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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hence, why someone referred to me as an airhead today, the darn zombies ate my brain and I have nothing left in there but a bunch of air.
  2. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks, but alas, I am going to attempt to resist the temptation to go back. That explains it!!
  3. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    It is kind of dreary here too. Hubby and dd both have colds and they love to share them with me, but I am avoiding both of them. I also was wide awake at about 4:30 this morning. I am sure I will be falling asleep at my computer by 4:00 this afternoon. And, I have obviously contracted some form of temporary insanity because I posted in one of the political threads that I swore I would stay out of. What in the heck is wrong with me? Why did I even think of going there??
  4. *susan*

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    Personally, I firmly believe that religion should be kept out of politics. Not everyone believes in your God and not everyone wants to see our country being run based upon what a bible says. Besides, there is that whole separation of church and state thing! As for homosexuals, if your God thinks it is so bad, and you believe he is the creator of all and people are created in his likeness, then why did he create homosexuals? And, who is the government to judge whether homosexuality is right or wrong. Who is anyone to judge whether homosexuality is right or wrong. Unless, you are free from "sin" and therefore in the elite position of being able to pass judgement upon others and force your beliefs upon others who do not share those beliefs. Does it really hurt you if two people of the same sex are in love, committed to one another and want to solidify that love and commitment by entering into the vows of marriage with one another? I know it doesn't hurt me.
  5. Hi Justin, and welcome to LBT, we are glad to have you join us here. Goodness, with 3 sons and 3 foster sons, I bet you are a very busy man. From someone who works with an agency that specializes in abused, abandoned and neglected children, I admire you for being a foster parent. It can be a tough roll, but at the same time, a very rewarding one. We look forward to getting to know you.
  6. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I hate the whole time change thing. 6:00 tonight and it was pitch dark out already.
  7. *susan*

    Why don't y'all see?

    No over moderation going on here, Elizabethsew is simply doing her job as a moderator, which is to request that EVERYONE abide by LBT rules. Please keep the personal attacks on one another to pm's and the threads on topic. Thank you.
  8. Once again, these political threads are getting too heated. I for one can't wait for the elections to be over and hopefully we can all move on then. In the meantime, please stick to the topic and take the arguing amongst yourselves to pm so we don't have to close this thread to those who are actually interested in debating the idea as opposed to launching personal attacks upon one another. Thank you.
  9. Michelle, on MySpace you have the option of setting your profile to private so only those people you accept as your friends can see it. Or, you can leave it as public and anyone can see it. On Facebook, your profile is always private except for your friends, and even then, you can choose exactly what information you want available for them to see.
  10. *susan*


    Hi Pete, I am so sorry to hear about your wife. Unfortunately, this is something we are hearing way too much of right now. We are in the same boat. My husband was informed on Monday that as of November 1st, his position has been eliminated. Of course, that is my birthday, what a crappy present. Anyways, lets keep our fingers crossed for each other that our spouses find a new job quickly and that we get through this unscathed.
  11. *susan*


    Hey, I am not a November bandster, but I saw Facebook and decided to pop in, hope you don't mind. I would love to add more lapbanders to my friends list on facebook, especially since I tend to hang out there a lot more than I do myspace anymore. You can find me by clicking on the link in my signature.
  12. *susan*

    I think I hit the sweet spot!

    Steve, congrats on hitting your sweet spot, it is a wonderful place to be at. As the weight comes off, you will most likely lose it again. I hit mine for the first time in about a year at my last fill and have since lost 15 pounds. Now, I am about due to go in for another small fill because I am finding I am able to eat more again.
  13. *susan*

    Did you spend the night

    My surgeon keeps all of his band patients overnight. I am glad, because I was so sore and the pain meds through the IV were very welcomed. I just felt more prepared to deal with everything at home after having spent the night.
  14. *susan*

    Good Crockpot recipes?

    I love cooking in my crockpot. I am going to have to try that chili recipe. It looks good and now that it is starting to cool off, I am ready for some good chili.
  15. *susan*

    Why don't y'all see?

    Ladies, please stick to the topic. You are welcome to attack the idea, but not each other. Thank you.
  16. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I gave the remainder of our candy away to all my daughter's friends, candy is evil!! Was it really necessary to start yet another political thread. Seriously, I am about ready to say merge them all into one.
  17. *susan*

    "personal" smell

    I have found garlic does that too, Laura.
  18. *susan*

    Hey ladies

    Hi ladies, hope you don't mind my stopping in. I searched keloids and found this thread. I have a major problem with keloiding. All my surgery scars keloided. However, I am two years out. Do you think the shea butter or mederma would help reduce them any this far out? I also had breast reduction surgery years ago, and the incisions on the sides of my breast keloided pretty bad as well. I have always been bothered by them and would love to be able to find a way to make them less noticeable. Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer me.
  19. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Luluc, I can understand why you would want to keep that puppy, what a cutie!! Mac, I think the idea of living near a volcano would be the most scary to me.
  20. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Wow, I actually grew up in Mt. Dora and then moved to Leesburg for 13 years before leaving the area. I am very familiar with Ocala. Do they have one of the beautiful horse ranches up there?
  21. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Florida is great. We seldom get tornados. I have never experienced a quake here. As far as hurricanes, at least with those we get plenty of advanced notice so we can prepare.
  22. Hi Monika, Cake is highly overrated, besides, your getting something far better for your birthday...a healthier you! Check out our food and nutrition forums located here: Food and Nutrition - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum There are a ton of great ideas there for all stages of banding. Best of luck to you on the 5th, let us know how everything goes and if you have any questions.
  23. *susan*

    Hi all

    Hi Pamela, welcome to LBT. You will find a wealth of information and advice on this site to help either confirm your choice, or help you make another choice that is best for you.
  24. *susan*


    Hi Melisa, and welcome to LBT. It sounds like the timing is right for you and you are in the right frame of mind for having the surgery. I think you will do very well. Best of luck, we look forward to getting to know you better.
  25. *susan*

    Totally Bummed

    I am sorry to hear that and understand the frustration you must be feeling. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Let us know when you hear something.

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