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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. Hi Ed, and welcome to LBT. No need to feel isolated anymore, you have found a great place for advice, support and to make friends with fellow lapbanders. How are you feeling?
  2. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Snow, ice, shoveling??? What is this you speak of?? :rolleyes2:
  3. *susan*

    Night before surgery

    I was on a liquid only diet for 19 days prior to getting my band, talk about pure he**. But, I was allowed my lovely liquids up until midnight the night before my surgery.
  4. *susan*


    I know Froggi has hamsters. Hopefully she will see this thread and be able to help you out. I will send her a pm.
  5. *susan*

    Let's all help BooBooKitty (The Face of LBT)

    Naked chick is gaining fast, get voting guys! We can't let her catch BBK!
  6. It is so important that you follow your doctor's orders when it comes to the post-op diet. It is not there to make you miserable, it is there so you can heal and your band can form the necessary scar tissue to keep it in place. By eating too early, you are making your stomach work harder to digest your food, and that is not good. Many of you say that you had no bad side effects from eating early, please come back and post in six months to a year from now and let us know if that still holds true. Reason being, you may not see the effects from eating too soon today, tomorrow or even next week. But, the long-term effects are pretty darn scary. Is it really worth losing your band over? If you really feel you must eat something, please don't come to a message board looking for validation to do so. Instead, contact your doctor and tell them how you are feeling. They know what is best for you and will offer you suggestions on what you may or may not change in your post-op diet.
  7. Wow, you poor thing to have gone through so much for so long. I am glad your original surgeon was able to finally correctly diagnosis your issues. I think this is a good lesson for everyone, if you are having medical issues, don't automatically assume it is the band, because it could very well be something else.
  8. *susan*

    Tips and Tricks

    ***DISCLAIMER*** Neither the owner, administrators, nor moderators endorse or support the practices recommended in this thread. If you choose to follow them, you do so at your own risk. Thank you. Susan, LBT Administrator
  9. Awesome, it sounds like things are moving along wonderfully for you. Let us know when you get a date.
  10. *susan*

    Cosmetic Bliss

    Hi Ryan, I am not sure who they are. Perhaps you can post in the doctors and hospitals forum, or the forum for your state and get a better response.
  11. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Why I am sitting here past my bedtime watching "The Iron Chef"?
  12. *susan*

    Problems Getting On Here?

    The site was down for a while, but Alex has corrected the problems now.
  13. *susan*

    Let's all help BooBooKitty (The Face of LBT)

    Sweet, BBK is up by 47 votes now. Lets make that lead even bigger.
  14. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    BBK, I think pictures are in order you lucky girl! SNT, that burger king guy is totally creepy and reminds me of a pedophile or something. Denise, I was thinking the same thing as MacMadame, acid reflux. Off to put in my daily vote for BBK now.
  15. Happy Birthday!!!

  16. *susan*

    Let's all help BooBooKitty (The Face of LBT)

    Just cast mine, it is too close right now, please vote guys!
  17. OK, the Parmesan meatballs look yummy, I am going to try them on Saturday.
  18. *susan*

    Will .25 cc's make a difference?

    As for does .25cc make a difference, for me it makes a huge difference. It seems everyone is different, but it takes very little for me to have perfect restriction or be way too tight.
  19. I am not allowed to drink during meals or for 30 minutes afterwards. I thought this would be tough, but the first time I tried to drink with a meal I got incredibly stuck and it was very, very painful. That pretty much cured me of that in a hurry. A couple of times when I have ate something spicy and just felt like I really needed something, I sucked on an ice cube and it helped.
  20. *susan*

    stuck food

    Absolutely! My first stuck was shortly after I was allowed to eat "regular" foods and before my first fill. I got stuck on corn and it was the worst "stuck" I ever experienced. So much so that I haven't attempted corn since.
  21. I was told absolutely no jewelry allowed back when I had my surgery. And, back then I used to get my nails done, and I had to remove them for the surgery.
  22. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ha, SNT, I remember my parents saying the same thing about changing the channel. Or, to change that little box that sat on top of the tv and you spun it around and it made the antenna change. Yes, I am very, very relieved about my band.
  23. *susan*

    Let's all help BooBooKitty (The Face of LBT)

    I just voted, you are up by 9 votes, we need to get busy and make it 90!
  24. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Posting just to post....Oh, and I had a flouro today and my band is back in place and I got a fill, woo hoo!
  25. *susan*

    I am miserable!

    Muscleband, this is a very old thread, so you may not find the specific answer you were looking for from the person you asked it of. What types of problems are you having? Perhaps we can offer some advice to help you out.

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