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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Blue Angels In my Backyard

    I love the blue angels. Every November here in Jacksonville, the naval air station hosts a land, sea and air show. The blue angels are always part of it and we love going and seeing them.
  2. *susan*

    Tears on my pillow

    Mary, your eating habits can change with the band, but the band is not going to do that for you. It will restrict you so you eat smaller amounts. But, you have to make the commitment to eating healthier and exercising. Someone once told me if you can do anything for four weeks, no matter how miserable it makes you and how much you hate it, after those four weeks it will become habit and you will feel compelled to continue doing it. That was true for me with exercise. I joined a gym. I dreaded going and tried to come up with every excuse I could not to go. But, fortunately my dh did what I asked him to and forced me to go. After going for four weeks, I now miss it and feel miserable if I don't go.
  3. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    My labs have the worst farts of any animal I have ever owned, especially if they have ate garlic bread. They love garlic bread.
  4. *susan*

    Tears on my pillow

    Sorry, but I think you are getting yourself all worked up over nothing. Like you already said and know, the time immediately following your surgery is for healing, not losing weight. You probably felt a bit of what you thought to be restriction right after the surgery, but it was actually just the swelling in your tummy. Of course liquids and things seem to slide right through. You have no restriction right now. The band is designed to work once you start getting filled. And even then, it will probably take at least 2-3 fills before you begin feeling proper restriction. As for having "only lost 8 pounds", are you kidding me??!! That is great. Many people experience no loss or gain prior to getting to proper restriction. So consider yourself to be one of the lucky ones, you are doing great. And, remember, at 3 weeks out and being down 8 pounds, that is averaging more than the 1-2 pounds the band is designed for us to lose in a week...with restriction! And, no, I don't think your band has slipped.
  5. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I work for a child-serving agency for abused, abandoned and neglected kids. They have a policy that we are not allowed to have any tatts exposed. So, I always have to wear pants to cover up mine. However, when we have our annual Rock 'n Ride, I show that baby cause I figure all the bikers there are showing theirs, how can showing mine hurt. If I ever get skinny and am able to have a tummy tuck, I would love to get my belly button pierced.
  6. *susan*

    Have a weight loss chart? Post it here!

    There are several free ones, where you can track calories as well. www.fitday.com , www.sparkpeople.com , and my favorite, www.thedailyplate.com .
  7. *susan*

    coming out of the closet...

    Wow, that is just beautiful! Congrats!!
  8. *susan*

    San Diego Newbie

    Hi Tracy, and welcome to LBT. You will be able to find a ton of great information here that should help you in your decision. Let us know if you have any questions.
  9. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Nah, if ET had Sprint, there is no way he would have been able to phone home with their coverage. Froggi, I am sorry for what happened to you in chat. Some people are just plain mean sometimes. No, plain, not referring to you, lol. Those are the ones that aren't worth our time anyways. I am not sure what they did, but you seem like darn good people to me and don't deserve that.
  10. *susan*

    Anyone speak Japanese?!

    Ok, in that case you are forgiven, lol.
  11. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Awwww, Froggi, why?
  12. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I love my tattoo, I got it for my 30th birthday and have never once regretted it. And, I am looking at getting another one now and can't wait. I just can't decide what I want yet.
  13. *susan*

    LB Haters!!!

    Leslie, Just to clarify, my comments about a thread being started to basically ridicule people was not directed at you, or about this thread. There is another thread entirely that I was referring to that was not started by you in another section of the forum.
  14. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Nope, there it is.
  15. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Quick reply test.
  16. *susan*

    LB Haters!!!

    KatW, I agree with you so much. Just because one gets the band, it doesn't automatically fix the behavioral issues as well. They may go into this 100% thinking they are ready to make the commitment, they are ready to listen to their band, eat healthier, exercise, etc. And they may do so, for a while. But the bottom line is, for many of us we are trying to break lifelong habits. And that doesn't always happen overnight. For those who do have a multitude of success and are able to change all their habits and have wonderful willpower immediately upon getting the band placed, that is fantastic and I am truly happy for them. But, there are those who are not as fortunate. And, they need our help and support. They do not need our ridicule. The thread MicheleK mentioned as funny, I find to be sad and in poor taste, especially on a "support" board. I see it as a cry for help. I see it as them saying, I got this band, I am still unable to break my old habits, I don't want to damage my band and I need to find a way to deal with the mental as well as the physical issues. I am still dealing with the behavioral issues every day, and I hope I can help these people as many others on this board have helped me.
  17. *susan*

    Anyone speak Japanese?!

  18. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I normally like to "sleep in" on the weekends until about 8:30 or 9:00. I must have been really tired today though, because I didn't get up until 10:30, I felt so lazy, lol.
  19. Hello, we keep missing each other!

  20. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Actually, I would like to shove it there for her!! :rolleyes2:
  21. *susan*

    how do you handle the fatigue?

    Whoa, LJM, I had no idea! Congratulations! It has been years since I was pregnant, but I remember how tired I always was the first few months. I used to take lots of cat naps. I used to get a 15 minute break in the morning and afternoon, and would always go to the staff lounge for a quick nap, and one of the girls would wake me up. I would nap at lunch and the first thing I did when I got home was nap. I don't know the cure for it, but I hope you find some relief.
  22. I miss you, where are you??

  23. *susan*


    MCSteph, it took me almost two weeks before I could go. And, I hear you on the crying girl, I cried like a baby it hurt so bad!!
  24. *susan*

    Trader Joe's

    I so wish we had Trader Joe's here in Florida. I am always hearing about the wonderful things they have and am so jealous of those of you that are able to shop there.
  25. *susan*

    Howdy all!

    Hi there and welcome to LBT! I have never smoked, but have many relatives and friends who do. Of the ones who have quit, I have watched them struggle to do so and understand it is one of the hardest habits to give up. So, I guess what I am saying is, if you can conquer smoking, I have no doubt you will do well with the lapband as long as you do remember it is a tool and you have to commit to it and doing your part as well. Congratulations on all your efforts to improve your health!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
