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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    2nd Day Post Op

    Mustluv, it sounds like you are doing well. It was well over a week before I was able to get in and out of bed without help. I remember that being the hardest part. But, you will improve every day. Trinidad, two days out and you have had mashed potatoes and half a biscuit? Is that allowed with your doctor's post-op? You should really only be on liquids for the first couple of weeks.
  2. I absolutely still enjoy eating. However, like someone else mentioned, I have found the types of foods I enjoy now are far different than those I enjoyed pre-band. I used to love McDonald's french fry's, now they just taste like giant blobs of grease to me. I eat healthier and am able to actually enjoy the taste of the different foods I eat. I have experimented a lot and am now making many new, healthy meals that I never would have considered before. Sometimes I get a little annoyed with my band when I am eating something I really enjoy and get my stop sign. But then, I just remind myself that just because I am full now, doesn't mean I will never be able to enjoy this food again. I can have it another day. I don't have to gorge myself with it all in one setting anymore.
  3. *susan*

    Maybe Losing my Band!!

    I am so sorry that this is happening. Please keep us posted on what happens.
  4. *susan*

    Upside down port

    My port flipped. The surgery to repair it was no big deal. I was in and out of the hospital in a couple of hours and back at work the next day. By the way, I am moving this thread out of introductions.
  5. *susan*

    frequent hick-ups

    I never used to hiccup, but since getting my band I do. In fact, that is my stop sign. If I start to hiccup, I better quit eating immediately or I am going to have problems.
  6. Sounds like things are moving. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you that all goes well.
  7. The pre-op diet is tough, but keep in mind the prize at the end. It is so important that you stick to it. I was on mine for about 19 days. I remember the first three days being the worst and someone telling me if I could get past them, I would be fine. And, they were right. After the third day, the hunger pains and headache pretty much subsided. After that, I just had to deal with the head hunger. But, I wanted this surgery so bad that it was pretty easy to win that battle as well, because I wasn't going to let anything stand in my way of getting the band. As for the OP having to drink carnation, actually, they have quite a bit of Protein in them. I frequently have those when I am really tight in the mornings and can't get anything but liquids down. They do a great job of managing my hunger.
  8. Something I could not have survived without post-op was my heating pad. I placed it on my tummy and port area, and it was so soothing and just made me feel better. I also made sure I had lots of loose, comfy sweat pants, nothing tight around my incisions that would be uncomfortable. Something I did pre-op was made up several dinners and froze them for my family. They were things that all they had to do was pop them in the microwave or oven to heat up and they were ready to serve. That way I didn't have to be preparing food I couldn't eat, and at the same time felt good knowing that my family was getting good, healthy meals while I was recovering.
  9. *susan*


    Hi and welcome to LBT. Honestly, when I am at my sweet spot, I don't count anything. But, for those times when I do feel I need to, I use www.thedailyplate.com to track my calories, etc. Another good site is www.fitday.com. I have seem some members that use weight watchers as well. If you do a search, I am sure you will find some fairly recent threads and be able to talk to other bandsters who are following the core program. I just wanted to add that 52 pounds since March is amazing, you will have to post some pictures in our before and after thread.
  10. Hi KP and welcome. I am glad you decided to join and introduce yourself. It sounds like the process is moving along pretty smoothly for you. You sound motivated and ready to make the necessary commitments to succeed with the band. Keep us posted on how you are doing and when you get your date.
  11. *susan*


    Hi Jessie and welcome to LBT. You will find great support here. We look forward to getting to know you better.
  12. *susan*


    Actually, I am dealing with a slipped band right now, for the second time. As with the first time, I had all my fill removed and am on liquids for several days. I expect it will go back into place as it did the first time. I believe mine this time resulted from my band being a bit too tight and eating some bad chinese food that caused me to vomit rather violently.
  13. *susan*

    Let's all help BooBooKitty (The Face of LBT)

    Just voted from work, will vote again from home tonight.
  14. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ugh, I feel for you. I love my mom and we get along wonderfully....for a few hours at a time.
  15. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hey everyone, thanks for the well wishes with my slip. Hopefully it will go back in place like last time. Kat, sorry to hear you are having problems too. I know it is awful to not be able to eat or drink. I went all weekend without any food or Water too. By the time I got to the doctor yesterday, I was pretty dehydrated as well. I hope you get your problems fixed and will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you. Green, that is so exciting that you kicked the cancer! I am truly happy for you. Froggi, I am sorry you are having problems with your inhalers and meds. Hopefully, after you visit your doctor you can work things out. BBK, I am voting twice a day, once from work and once from home. I also have asked dh to vote for you from his work computer. We will get you back up there!! LJM, your band babe is growing girl! I am glad things are going well for you.
  16. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    They gave me a complete unfill, am on liquids for 3 days and then go back for a flouro next week. Hopefully, it will go back into place like last time.
  17. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Posting to say I can't believe I slipped my band again!!!
  18. Hi rockbandster, Just curious, as per your direct quote above, can you please state what your medical background is that qualifies you to give advice on the different types of bands available? I am assuming from all your posts and your statement that perhaps you are an "advanced laproscopic surgeon"? Thanks. Susan, LBT moderator and administrator
  19. Honestly, I don't view this as an attack from your mom at all. We have to remember that our parents were raised in much different times than we were. In their generation, girls didn't pose like that unless they were, as my mom refers to them, "hussies". They don't realize that nowadays many woman are doing the vintage type photos for fun and as a means to raise their self-esteem. As far as the possible repercussions in terms of one's job, she actually has a pretty valid point. I have seen personally and heard of many others who have lost their jobs or had problems with them directly resulting from things they posted on their myspace, facebook and other social networking pages. I work for a child-service agency. If I were to take those types of photos, even though I personally consider yours to be in very good taste, it would be considered a morality conflict and possibly cause me problems with my job if my employer were to find out. As far as men looking at those pictures, again, there are a lot of perverts on the internet. We are so careful about protecting our children from them, but I believe we need to protect ourselves from them as well. So basically, if I were in your shoes and my mom had written me that, I wouldn't be mad at her. I would agree that she had some very valid concerns that I would think about and thank her for her concern. Then, I would gently remind her that I am a grown adult, and while I do appreciate her concern and input, the final decision in what I do is my choice and mine alone.
  20. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I just cast another vote for you BBK, you are winning right now!
  21. Hi Jill, I am contacting Alex so he can work on the chat issues.

  22. I see there is a problem, am contacting Alex.
  23. *susan*

    Preparing for Ike

    Steve, I wish you and your family all the best. Stay safe.
  24. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Oh my, twins at the age of 50!! I can't even begin to imagine. She will be 68 before they even graduate from high school. I am so happy I had my kids in my mid 20's. I was young enough to have the energy to keep up with them, and will be young enough when they leave the nest to be able to enjoy life with just the dh and myself. And, thanks to the band, will be around many more years to enjoy grand-babies some day. Anyways, Denise, keep us posted. I am curious to see how this turns out. What type of attorney is she?

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