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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Should we offer her our condolences?
  2. *susan*

    CONFESSION TIME..spill it

    My confession...I have become completely addicted to facebook. Oh, and I like to superpoke people.
  3. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    It sounds good, but I just can't imagine pouring water in my nostrils. It sounds, well, like it might be painful.
  4. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Tap, I hope they hurry up and get your roof repaired. Do you have a fireplace? If so, at least you can put all that wood to good use. Um, I don't understand the whole pot thing. Exactly what do you do and how does it work? My curious mind wants to know.
  5. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I love the new avatar, Irene!! You look hot!! Thank you! Yep, I don't think they are the sharpest tools in the shed in that thread. :party: And, thank you, I can't believe how good I feel just getting off my booty and exercising again. I plan on going to the gym tonight too. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
  6. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Good grief, I can't keep up with you guys anymore! I don't check in for a couple of hours and have 6 pages of catching up to do. As for that thread you posted LJM, those kill me. I love the way you and Beth responded. Beth, I think your response to the person who has lost 10 pounds in six days was priceless, but completely went over everyone's head in that thread. Plain, I repeat, nowhere near bikini ready and will never, ever be nude beach ready!!! However, I am quite proud of myself. I went hiking with the family yesterday. We hiked for about 5 hours, and it was over rough terrain and a lot of uphill hiking. Then, I hit the gym for 1 1/2 hours tonight. I am feeling fantabulous right now. I forgot how good working out makes me feel.
  7. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    G4E, good luck with dd and dgd moving in. That can be rough because by now, you are all set in your own ways and have your own routines. Merging the two can be tough. Sending hugs your way. Beth, good luck on your fill today. SMS, I am so jealous of you. I am in Florida too, but no where near bikini ready yet. Hopefully by Christmas 2009 I will be though, and then maybe I will join you on the beach!!
  8. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Sweet, it is a great add-on, isn't it? Beth, so sorry about the issues you are going through with the guests that won't leave. I agree, family comes first. I like Kat's idea as well. Well, the long weekend is over, so back to work today. I am taking another 4 day weekend this week too though. DD turned 16 on Christmas and I am having a sweet 16 party for her at the house this Saturday. So, I need Friday to prepare. If anyone has any good party ideas, I would love to hear them. Happy Monday everyone.
  9. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    The carbs are what I need help with right now too. I am absolutely craving them.
  10. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Count me in for Monday as well!!
  11. *susan*

    Daily Vomiting

    Ronin, I agree with the others, if you cannot even keep liquids down, it is imperative that you see your doctor ASAP. It sounds to me like you need to have a complete unfill because at this point, you have probably irritated your esophagus a bit and may possibly have a slip. If I were you, I would ask the doctor to do a flouroscopy so you can see if your band has slipped, is too tight, or what the problem is. If it is a slip, very often by simply having a complete unfill and going on liquids only for a few days the problem can correct itself. Please keep us posted and let us know what you find out.
  12. *susan*

    3 days post op

    Hi Leslie, we are glad to have you here with us. It sounds like your recovery is going well, which is good. I am surprised no one has called from your surgeon's office to follow-up and see how you are doing. I know my surgeon had his nurse call me the day I returned home to make sure I was settled in ok, and she called me a couple of times before my first post-op appointment to make sure I was doing well. Maybe because of the holidays and people are off, etc. they didn't call you? I am not sure.
  13. *susan*

    Banded: 1.12.09 =)

    Hi Mimi, congratulations on your decision to get banded. I so wish something like the band had been available to me when I was your age. I would have definitely done it. As long as you are familiar with all of the "bandster rules" before you get your surgery and understand that this is a tool, not a miracle cure, then you should do great with the band. Spend as much time between now and your surgery date reading the forums, asking questions and learning about the band so you are well-prepared once you have it. Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.
  14. *susan*


    Hi Linda, and It sounds like you are doing great with your band thus far. You said you had your first fill and are feeling a little tight. Are you making sure to take very small, teeny bites and chew them to absolute mush? Are liquids going down ok? I am just trying to get a better idea of what you are experiencing so we can help you determine if you are too tight, or just not used to being filled yet.
  15. *susan*

    Lapband jitters

    Hi there and welcome to LBT. Did you check out our local Louisiana forum at Louisiana Local Lap-Band Support - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum ?
  16. Hi Loretta, and welcome. You will find tons of advice and people willing to answer your questions here. We are glad to have you join us.
  17. *susan*

    Feeling Full Frequently

    Hi and welcome to LBT. We are glad to have you join us here.
  18. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ahhh, play it and you will be addicted. We have had Guitar Hero for a long time, and I bought the family Rock Band 2 for Christmas. I am turning into quite the drummer!! Oh my, looking for something to wipe the water off my screen that shot through my nose. That was hysterical. Beth, she is absolutely beautiful. I have never seen more gorgeous blue eyes! CC, I am so happy she was able to get it. It sounds like she is recovering well. That is great news. Ugh, dh and I were just talking about the fact that we need to start painting our house, inside and out. I am not looking forward to it. Yey, we are friends! DH and I are both determined to get skinny now that the holidays are over. Back to the gym we go. I am probably going to do the 5 day pouch test to, it works great for helping you get back on track. I hope everyone had a great holiday. Ours was wonderful.
  19. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    CC, darn, I am at work and the pictures won't show up here. Can't wait until I get home so I can see them. BBK, good luck at your moms. Your strong and I know you can get through this. Brandy, I congratulated you in another thread, I am so excited for you. I wish I was as home where I could post a really cool smiley for you. Ceradad, I am so sorry. My sister died shortly before Christmas, she was only nine years old at the time. After that, Christmas was never the same for my parents. My dad would never participate and would just sit back and quietly watch all of us. Finally, when my kids were 6 months and 2 1/2 and my brothers was 5, and it was Christmas and he was not participating I told him while we all loved Patty and miss her dearly, he needs to focus on those of us who are here now. I told him by sitting back and not participating, he was really missing out on a great time in his grandkids lives and the opportunity to make wonderful new memories with them. He became really angry at me and stormed out of the room. I was devastated because I thought I had ruined Christmas for everyone then. But, about 45 minutes later he came out with tears in his eyes and gave me a big hug. He thanked me for making him realize this was not how Patty would want to be remembered as she was such a happy child despite all her disabilites and that she would want Christmas to be a wonderful, joyful time. We always take time to remember her now, but it is a happy time for us. We celebrate her and are thankful for the short time we were able to have her here with us. Christmas can be such a wonderful time of the year, and it can be tough. My heart goes out to you, but celebrate Cera and the family you have with you and honor those who are gone by remembering them and loving them. Don't focus on the regrets, focus on the good, positive things and the lessons you learned from them. Merry Christmas everyone.
  20. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Maybe because we have hubbys who aren't disgusting, treasure us and don't want to subject us to such horrors?
  21. *susan*

    CONFESSION TIME..spill it

    Yay, Brandy!!! I see it and am so excited for you. Congratulations!!!
  22. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ok, that is just sick and absolutely grounds for divorce in my book. But, at least now I understand what the double meaning is. I haven't had any problems with it being slow. Tap, I am so glad to hear she arrived safe and well! I agree! And now, I am absolutely exhausted and off to bed. Have a good night everyone.
  23. *susan*

    CONFESSION TIME..spill it

    Donna, I love working from home, I am always more productive there without all the interruptions. As for hubby, well, I went and paid the cable bill during lunch. But, I did it with one condition. Last night was nice because instead of going to bed and him watching tv, we had the radio on and talked and ....... It was so nice that I got him to agree to two nights a week with no tv.
  24. *susan*

    CONFESSION TIME..spill it

    Ok, here is my confession. Notice I was not on at all last night. Um, a couple of months ago I changed from yahoo to gmail. I never thought about the fact that I get my cable/internet bill electronically via my email, and never missed the fact that I hadn't received one in a while. Well, I thought about it when I got home last night and we had no cable or internet. Oops, better go pay that bill today. Hubby wasn't too happy, so I had to get, uh, lets say creative to occupy the evening. By this morning, I think he forgot all about tv!!
  25. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Wow, you guys have been so busy. Just popping in to say hi. I have to get back to work, it is that time of year and donations are pouring in.

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