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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. Good Morning Everyone, DH and I are major dog lovers. We have had Max, a chocolate lab since 2003 and Winston, a long-haired doxie since 2001. They are both wonderful, well trained and well behaved dogs. About 4 weeks ago, we rescued a one year old female golden lab named Molly. The poor thing was so underweight, you could count her ribs. Since having her put on a special diet through our vet, we have managed to put 6 pounds on her and she is looking much healthier. She is also just the sweetest baby and loves to cuddle. Our one and only problem with her is she won't quit jumping on people. Every time she does, we gently push her down and sternly tell her no! But, she doesn't get it and just keeps on jumping up even after being told no. So, I am looking for suggestions from my fellow dog lovers on how to break her of this habit. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
  2. *susan*

    Forclosed homes

    While that is wonderful wisdom, it doesn't always work out. We had enough in our savings at the time I lost my job to cover 4 months. But, that didn't help once we had used that up from my being out of work for so long, then out again due to illness, then my husbands commissions dropped, my pay cut, etc. Not to mention when I became ill, I had not been at my new job long enough for it to cover most of my medical expenses, including medications which came out of pocket. You can plan all you want, but sometimes life still sticks it to you. Thank you to everyone else who has expressed their support for me and my family. It really means a lot. After I put that out there, I was quite embarrassed to have done so. It is embarrassing to be in this situation, no matter what brought us to it. But, at the same time it really hurt to see someone complaining about overgrown lawns in their neighborhood without even thinking about how the people who lost those homes must feel and what they are going through.
  3. *susan*

    Forclosed homes

    Not that this is really any of your business, but not everyone is a low life who should not have been approved for a mortgage in the first place. Four years ago, we bought our home. At that time, both my husband and I had great jobs and were more than able to afford the payment we committed to. Two years ago my entire department was laid off. I was out of work for 4 months before I was able to find a job. The benefits were not near as good, the cost of health insurance was a lot more, and my pay was less. Then, I became ill and was out of work for almost a month. Because I hadn't been at my new job very long, I was off without pay during that time. My husband was working on commission. He works in the automotive industry and that started sucking. Between my problems and his commission dropping, we fell behind on all our bills. He has switched jobs to where he now receives a base, guaranteed salary along with monthly bonus checks. However, by this time, our mortgage payment had fallen seriously behind. This is called unforeseen circumstances. Do you think I wanted to get laid off? Do you think I planned to get sick? Do you think my husband wanted his commissions to drop? NO!! But, it happened. We are devastated because we are looking at losing our home in the next few weeks. We have tried and tried and tried working with the mortgage company. The problem is, they are working so many foreclosures, it is almost impossible to ever talk to a live human being. But, despite our massive efforts to work with them, they are going ahead with the foreclosure process and we may lose everything as a result. As for the government, sorry, I sure as hell do hope they step in and help the millions of people in the same situation I am in. If our government can help every other country in the world and their people, then by gosh it is time they helped those of us right here in the good ol' U S of A as well. I don't take fancy vacations, I have not bought any new cars or anything else for that matter. I go to bed every night worrying about our situation and wake up still worrying. It is on my mind 24/7. So, I am happy for you, believe me, extremely happy that you are able to maintain your bills and your home in the current economic status we are in. But, until you have walked a mile in my shoes, I suggest you not pass judgment on me. Instead of being pissed off because people are walking away from their homes and not mowing their lawns and making your home look bad, try and show a little sympathy for these poor people. We didn't all get together and say, "oh, lets piss off the neighbors by walking away from our homes and letting the lawns overgrow." We are good people who work hard and have fallen into some dam hard times and do not need to further add to our already fragile states by having people judge us. So, with that being said, mow the lawns and be happy you still have your home.
  4. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Congrats, LJM, but I think I already posted that before, but it is very exciting. Ok, this is driving me nuts, who is a "guest"? I am obviously missing something here.
  5. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks, the "4794" was driving me crazy. I like your new froggi signature.
  6. *susan*

    Ahem...very personal :)

    I don't know, I am thinking if we come up with a member patch or something that says "the whore club" and what the mission of the club is, and you wear it proudly, you won't be alone for long.
  7. When I found out I was pregnant, I did not think of what was growing inside me in terms of a fertilized egg, fetus or anything else. It was our baby, our child, pure and simple. Aborting a child would never, in a million years be a consideration for me. It is just not something I would do, especially knowing how many couples are out there that cannot conceive and would love to have that child if for whatever reason I chose not to keep it. However, that is my personal belief, and one that I believe strongly in. But, I don't believe I have the rights to impose my beliefs on others. They feel just as strongly about what they feel is right as I do about what I feel is right. Just as I don't want them forcing their beliefs on me, I refuse to force mine upon them. I may not agree with their choice, but I will defend their right to make that choice. As far as the father goes, I too knew a man who got a woman pregnant. She had an abortion and did not even tell him she was pregnant until after the abortion. He was devastated. He would have happily taken responsibility for and raised the child. There were no risks for the mother had she carried the child to full term. She just didn't want it and disposed of it without any consideration for the father. It may be her body, but it is both of their's child. He had as much to do with the creation of it as she did. The father has just as much right to determine what the outcome of the pregnancy will be. He should not be punished just because he is male and not created to be able to carry a child himself. I don't feel like an abortion should be performed without the father's consent as well as the mother's. Of course, if we are talking about rape or something, that is entirely a different story.
  8. Yep, it is doing it to me again too Alex. I just typed a long response to a thread, and when I was done, instead of taking me back to the thread, it took me back to the landing page.
  9. First, I always have to chuckle a bit when in a thread such as this and I see someone say, "that is it, I am done posting here, I won't be back." To me, that is saying, "I don't want to hear what you have to say because you are probably right and I refuse to admit I may be wrong and cause myself harm". I believe very much that LBT is a support board. We are all here to give and gain the support we need through this journey. Losing weight is not easy, if it were, as others have said, we wouldn't need the band to begin with. Once we reach the point of WLS, we have been on more diets that we can begin to imagine, we have cried over our weight, we may have health problems and many other issues. For most of us, this lapband is our final chance at obtaining good health. It is our last hope. So, before one commits to getting the lapband, they have to make sure they are in the right place to be willing to commit to the rules and lifestyle changes that goes along with it. If you can't, then now is not the right time for you to get banded. WasA, Coltonwade and the others were not trying to be un-supportive of the OP. They were trying to help. They were trying to explain why it is so important to follow the doctor's orders. Unfortunately, I don't think the OP was really looking for advice, as much as she was looking for validation to cheat and put her band at risk. And, she has found that validation in others who have cheated, others who are saying, "I did it and I am OK, so you can do it to." People like this do not want to hear how they may hurt their band down the road. They don't understand that there is a reason for the liquid diet and the mushy phase and that reason is not to torture them, but to give the band time to firmly heal into place. They don't understand that although they may not have a problem today, tomorrow or even next week that it doesn't mean they won't have a problem a year from now. They don't want to call their doctors because they know their doctors are probably not going to give them as much leeway as they would like. Instead, they want to find others who don't follow the rules and who will make them feel OK about what they are doing. If you say to us, "I am having problems with this phase of the post-op diet, I cheated or am considering cheating, but I don't want to, please help", we are not going to berate you. Instead we will offer advice, food suggestions, moral support, whatever you need in a kind, caring and understanding manner. But, if you say, "I am not a rule follower, I never have been and quite frankly, I am going to do things my way", well, then you have opened yourself up to a lot of tough love from longterm and successful bandsters whose main reasons for still coming to LBT is because they have succeeded and want to see others have the same success as they have achieved.
  10. *susan*

    Ahem...very personal :)

    I was never able to with my first husband, but I don't think he cared much about anything but taking care of himself. With my hubby now, I did the very first time we were together and continue to do so. I don't know what he does different, but he is a very attentive man and wants to make sure I am just as "satisified" as he is. I love that man!!!
  11. *susan*

    Hel;o from OHIO

    Hi Jill and welcome to LBT. Your story sounds so familiar. Many of us have tried everything and the band is our final chance at being healthy. It sounds like you are going into it with the right attitude. Keep us posted on how things are going and let us know if you have any questions.
  12. Alex, this is the exact problem I posted about in the moderator board the other day, although it hasn't happened to me since.
  13. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Trust me, my husband is having fits about all the teenage boys. He is keeping a very close eye on things.
  14. I stay out of this thread most of the time. But, I just had to comment that I am so happy to finally see someone else who recognizes that the father has rights as well. It may be the woman's body, but it is his child as well. He should have a say in what happens.
  15. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    So, I started off the day with my teenage daughter and her friend that spent the night. This afternoon two more girls joined us. So four teenage girls in the house means what? The teenage boys are knocking our doors down. And somehow, I am now feeding them all and taking them to the fireworks.
  16. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    You just read this entire thread from start to finish? Wow, you must be tired! I hate fish and spinach.
  17. *susan*

    Which type are you?

    Well, you guys can fight amongst yourselves all you want, but when it is all said and done, I am not having sex with all of you!!!! I simply don't have that much energy. :thumbup: Seriously though, we did agree not to close the thread. However, as Libra already said, it was getting extremely personal and vicious in the attacks on one another, and it was necessary for moderator intervention to get things back on track. We can't just sit back and let LBT turn in to the WWF or whatever the name is of those wrestling shows nowadays.
  18. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    First, Happy 4th of July Everyone!! :thumbup: Next, let the resident Floridian set everyone straight on love bugs, palmetto bugs and roaches. They are all one of the joys that comes with living in Florida. Love bugs are a bit annoying, but tolerable. They are small black bugs that only have a lifespan of about 24 hours. Now, there is a very specific reason they are called love bugs. They spend their entire life span flying around hooked up with another love bug. Yes, their only purpose in life is to fly through the air, hooked up with another love bug, have constant sex and die. If you are only going to live 24 hours, not a bad way to spend it, eh? :eek: Now, roaches, in the traditional sense of say, New York City dirty apartment German cockroaches are not real common here in Florida. Usually, you see them in places that are really dirty. However, we get the huge, nasty versions of them, which many people do refer to as palmetto bugs. To me, they are all roaches and they all MUST DIE!!!. Especially the flying ones. Those disgusting things just come out of nowhere and seem to like to aim right for you just to completely freak you out. It is lovely when you open your door at night and one just comes flying in. Yes, I hate the nasty buggers worse than anything, which is why I pay a lot of money to Bug Out to keep my home and yard free of them! We do get the occasional June Bug here in Florida, but they are a totally different kind of bug than a roach.
  19. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    The love bugs are not nearly as bad as they were 15 years ago or so. Now, you hardly see them anymore, at least not in Jacksonville. I remember when I was in high school and we would change classes. We had to walk outside to get to our next class and during love bug season they were so thick you had to cover your face or you would eat and breathe in a ton of them.
  20. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Why do my dogs insist on jumping in the pool everytime they go out in the backyard???!!!
  21. Awww, thanks, that was so sweet!

  22. *susan*

    Which type are you?

  23. *susan*

    Which type are you?

    For those who have chosen to put me on their ignore list, I feel quite honored that I have such power over you, lol. Darn, if I am on ignore, they won't see this. Never mind. :Banane30:
  24. *susan*

    Ahem...very personal :)

    Holy smokes, I really need to come in here more often! By the way, fellow whore reporting in!
  25. *susan*

    Let's be honest about exercise

    I work out at the gym at least 3 nights a week now for about 1 1/2 hours. I do one hour of resistance and 30 minutes of heavy cardio. On the nights I don't go to the gym, I try and hit the treadmill for 30 minutes. I have just started this in the past couple of months and sometimes really have to push myself to go. I know I always feel better when I do go then when I don't. Phyllis, I am impressed that you can do the treadmill and LBT at the same time. I am one of these people who gets motion sickness watching my kids play a racing video game. I once thought I would try surfing the net while on the treadmill, and ended up in the bathroom with my head over the bowl. I am such a wimp, lol.

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