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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Do you douche?

    Definitely not. Like everyone else is saying, it wipes out all the good bacteria that we need and ends up causing us to have UTI's.
  2. *susan*


    Looks good!
  3. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks, I was wondering what to do for dinner tonight, and now I know! Do I dare even ask? I second that!! Having a "life" can be highly overrated at times. Ok, that is beyond hysterical. I guess when the urge strikes to some people feel they must act on it immediately, no matter where they are. So, anybody doing anything interesting today. I'm not. I cleaned and got all my laundry done yesterday. Hubby is off racing his rc cars in Macon. DD is still in bed and I am just enjoying the peace and quiet while checking out my message boards.
  4. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Wow, I had an emergency with my mother-in-law and am gone for a few days and come back to literally pages and pages of posts. I am not even going to attempt to catch up. So, I will do this instead, with one exception... Plain, I know the Susan you were referring to in regards to taking pictures of poo was not me. Just to clarify, that is something this Susan would never do. I think I owe a congrat to CC and SNT for major achievements. If I missed anyone, congrats to you too. I made the mistake of peeking in at the prostitution thread and can't believe I read the whole thing. I am just going to refrain from commenting. Have never seen damages. I did however get to watch a four hour marathon of "Lost" episodes in the hospital waiting room. I am now totally confused by that show. And, last, but not least, am I the only person who owns dogs with horrific gas problems? Seriously, they are killing me tonight. I am out of here now, going to search for a gas mask.
  5. *susan*

    American Idol 2009

    So, anyone besides me watching???
  6. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    No, please, for the love of life, do not share!!! Are you kidding??!! That is freezing. It is supposed to be 20 here when I wake up in the morning with an expected high of only 48! That is ridiculous!! Insane!! I may have to call in cold tomorrow. Lulu, I am so glad you caught that in time! Congrats on the official date. That is exciting news. I reluctantly added a couple of family members. I don't see them very often and I figure if they don't like the real me, screw them.
  7. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Your welcome! It works great. Wow, now that is definitely too rich for my blood. I didn't know what this was until I saw your later explanation. It sounds cool. Maybe you can post a picture when it arrives? I would love to see it. Good morning everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful hump day. Mine is freezing!!
  8. *susan*

    American Idol 2009

    So, what did you think of the woman in the bikini? Did she deserve to go to Hollywood?
  9. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Me too! Way too cold for my bones. I am freaking out because they said it is supposed to be 20 when we wake up on Friday. I am going to move to Florida where it is warm. Oh, wait, I already live there! Brrrrr... Love Idol and started a thread for it ... Never watched Medium, maybe I should check it out. I'm not Lulu, but am happy to give you the link: Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test You should ask for some of those blankets they warm up in the hospital, they are wonderful. I am going to have to go check out that picture. I think I have an attitude tonight. No, I definitely have one. It is not safe. The PMS evil side is definitely rearing it's ugly head.
  10. *susan*

    Need Assistance Please

    Your IP Address is: Our database shows the following information for this IP: Country: US State: MN City: MINNEAPOLIS Zip: 55401 Actual Country: US Actual State: FL Actual City: Jacksonville Actual Zip: 32223
  11. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    In the interests of LJM's blood pressure, I think until after Joshua arrives we should refrain from posting links to "cheated and I want vindication" threads. We all know what those threads do to her. I am cold.
  12. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hey Michele, welcome to LBT and the PJTP thread!!! I have no desire to go bald, nope, definitely not for me!! I would love to be able to wash and go. I used to keep perms in my hair so I could wash it and go curly. But, they really dried out my hair so I haven't done that since about 2001. I have incredibly thick hair, so it takes me forever to dry it, which I find terribly annoying. But, not annoying enough to shave it off. LJM, that is good. Keep taking care of you!!!
  13. *susan*

    Does anyone ever chat live?

    Hi, Smiles. This thread is 4 1/2 years old and most of the people are no longer even active. The best thing is to just go ahead and sign into the chat room, it is usually pretty active now.
  14. They have a new location now. Go under quick links towards the upper left of the forum. Click that on and in the drop-down box you will see the link to the social groups.
  15. *susan*

    Starting up again...

    Congratulations on the new baby! Hopefully things will go well with insurance and you will be banded in no time. Keep us posted.
  16. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I love pogo. It has tons of great online games. There are ones you play against others, and ones that are singles only. My favorites are hearts, canasta and tripeaks solitaire. I have no problems sleeping in on the weekends. Up at 6 during the week, and never before 9 on the weekends. What is it about men and long hair. My dh is all happy because I am letting mine grow longer again. I hope your migraine gets better. Who denied your pictures and why???? That is awesome news! I can't wait to be done. I did manage to lose a total of 7 pounds on the pouch test last week. Football, blech. I can't wait till February when Nascar season starts again.
  17. Very good question, I have contacted Alex.
  18. This is being worked on.
  19. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    LJM, sorry about the stay at the "spa". At least you get to have your laptop with you. I would probably be spending hours on pogo.
  20. *susan*

    lapband=deceit and bullsh**t

    Stan, I am so happy to hear that things are working out for you now. That is awesome news.
  21. Cleo's Mom, I have the exact same problem. When I am eating at home or in my office privately at work, I never have problems with getting stuck. If I go out to dinner with just my family, I don't get stuck. But, when I go out with friends, coworkers or other people who don't know about my band I feel pressured to eat faster. I don't want them to all be left sitting there while I am still eating. This usually results in my taking too big of bites and eating to fast and then a race to the bathroom. Every time I go out, I tell myself I won't do this, but I do and it is my one hangup that even after 2 1/2 years of banding, I just can't seem to get past. It drives me crazy. By the way,
  22. I agree. Plus, if you are covered by insurance and screw something up, they are likey not to cover fixing it because it wasn't done by a licensed, proper medical professional.
  23. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    If you post pics, I will ban you quicker than you can blink that creepy eye of yours!!!!!! Ewwwww...just ewwwwww! Good luck! Down six pounds good, down six pounds since Monday, not so good. Sounds like you definitely needed that unfill. Kat, congratulations on the new grandson. I am just amazed at your SOL, I believe my DH would have promptly kicked his ass and nothing would have kept us away from that hospital. You are far more gracious than I. Speaking of being gracious, I cannot believe that thread where the "nurse" ate a hamburger two days after surgery. I see many of you posted there. I couldn't, I just couldn't. I started to at least three times, but nothing I would have said would have come out sounding gracious or polite. So, for now, I refrained.
  24. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks for the congrats everyone! I am so tired, I am thinking about taking a nap in my office during lunch.
  25. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    That would be none other than my favorite driver, Tony Stewart. It was just a painting of him. You can see the full picture on facebook. Oh man, thanks for posting it, sounds delicious. I am on day 3 now and actually get to chew some food!!! I am so excited. But, on a good note, I have lost 3.5 pounds. I am sure a good portion of that is from exercise from running to the restroom every 10 minutes due to all the water you have to drink. Happy hump day everyone, we are halfway through the week!

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