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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Kissing the Band Bye-Bye! Yes!!!

    I was wondering what she has a bad feeling about as well. Actually, my husband will be going with me now, instead of my mom. I prefer it, he has a very calming affect on me. I have everything ordered for post-op and am just waiting for UPS to deliver it. I am like you, I am so excited to get my band out, that I have no nerves at all. I start my liquid diet tomorrow, and am even excited about that. Although, I am sure by Saturday I will be a complete bear to be around. I hope you have a safe trip as well.
  2. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks guys, I think it will. I even went so far as to send my hubby an invite to be my friend again on facebook today.
  3. *susan*

    Last person to post WINS!

    Hey, babygrl1234 just gave me an amazing idea. How about I post, and then abuse my privileges by immediately locking this thread so I win???
  4. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Oh, on a side note, for all your bacon lovers, this weekend is BaconFest in Atlanta. Bacon, beer and bands!! What more could you possibly ask for???
  5. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Taps, I was wondering where you were. We are usually the first to post in the mornings. I cannot block people. Even if I wasn't an administrator, I love reading all the controversy. Thanks for all the words of support everyone. Ebony, I love your point of view on things!!! Babygrl, I have stopped having any contact with the man I was talking to online. I do believe he is what I needed at that time. I did tell my husband about him. I also admitted to him that I miss him. But, I know I can't have my cake and eat it too either. I have to choose between one or the other. BBK has given me some great advice along the way and has really been there for me. I appreciate that knowing she has been battling her own demons right now. Anyways, even though I miss the online guy and our talks, I know, right now, I cannot talk to him. I choose my marriage of ten years, the man I love and the man that I know loves me. I told my online friend I believe it is better for him as well, as he is 13 years younger than me. I told him I wish him nothing but happiness and hope he finds someone that is right for him in the final email I sent him.
  6. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    That sounds just like my dad and hubby! I am officially jealous. I would love to wear jeans to work every day. Talk about my dream job! My first marriage ended due to him cheating on me a lot, with the final person being my best friend. This is hitting really close to home right now, I have to be honest. I found out that eight years ago, when he was in Texas for his son's graduation from boot camp, my husband had sex with his ex-wife one time. I know, it was eight years ago, but to me, it feels like it was yesterday. These past few weeks have been really rough on me. His ex actually brought it all up about 2 months ago. I had kind of thought something happened, but hubby denied it and I buried it. But, it ate at me for eight years in the back of my mind. Then, she brought it all up 2 months ago and I confronted him again and he became very angry and denied it. In my heart, I knew it was true. I decided I couldn't live with it anymore, opened a savings account to save money to leave and started distancing myself from him. During that time, I "met" someone online. We never met in person, but did talk on the phone a couple of times. Most of our conversations took place on line and were not inappropriate. He is very religious, I am someone who questions my faith in God and turned my back on him because I was angry at him. He was helping me with this. He confessed to falling in love with me, even though it went against everything he believed in. I developed a huge emotional connection to him. Last Thursday, the proverbial "shit" hit the fan. Hubby wanted to know why I was pulling away from him. I confronted him about Texas again, he denied again and again. I finally just screamed at him that for once and for all I just wanted the truth. He looked me straight in the eye and said, "I f***ed my ex wife in Texas". I was devastated. He was crying and begging me not to leave him. He told me she basically blackmailed him into it. I refused to believe him. He said he hated every minute of it and thought only of me. Again, I refused to believe him. I was angry and also said something very nasty to my online "friend" and have not heard from him since, which I realize now is the best thing for me. I also had to deal with his ex and one of his daughters calling me all day Friday gloating about it. Friday night, hubby and I stayed up until 4:00 am. We talked, I screamed, cried, and maybe smacked him once. :tt1: He did everything right. He accepted responsibility, he answered my every question, he allowed me to express whatever emotion I needed to. I do know his ex-wife is very manipulative and has a strange hold on his kids. To them, everything she says is gospel. And if she tells them to do something, even though they are adults now, they believe her and do it. My husband was upset because he only had one day left with his son before he shipped out for three years. She threatened him and told him if he didn't sleep with her, she would tell his son things about him and make him not want to spend that final day with him. She also threatened him with never being able to see his other children again. He said he had a couple of beers, his judgement wasn't best, he was scared of losing his son and believed she could do that, so he complied. He insisted he hated every minute of it and was terrified of telling me because he knew it would end our marriage. I could see the pain in this man's face. While still confused and feeling he could have made a different choice, I believe he truly does love me and regret what he did. I have never seem him cry, but he has cried so many tears this past week over the pain he has caused me. Then, on Saturday, his other daughter called me. She told me even though we have never gotten along, she felt awful about what happened. She wanted me to know when her mother returned from Texas, she was actually bragging about how she convinced my husband that she would make it to where he would never see his kids again if he didn't sleep with her, so he did. She didn't even care that she was also married at the time. So, that helped me with believing him. Then, for some reason his ex felt the need to call me and gloat some more. She said as usual she won and she was going to succeed in ending our marriage. I told her it wasn't a freaking game for someone to win or lose, it was our lives and our marriage. But, if she wanted to make it a game, then she loses, because Lee has always chosen me, I am the one he is with and wants to be with, not her. She then got mad at me. Sorry, if this is a bit graphic. But, she went on to tell me she felt sorry for me because he couldn't even "keep it up" and she had to finish herself off. I took great pleasure in telling her that has never been a problem with him and I and viagra will not be making any profits from my husband. When I hung up I asked Lee if it was true and why he hadn't told me that. He said it was true, and it was because he didn't want to be with her, loved me and could only think of me. He said she ended up going to the other bed and masturbating to "finish herself off" and he was thouroughly disgusted and went in the bathroom and locked the door until she left. He hadn't told me because he didn't figure I would believe him. I know a few of you are not on facebook and had asked why I had been having such a tough week. Now, you know. It has been rough. But, while I still miss my "online" friend, I know it is not good for me and I have to continue to have no contact with him. I have ten years invested in my marriage and I do truly believe that my husband loves me with all his heart. I see the pain in his face from what he did to me, but I also see the love there. He has been doing everything right to help me get through this. We are in the healing process now, and I think we are going to be okay and our marriage may be even stronger as a result. We no longer have this "lie" between us and it is a relief to both of us. He also knows about my friend and is very understanding of that as well. Originally, my mother was going to go with me next week when I go for my revision surgery in Mexico. But, my husband now says he wants to be the one there with me by my side. I believe having five days with just the two of us will do us good. Whew, that was long, sorry. I just wanted everyone to see, there can sometimes be a bit of a different spin on someone who makes a "mistake" while being in a committed relationship.
  7. Wow, I start my liquid diet tomorrow and one week from today, I will be on a plane making my way to Mexico. I am actually getting pretty excited, as opposed to nervous. My husband has decided he will be going with me instead of my mother.
  8. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thank you. And, I hope you get to feeling better and find a job quickly as well. Thank you, thank you and thank you! Besides, purple is my favorite color. Hi Froggi.
  9. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Well, since you were so open and honest about it, I do too!!! :frown: Ssshhhhh, she may here you, come in here and ruin our fun!! Happy Monday, everyone!!
  10. I have never had anal sex, but I never thought about the possibility of it streching that area out and causing problems later in life either. Anyone have any further insight into this being a possibility?
  11. *susan*

    Just Got Approved

    Congratulations on getting your approval. If you are having mixed feelings, you need to be sure this is what you want to do before scheduling the date. Have you reviewed all your options and researched as much as possible?
  12. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Eh, not really okay, but surviving. You can pretty much get the gist of it on facebook. Wow. When I was 20 I had a reduction. I was a HH and went down to a D. I used to have to have my bras special made in Orlando because stores just didn't carry them in my size. That was back in 1986 and they cost me around $80.00 each. And, that was also when I was quite small, weighed about 130, so I was very, very top heavy. It can be quite miserable. With my weight gain, I only went up to a DD, thank goodness.
  13. *susan*

    Kissing the Band Bye-Bye! Yes!!!

    Elisabeth, you may be traveling there alone, but remember, I will be there the day after you, sleeve sister!!
  14. Daisy, Nina mentioned some soup broths I could also eat, so I brought some of those from the grocery store. When I get my samples in the mail, I am going to see what I like, then will probably order a few more for the clear liquid stage.
  15. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Oh, and Beth, that flashing yellow is bright!!!!
  16. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I don't buy any clothes that require dry cleaning or ironing. Those are my personal rules to live by. Why I have been having an emotional meltdown, you guys posted about 20 pages. I am not even going to attempt to catch up, so let me know if I missed anything good.
  17. This is what I ordered: From unjury Office / Travel Packs (6 individual packets in each Pack) ------------------------------ 1 chocolate 1 vanilla 1 strawberry Sorbet 1 chicken Soup 1 Unflavored 1Kitchen Thermometer From Netrition 1 39-0915 Matrix 5.0, Cookies and Cream, 5.40 lb. $37.95 $37.95 1 40-0017 Product Catalog, 1 catalog $0.00 $0.00 1 458-0006 whey Gourmet, Smooth Peanut Butter Chocolate, 2 lb. $30.99 $30.99 I also ordered a Magic Bullet off of eBay yesterday. I will let you know which ones I like/dislike. Girl, I hear you. Mine slipped three times. I am so looking forward to having a "maintenance free" surgery. Sounds like you had a great experience. I am about a week and half until mine now, and start my liquid diet on Thursday. I can't wait. I plan on taking my laptop with me and posting from the hospital, pictures included.
  18. *susan*

    Urine sample cup

    You did get my attention, lol. I am not really sure I want to associate my food with urine.
  19. Hi Libby. My port flipped three months after I originally got my band. It was not big deal, surgery and recovery were a breeze. I was in and out of the hospital in a couple of hours and returned to work the next day with minimal discomfort.
  20. Hi Tren, and welcome. I am glad to hear you got the approval from your gastro doctor, that is good news. Keep up posted on how things progress.
  21. Hi and welcome. It sounds like you are well on your way. You definitely need to review your options, and decide which surgery best fits your needs. You don't want to regret your choice later. I was a major diet coke addict and thought I would go crazy without it. But, to be honest, it hasn't been a problem for me at all. You get used to not having it.
  22. *susan*

    LapBandTalk.com is Moving!

    Everyone, Ken S. is one of Alex's right hand people for keeping LBT up and running. If you are ever concerned if someone is legitimately associated with LBT, simply click on the link at the bottom of the forum pages that says "view forum leaders". You will see Ken is listed there.
  23. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    French toast?? *sigh*, I miss french toast with butter, cinnamon and lots of thick, rich syrup. Ugh, thanks for taking me there. Tap, yes, it has been all Wednesdays here. I think the weekend is never going to come. So far so good with my kids, Justin is 18 and graduating in May. Danielle is 16 and a great kid. My philosophy has always been to be very open and honest with them so they know they can talk to me about anything. And, they do. Sometimes, too much so. Plus, our house is the house where all the kids seem to always be hanging out at, so I always know where everyone is. They all call me "mom".
  24. Thanks, WASa. I am full liquids the week before surgery because of my band problems. Dr. Aceves wants to make sure there isn't any swelling or other complications. I am not concerned about it. Like you said, have done that many times before. I was just worried about the clear liquid stage, but it doesn't sound like I have to worry much there either. I will get busy and order some protein supplements though.
  25. Ky, what an awful experience that must have been for you! I am so sorry you went through that. It sounds like a good idea that you are having a barium swallow. When you started having the problems with the band, and they removed all the fill, did the doctor also have you go on liquids only for a few days? If the band had slipped, usually removing all the fill and doing liquids only for at least 48 hours helps. Mine slipped three times and each time that did the trick for me. Please keep us posted on what you find out. I am thinking about you!

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