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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks, I will try that.
  2. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Not to change the subject, because that never happens here, but MacMadame, where are you??? I have a question. I saw in another thread that you drink Heathwise's protein hot chocolate. I love hot chocolate and researched on the internet but could not find where to buy it. Is this something only available from a doctor, or can I buy it somewhere? Thanks.
  3. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Mine have not shrunk one bit, not in the least. I have been DD since I was 12 years old, as is my daughter. Back then I was thin, so I guess I meant to have them forever.
  4. *susan*

    one week out:)

    Hi Carmie. It sounds like your recovery has gone very well. We look forward to getting to know you better as we all go through this journey together.
  5. *susan*

    Being Lapped on 12/12

    Hi there, congrats on getting your insurance approval. I can't think of a more wonderful birthday present to oneself than good health!
  6. Hi Pam, welcome to LBT. Wow, 31 pounds is great. I bet you are feeling wonderful! As for the questions, ask away...we are here to help.
  7. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks Beth. Oh, and I am with you on the sports thing. The only sports I like is Nascar. Football absolutely bores me to tears!
  8. *susan*

    Quick Links problem

    I noticed this too, will pm Alex.
  9. Hello to you too! Glad you found us, I agree, it is wonderful to be able to chat with others who understand what you are going through. We look forward to getting to know you.
  10. *susan*

    New from Ohio

    Hi Shelley! Let us know what types of questions you have, we are happy to help as best we can.
  11. *susan*

    Banded 10-24 1st fill today

    Hi Kathy, yep, the fills really are no big deal. When they numb the port area, you literally don't feel a thing. Congrats on your 22 pounds lost, that is wonderful!
  12. *susan*

    Myspacers with Facebook

    JWRN, what is your name on FB so I can add you?
  13. *susan*

    Where's BBK?

    Seriously, Plain, you have to get a facebook account. That is where all the really cool kids hang out.
  14. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hi Everyone, First, I have to thank each and everyone one of you very, very special people for all the kinds words and support. You really have no idea how much it means and how much it is helping. Between battling the flu for the past several days, and being upset about the weight battle as well, I was pretty down in the dumps and very down on myself. Reading through the posts here and all the pm's I received, I realized what a great group of people we have here and how lucky we all are to have found each other. I am confident I am going to get back on track. I have an appointment with my doctor and his nutritionist the first week in January. I have started tracking what I am eating on the daily plate to help get myself back on track. Due to still fighting the flu and being laid up on my couch with it, I have not been back to the gym. But, as soon as I recover, dh and dd have agreed to help motivate me and we are all going to go together. So, with the help of all of you and my wonderful family, I know I can conquer this once and for all. Okay, I am done with the sappiness now and return you back to your regularly scheduled posting just to post. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fanny, you are one brave woman handling all those snakes! That is something I could never in a million years do. As for mother-in-laws, my first one was very, very controlling of my kids and my then husband. I do no miss her at all. My father-in-law was an entirely different story. He was wonderful and I miss him very much. I never see my new mil due to a lot of very deep issues between her and dh, so no problems for me there. Ebony, it sounds like things are going very well for you, congrats!!! Froggi, how are you doing? I am not sure I want to see any man in leather diapers, it sounds kind of scary to me. Plain, the new avatar is great!!!!
  15. *susan*

    Yummy 'Hot Cocoa' Protein!

    Mac, where do you get the healthwise hot chocolate?
  16. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Confession time........... Guys, I need help. I am sitting here in tears right now. I should have probably started another thread, but I feel more comfortable posting in this one to you guys, cause you are my banded family. I just finished typing this on my blog, and decided instead of posting it where only I see it, I should post it here. So, here it is, my copied and pasted confession. I have this wonderful tool, and I refuse to use it. My eating has gone completely out of control, back to what it was before I got banded. I am gaining weight like crazy. I am a complete lazy ass and haven't been to the gym in I can't remember how long. Why am I allowing this? We refinanced our home just so I could have this surgery, and I am still fat, fat, FAT!!!!!!!! I am just so frustrated with myself. I can't seem to get my motivation back. I spend a ton of time on LBT thinking I will find something there to inspire me, but nothing is working. Every time I look in the mirror, I hate what I see. My clothes are all getting way too tight and are downright uncomfortable. I can't even bring myself to get on the scale anymore. I feel like such a liar when I am on LBT offering others advice when I am a complete and total failure myself. I need to work this out. I know how great it felt when I was losing. I know how wonderful it felt both physically and emotionally. I know I want it, but for some reason, I just can't seem to control my eating. I need a fill. But, I can't seem to find my sweet spot. I am either over-filled to the point of not being able to keep anything down, or under-filled like now where I can eat anything I want. I am afraid of being over-filled yet again, so I avoid my doctor. I just need to call him. I need to talk to him about this. Geez, I wish he could read my blog, that would help. I am really embarrassed and ashamed. I feel like I have disappointed everyone.
  17. I have been able to eat rice and pasta from day one of getting banded over two years ago. I don't do anything different that I did pre-band. Although, I do eat it a lot less frequently, it is more of a treat now than anything.
  18. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Tap, I hear ya. My kids play racing games on the PS2, and I literally get nauseous just from watching it. I am such a wimp.
  19. Hi. You have been banded for two months now. From what you have described, I think it is most definitely time for your first fill.
  20. *susan*

    New bandit from Manchester, UK

    Hi Theresa, welcome. I agree, this is a fantastic forum. When I was first starting out, it helped me through everything. It sounds like you are doing well. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. We are all here to help one another through this journey.
  21. Hi and welcome to LBT. We are glad you have decided to join us. Let us know if you have any questions, we are glad to help out.
  22. *susan*

    Hi from New York

    First off, welcome to LBT. As for the problems you are having, it sounds to me like you may be too tight now. Have you had your fills done under flouroscopy? My best suggestion is to contact your doctor immediately and advise him/her of your symptoms. Being too tight can lead to a slip, I have experienced this. Fortunately, liquids for a few days and a complete unfill can often correct this.
  23. BBK, I have no idea. I am seeing it and posting without any problems.
  24. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I agree, I wait until about a week before to put up the tree, and it usually comes down Christmas night or the next morning. As for the gray nose hair, ewww. Seriously, the only gray I have is in my eyebrows. I hate those things, they are tough and stick out like a sore thumb. As soon as I so those babies, the tweezers pluck them things out in a hurry. Over a week!! Wow. That is awesome. I would love to have a banded buddy in my neighborhood. Welcome back, Mac. I can't go on those types of rides, they make me sick. I don't think I have ever experienced those. By the way, welcome to the thread.

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