to for 5 months she finally got used to it. WTF??!!! I am not going to force my daughter to do something with her body that she doesn't want to. That is a personal choice for her to make and no one else. OK, rant over. I just needed to get that off my chest.
  17. *susan*

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    So true!! :cursing:
  18. I'm all for trying the dirt diet too!
  19. It usually takes me about 25 to 30 minutes to eat as well. I used to have a problem with eating too fast and getting stuck a lot. So I tend to take my time and wait a bit between bites just to make sure everything is going down well.
  20. Hi and welcome. Actually, I didn't go through a PCP, so I can't really answer anything there. I attended a seminar first, then went to my consult with the surgeon. Based on what I learned at the seminar, I really didn't have any surprises at the consultation. I was also self-pay, so insurance was not an issue for me either.
  21. *susan*

    I'm new here too

    Hi Joan, welcome to LBT and congrats on getting your approval letter! Any idea when your surgery will be?
  22. *susan*

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    You never know where threads in R&R may end up!
  23. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Froggi, I can't believe you are still not feeling well. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
  24. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Yep, that darn broccoli was killing me. I finally had to go to the ladies room. bend way over and touch my toes in order to help convince it to come back up. It actually worked, thank goodness.
  25. *susan*

    Rename Rants & Raves Board

    Does laughing cow cheese come from California, where the happy cows live?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
