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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    BBK, you look absolutely amazing! Anyone who doesn't think so needs to shove it up where the sun don't shine. MacMadame, I am sorry that you had someone put a camera where the sun don't shine. Better safe than sorry though. As for me, this is my official Sunday morning happy post!! :biggrin::thumbup::smile::thumbup: After struggling for the past year, being overfilled, slipping my band, being afraid to get a fill due to the fear of being overfilled again and gaining way too much weight, I think I am finally back at my sweet spot. My wonderful doctor called me and said I hadn't been in for over five months and it was time to come in. I went in. He saw how much weight I gained and asked me what happened. I told him, no restriction and afraid of being overfilled. He then promptly gave me the kick in the butt I needed. He said I got the band for a reason, and that was to lose weight. He said his job is to get me to a healthy BMI. He informed me I wasn't going to like him very much, but he was going to give me an aggressive fill in which I wouldn't be able to eat more than 8-10 bites of food at a time. He said it was going to force me to relearn the bandster rules of taking tiny bites and chewing my food to mush, otherwise I was going to be pretty darn uncomfortable. Well, he was right, the first couple of days I didn't like him much. I pb'd like crazy. Then, I started practicing my long since abandoned bandster rules of eating. To my surprise, when I eat like a bandster should, I don't pb and I get full fast. And, I lost 5 pounds this week!! I am so thankful to have a doctor who isn't afraid to be a hard-ass with me when he knows that is just what I need. Hopefully, I am back on track now and no longer afraid of getting a fill when I need it.
  2. Yeah, I don't mind picking up the tree limbs, we really needed the rain. I think you guys needed it even worse.

  3. I think that Nancy has already heard enough negativity in regards to her situation. Perhaps, we can keep this thread related to her specific question, which was is there anyone else out there who has had their band removed and not revised to a different surgery?
  4. Nancy, I think you need to do whatever is necessary and best for you. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, we need to do what makes us happy and what works for us. I wish you all the best.
  5. *susan*

    Thread Killers

  6. *susan*

    Thread Killers

    Yeah, I wasn't a member of that cool club.
  7. *susan*

    Thread Killers

    I never, ever want to see a thread about cheese again. That was the lamest stuff I ever saw and annoyed the bejeebers out of me.
  8. Hi, thanks for checking on me. We were without power from Wednesday night until this morning. I was going into serious LBT withdrawal. Other than a freezer full of bad food and lots of junk in the yard, we came out just fine.

  9. *susan*

    The Grocery Game

    Just curious if anyone here has ever or is presently participating in this program. The website is www.thegrocerygame.com . If you are doing it, I would love to here about your success, or lack of it. Thanks.
  10. Hmmm, I live in the south. I am a bit confused by the statement "It is almost unheard of for a women here that is my age not to have 2 or 3 kids." You are 30. By the time I was 30, I had both of my kids. I had one when I was 24 and one when I was 26. Is there something wrong with having your kids before 30? Sorry, I just didn't get that statement. I went to You Tube and watched that video, "The Silent Scream". Wow, that really affected me a lot, more than I thought it would. I have always said I personally could never and would never have an abortion. That just strengthened my belief. I am still not sure I have the right to force my beliefs on others though. I would love to see every woman considering having an abortion be required to watch that video though, and see if they still feel the same afterwords.
  11. *susan*

    Thread Killers

  12. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I think I would need something much stronger than ice cream.
  13. kbott, I think it is wonderful that you are planning to get the surgery now. I wish I had known about the lapband before my weight got so far out of control and escalated my health problems. Good for you!!
  14. *susan*

    Wooooo Hooooo!

    Hi Emily, congrats on getting your date, it won't be long now!
  15. *susan*

    Looking for the ultimate eye cream

    Ok, you have convinced me. I may have to wonder over to the Estee Lauder at our mall this weekend.
  16. *susan*

    The Grocery Game

    I actually buy three newspapers every Sunday. They are worth it for the coupons. We keep one of the papers for us, and then I have two neighbors who are happy to take the other papers, minus the coupon inserts. They recommend that you get one set of inserts for every member of your family. When I first started, to get current on the coupons they are using, I bought some envelopes off of ebay for like $3.00 for 200 coupons.
  17. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks, I don't think it is going to hit us as hard as originally thought. But, we are on the north side of the storm, which tends to be the worst side. I am all stocked up on supplies and what not, now it is just a wait and see kind of thing. The last tropical storm we had put us without power for 5 days. That was pre-LBT. I hope that doesn't happen again or I may go into serious withdrawal!
  18. *susan*

    The Grocery Game

    I have been doing it for three weeks now and love it. I have two grocery stores and two drug stores. For me, that is easy because they are all within a block of each other. I don't have the time to scan all the ads, etc. I like that they do it for me. For the minimal cost I pay every 8 weeks, it is so worth it. I save that cost in the first store I go to. I went to CVS the other day and original price was $97.32, after all my bogos and coupons, I paid $17.00 out of pocket. That is just one example of the kind of money I am saving doing this. I love it and plan on staying with it.
  19. Hmmm, hadn't though about that, but it is a good point and suggestion.
  20. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Weeee, happy hump day to you guys too. They sent us home at noon today and we are closed tomorrow because of Fay. I am so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow, if Fay will let me that is. Froggi, that is just awful all the problems you are going through. Hopefully the nurse can straighten everything out for you.
  21. *susan*

    Flipped port operation

    Christine, my port flipped and I had revision surgery to correct it. Between the time I arrived at the hospital, had my surgery and went home, I don't think I was even there for two hours. It was a very simple procedure and I returned to work the next day. You may feel a bit of the "pull" that you felt when you had your intial surgery, but not nearly as bad. I felt 100% within a couple of days. Katy, I had no idea mine had flipped until I went in for a fill and the doctor was unable to access my port. Nothing had felt any different to me. My best suggestion to you is that you make an appointment with your doctor to have it checked out.
  22. *susan*

    Hello Fabulous Fourties!!!

    Rosi, that is awesome. I recently joined a gym as well. At first, it may seem like a chore to go, but after a couple of weeks, you will feel bad if you don't go.
  23. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I didn't see anything.............. :thumbup:
  24. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I wish this last load of laundry would finish. I am tired and want to go to bed, but want to make sure I have plenty of clean clothes before Fay gets here.
  25. Honestly, I waited about five weeks. Mostly because my port was sore for a very long time and the bouncing around was too uncomfortable for me.

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