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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Old Band out -- New Realize Band In

    Rockbandster, you are also giving medical advice...are you a doctor? I have already asked you this twice before, and am asking one final time. PLEASE STATE EXACTLY WHAT YOUR CREDENTIALS/CERTIFICATIONS/LICENSES,etc. are. We know what WasABubbleButt's are, and therefore when she states a medical opinion regarding the band, people respect it. Why should we respect yours when you refuse to tell us what qualifies you to state such opinions?
  2. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I don't have a sweet tooth, that was never my problem. I guess you could say I have a salt tooth. I have major issues with the crunchy, salty stuff. I can't leave them alone.
  3. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Wow, you guys have been busy since I last posted here at noon yesterday! Beth, congrats on the certification and the article. Just keep showing them you are the better employee. Golden-hair's irritate the bejeebers out of me. We have one here, and the only reason they seem to treat her so special is because she has worked here five years and says she plans to retire here. So, I have worked here three and have no plans of leaving either. Fortunately, we don't work in the same department so it is pretty easy for me to ignore her existance. Just peeked out the window, no snow here. Kind of tough to imagine there will be either, I think the 80 degree sun today would melt it. I do hope it cools down some for Christmas though. I really like it to be chilly on Christmas with a fire going in the fireplace. It just makes everything nice and cozy. As for who is prettier, Barrack or Michelle, I really don't have an opinion there. As for RuPaul, he does look pretty as a woman. I am not TGIF'ing here. I haven't started my shopping, which means I will be hitting the malls this weekend with the scary, mean people. Normally I order online, but I just never got into it this year for some reason.
  4. *susan*

    Going through or considering divorce?

    I am so sorry for all of you going through this right now. I know it is tough. Like others said, it is almost like mourning a death, you go through so many stages when your marriage ends. My first marriage ended due to his cheating on me with my "best friend". The first stage I went through was shock and disbelief. Then I went into sadness and I was hurt and cried for hours and days. I ended up seeking professional help and had to get put on meds as well because I just couldn't function, which was not good because I had two very young children to care for. Then I went through the angry stage. That was a fun stage. That was the take everything that was of importance to him and literally throw it out the front door onto the lawn in the pouring rain stage. That felt so good, you have no idea, especially when I saw how pissed off he was when he came to pick up his stuff after I called him. It was very liberating and once I did that, I felt like a different person. I then moved onto acceptance and the realization that I had also been unhappy with this person for years. Once he was gone, I became a much happier person and I know my children realized this and were happier as well. I have been married to a wonderful man whom I will be celebrating our ten year anniversary with next August. When you finally do meet the right person, one who loves you, respects you and treats you like a queen, marriage is a wonderful thing.
  5. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I think most guys hate to dance, period!
  6. *susan*

    1 more day

    First off, welcome to LBT. You will be surprised how quickly everything goes for you tomorrow. Let us know how you are feeling, as soon as you are up to it. Good luck!
  7. *susan*

    new and a little anxious

    Hi and welcome to LBT. You might want to check here for support groups in Sussex. United Kingdom Local Lap-Band Support - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum
  8. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Good Morning Everyone! Tap, no shoveling or shivering here. It is going to be 78 here today! Just thought I would mention that.
  9. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    It really is great to see people help out like that. We always try to sponsor a couple of the kids ourselves. My kids really look forward to shopping for them. It always helps get us in the spirit.
  10. *susan*

    FREE Nutrition advice

    I am temporarily locking this thread until everyone calms down. urwhatueat, please check your private messages. Thank you. Susan
  11. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I am glad someone else was familiar with the Trixie Belden series. I don't feel like such a geek now. Plain, I love Joey from friends and knew that was who you were doing. This is my favorite time of year at work. I know I have mentioned before that I work in the fundraising department for a not-for-profit that takes care of abused, abandoned, and neglected kids. I am so proud of the community, despite the economy they are coming through with tons of gifts to make sure all our kids have a great Christmas. I just finished being on live tv showing us collecting and loading up a ton of the gifts. It was fun.
  12. Hi there and congrats on getting approved. I apologize, I didn't see this thread earlier, so I am assuming that by now you have already been to the doctor. How did your appointment go?
  13. *susan*

    New Life analogy..

    Hi Jenn and . Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. It sounds like you are approaching the band with the right frame of mind and will do well. If you have any questions, let us know. I look forward to getting to know you better.
  14. *susan*


    Hi there and welcome, we are glad to have you join us. In answer to your question, yes, what you are feeling is normal. In the first week or two immediately following surgery, you are not very hungry because of the swelling. However, once the swelling goes down, you definitely get hungrier. That is because the time right now is for healing, not losing. The band is designed to work with fills. Once you start getting your fills, you will find your hunger will start to dissipate and the weight will start coming off. Prior to getting your fills, it is not unusual to not lose any weight and even gain.
  15. *susan*


    Hi there and welcome to LBT. It sounds like you are doing quite well thus far. I never experienced the type of pain in the location that you described. Maybe someone else will see this post that has and respond.
  16. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Jack is still here and posting. Just not much in this forum. Kat, aren't those kind of friends just wonderful? At the time, I had suspected my ex was cheating on me, just not with my best friend. We lived next door to each other and I thought we shared everything. Well, actually, in retrospect, I guess we did, including the ex. What really upset me was the day I sat out in my front yard chatting with her. I was quite distressed because I was confident he was cheating on me. I poured my heart out to her telling her how it was tearing me up inside, how it would affect the kids, how I never dreamed this would happen to us, blah, blah, blah. It wasn't but a few hours later that her then husband called me because he found her and my ex walking out of a hotel together. I couldn't believe it. Like you, I think I was more hurt by her than him. I poured my heart out to her, she acted all sympathetic, then left me and went to a hotel with him. Yeah, they deserve each other.
  17. *susan*

    CONFESSION TIME..spill it

    Lulu, I used to love Judy Bloom books when I was a teen. I remember someone telling my mom they were full of vulgarities and from then on, I had to sneak them in order to read them. I never got into Nancy Drew, but loved Trixie Belding. Did anyone read that series? Shish, welcome to the chocolate addictions club. Sigh....I love me some chocolate.
  18. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ebony, I love your outlook and attitude. I think you are going to do great with your band. Donna, congrats on the NSV. I think it is the best when people that see you every day notice. Oh, and the guy hitting on you is great too. I sympathize on the PMS, am craving chocolate right now, but thus far have resisted. Kat, that is one of the most awesome NSV's I have ever heard! Way to go. Ceradad, Mac, thanks for the advice. I think I will draw her a map. I am feeling so generous, I may just send her a double chocolate fudge cake!! But seriously, she actually did me a favor because by taking my ex, I met my dh who is so much better in every way than he could have ever dreamed of being.
  19. *susan*

    CONFESSION TIME..spill it

    I am definitely going to have to check that site out. Thanks for sharing it with us!
  20. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thank you!!! I am pretty excited about it. I hear ya! My ex was cheating on with me with my best friend (obviously she isn't anymore), whom he ended up marrying too. I am enjoying that for every pound I lose, she appears to find it. That is why I was so excited about losing 3 this week, in the hopes that she finds them as well!! Are you going to post pictures? I love seeing the pictures. Welcome to the cool kids club!!
  21. Rockbandster, please state your credentials so that everyone may better understand where/how you have gained your knowledge.
  22. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Speaking of Plain, where the heck is he? I know he doesn't post much on weekends, but we normally hear from him by now. On facebook, I think he said something about it being blocked at work and having problems with his home computer or something. But, I am old and my memory is going, so I could be wrong. Thanks again for the congrats on the weight loss. It feels sooooo good to see that scale go down.
  23. When did you last have a fill and how much weight have you lost since that time? Something you may want to look at and try is this: Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test I have used it before and it really helps.
  24. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks for all the congrats everyone, I feel like I am back on track again. Sms, sounds like a fun competition, someday I hope to join in!

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