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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    A little tech help please?

    Maybe it isn't you, someone posted in the questions forum that they are having problems too.
  2. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Congrats, Pix, that is an awesome NSV! Froggi, I can't keep the big @** toads out of my pool! Do you want them too?
  3. Wow, this post just scares me. First off, vomiting is not a price that must be paid. Some people seem to think that is another "tool of the band", which is honestly the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. If you are vomiting your band is too tight and you need to go see the doctor. Sammie, we haven't heard from you in a bit. I hope your mom is OK. My daughter is your age, and I understand you are not a child, you are old enough to know when there is something wrong and are reaching out for help with your mom. You have shown your maturity by coming here and asking for advice. As others have mentioned, vomiting something that looks like black acid is dangerous and does require immediate medical attention. I understand your mom's concerns about the cost. It sounds like she is a single parent? You just have to let her know how much you love and need her and that you are truly afraid for her. Let her know how important it is to you that she sees a doctor immediately. Emergency rooms cannot turn you away based on inability to pay. Get the health issue taken care of first, then she can worry about the rest later. What many people don't know is that hospitals are reimbursed a huge amount of money from the government every year for indigent care. Your mother can explain her financial situation and work with someone in finance. Very often, they will set up a payment schedule that will fit in well with her budget, or, based upon her income, they may even write off the bill. You are doing great. You are an awesome daughter for being there for your mother and helping to take care of her. She must be a very wonderful woman, I know she is very lucky to have you for a daughter!
  4. *susan*


    I am two years out. The first six week I found I was quite gassy. After that, things pretty much returned to normal.
  5. *susan*

    How supportive was your husband??

    It does sound like maybe you need to sit down and have a heart-to-heart with him. Maybe he just doesn't understand how truly difficult this is for you. I was very fortunate. The first week after my surgery, my mother stayed with us. She took care of me, did all the cooking, cleaning, etc. After she left, my hubby and dd did a great job of cooking for themselves and taking care of me. They made a point of not cooking my favorite foods so as to not make it tougher on me. They were really great and continue to be my greatest supporters.
  6. *susan*

    Weird Question for the Ladies...

    I moved it. I could not shave my own legs for a good month. It was just too uncomfortable to bend over to do it with the port pain. But I have PCOS too and after two weeks I couldn't stand it anymore. So, I caved and let me wonderful hubby shave them for me. He actually did a pretty good job too.
  7. *susan*

    No one here?

    Hi Leslie, I tried to add you as well, but couldn't. My link is in my signature.
  8. *susan*

    Switch to mushies early??

    Excellent choice. Like the others have already mentioned, there is a very important reason for the post-op diet. And, it doesn't matter what anyone else has done, it doesn't matter what anyone else's doctor does; it only matters what your doctor says you can do.
  9. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Iam forwarding this to my accounting department at work.
  10. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I don't want the sleeve. I have a band. My band works. I love my band. I love the picture of the multi-colored purple frog. I refuse to eat cat, too tough and gamey tasting. I am frustrated from being frustrated with people who seem to want to disagree and argue with me no matter what I do or say. Work, home, LBT... I see a trend. Are people disagreeing with me just for the sake of being disagreeable, or am I really that stupid? Please, don't answer that question, I am just thinking out loud. And, yes, this was truly posting just to post.
  11. frogloveblinkie.gif


    Your doing amazing!

  12. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Froggi, that is fabulous! You are doing amazing girl!
  13. *susan*

    A Rant Against MYSELF!!!

    It is very important that your feet look cute! Don't beat yourself up over this, lol.
  14. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    The biggest problems with online forums and chat rooms is that there are so many personalities in the mix, that it is only a matter of time before they are going to clash. The other problem is that unless specifically noted, you often cannot tell from the typed word if someone is joking or being serious. I have been visiting the chat rooms a bit lately due to being notified by several users of inappropriate things occurring there. Unfortunately, most of this seems to happen well after my bed time. :scared2: However, what I have witnessed is that there are some people who make some really off base comments and when others call them on it, things become quite heated. There is everything from long-term bandsters giving out some really bad advice, long-term bandsters giving out really good advice, newly banded folks validating others who want to cheat on their post-op diets, non-banded or newly banded folks who know nothing about the band and non-banded or newly banded folks who have done a ton of research and know a lot about the band. Then, there are the cliques who seem to always stick together no matter what. If one person says something, the other will swear by it. If someone disagrees with something someone in the clique says, the entire group attacks that person. It can get pretty nasty in there at times. However, what the chat people sometimes seem to forget is that on LBT, the same rules apply in chat that apply in the forums. You attack the idea, not the person! Please remember, when you are in chat, if you feel someone is violating LBT rules, notify a moderator if there is not one in the room already. I know that myself and several of the other mods have our smart phones set up to receive instant notifications if anyone sends us a pm or email from LBT, or if a post is reported and we respond as quickly as possible. Lastly, you know that wonderful saying "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"? I love that quote. I think what happens in the chat rooms needs to stay in the chat rooms and not be brought into the forums. OK, stepping down from my moderator podium now. You may now return to your regularly scheduled ranting and raving. :wink2:
  15. *susan*

    Yeast Infections

    You know, I used to think it would be so romantic to spend a weekend at one of those types of places. But, you have definitely given me a whole new perspective on that and I don't think I am interested now.
  16. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Good morning everyone!!
  17. *susan*

    Henderson support group...trying again

    By request, this thread is being locked.
  18. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Now there is a job I would love to have, LJM!!
  19. BJean, sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope you have a speedy recovery!
  20. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Why won't the clock move??? I am so ready to go home! I think I am going to sneak out of work early today.
  21. *susan*


    Hi Angel and welcome to LBT! If you have any questions about the lapband, please let us know. How is your husband doing with his surgery?
  22. Hi and welcome to LBT. Have you checked our doctors and hospitals forum? Also, under the local forums there is a subforum for California, where you may find some fellow LA'ers as well. Best of luck to you in your journey.
  23. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    What is wrong Froggi?
  24. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Don't forget to add lots of pure sugar to what you eat so you can have regular bowel movements too. Froggi, I am assuming you caught that in chat last night!
  25. *susan*

    People! Leave my stuff ALONE

    People are just sick!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
