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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP, hello everyone!!!
  2. *susan*

    Happy Holidays

    Thank you, and I hope your holidays are wonderful as well!
  3. *susan*

    Just getting started

    Hi Shelystar, welcome to LBT. Are you nervous and scared about the surgery itself, or the lapband and the changes it will make in your life?
  4. *susan*


    Hi and welcome, you are right, this is a great place for information and advice. Let us know if you have any questions, we are happy to help.
  5. *susan*

    Where's BBK?

    She is pretty active on our facebook and myspace accounts. Give her a holler' over there.
  6. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    This sounds very interesting! Especially the brandy part! I agree, I love all my wonderful friends I have made here and wish all of you a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!! Ha, the challenge is on!!!! :grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::thumbs_up:.... No comment. Shhhhh, I enjoy them too, but we can't let him know that or it will go to his head. Think about it, do we really, truly want him to? He himself has warned us. Ohhhh, so that is what you call it then! I'm sorry, but the whole visual of a decapitated Santa cracks me up.
  7. *susan*

    Moderated comment??

    It probably did as I said, got held up in our spam check because you posted links to another website. Frequently, spammers post links to other sites (usually porn) so our system holds them up for approval so we can make sure they are ok to post. Obviously, yours was fine and we released it.
  8. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Kat makes a really great point, as always. Mental note to self: Be careful of everything I do and/or say to Beth for fear of losing my skin.
  9. *susan*

    New to the Site

    Hi and welcome to LBT! My hubby laughs at me, because I always refer to what you are talking about as going shopping in my closet. I find things I used to love and get so excited about wearing them again. Especially this time of year, when it is getting cold and I can dig up some of my old, favorite comfy sweaters.
  10. *susan*

    Hello. Getting the Band on 12/04

    Hi there, we are so glad you found us and decided to join. It sounds like you have a wonderful family. I am sure they will be very supportive of you as you go through this process. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, you have much to be thankful for!
  11. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I don't think it is ever too early for a bloody mary. Heck, isn't that why they created them, so people can drink in the morning? Dump the boyfriend. I don't want to know what you and Plain are sharing. Plain....crap, I forgot to multi-quote. Darn work interfering with my posting. Love Pizza, am thinking about ordering it tonight seeing we will be busy baking pies and desserts for tomorrow. No meatless Thanksgiving here, it is all about the turkey! Must have turkey. Anyone besides me at work today, and one of the few people that actually showed up, and not wanting to do anything so hanging out on LBT hoping IT doesn't catch me?
  12. I went close to eight weeks after having my surgery before I had my next period. Between the change in diet, weight loss, anesthesia, surgery itself, nerves, etc., it is not surprising that ones hormones may be a bit out of whack and your period could become a bit unpredictable.
  13. *susan*

    Hi everyone!

    One of the big things that pushed me to get this surgery was the diabetes risk. We have a lot of history of it in my family. I had gone in for my annual check-up and learned I was borderline diabetic. That was enough to finally kick me into high gear and decide it was time to do something. Thanks to the band, diabetes is no longer in the picture for me. Your right, your family wants to have you here with them for a long, wonderful, healthy life. As for the pain, the surgery itself is really a breeze. You are in and out before you know it. The recovery isn't that bad either. And, in the great scheme of things, it is all worth it for the improved quality and longevity of life that you will have.
  14. Like Plain said, this really is a pretty safe surgery. If you mention to your doctor that you are quite nervous about it, they will sometimes give you something to take the night before or the day of to help calm your nerves. Just concentrate on the fact that this is going to help improve your health and quality of life, which will make everything worth it.
  15. *susan*

    Surgery 2009!!

    Betsy, that is wonderful news that your insurance is going to cover your surgery! Let us know as soon as you get a date. What a great way to start the new year, huh?!
  16. *susan*

    Saying Hello

    Hi Churchmouse, welcome to LBT. Have you tried Gasx for the gas pain. That and doing lots of walking seemed to work best for me.
  17. *susan*

    Goal Number 1 Met

    Steve, that is awesome news!! I am so excited for you!!!
  18. *susan*

    Vonage or other internet phone service

    I haven't tried it personally, but a couple of people I work with have Vonage and really like it. I completely got rid of the landline several months ago. It finally dawned on me that we all have cell phones and none of us use the landline anymore, so what was the point of paying for it.
  19. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Yay, Froggi! You are an official bandster now. Awww, I am happy for you. Your right, that does sound weird. I wonder why it works, but am definitely willing to try it. And your Meez is very cute!! So, where is the picture of the new doo???? Multi-quoting just to challenge Plain and be the new queen of the multi-quote.
  20. *susan*

    Moderated comment??

    If you can post a link to the thread, I will be happy to look into it for you and answer your question. It may have simply got caught in the spam system for some reason and had to be released before being posted, in which it case it may show up as moderated.
  21. *susan*

    Myspacers with Facebook

    I used to use MySpace only. But, then a couple of my friends pointed me to Facebook and I haven't looked back. I have found more of my old classmates, long lost friends, etc. on Facebook.
  22. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I love the pictures too, Fanny. Especially the storm photos. Tornado's fascinate me and I am bound and determined to go on a storm chasing vacation someday.
  23. *susan*

    Myspacers with Facebook

    If you have facebook, post a link to your page so we can add you. Mine is in my signature.
  24. *susan*

    Myspacers with Facebook

    Hmmm, where are the rest of us facebookers? I know there must be more than just the three of us.
  25. *susan*

    Openly Disgusting - Why Lose Weight?

    I have never been to a class reunion for this very reason.

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