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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Are you kidding me? I would have taken the day off to stay home and play with it!! You know what, I don't think that is so odd. I got one for my parents for Christmas. To this day, I can't get it to play the photos I loaded into it. I have some odd family as well. I wonder if it is the same family? Let's here it for the sweet spot! It is wonderful when you find it. Okay, I must admit, I personally find men with goatee's to be incredibly sexy. Babygrl, your daughter is beautiful. You can tell how happy and proud she is in those photos. Ebony, congrats on the weight loss and NSV!! Guys, tomorrow I am out of here and headed to Mexico!!!! :thumbup:
  2. Ohhhh, I forgot about that! Thank you! Karey, I honestly can't remember the name of it right now. I will try and remember to check when I get home tonight and post it for you. Oh my gosh, tomorrow is the day, I will be "leaving on a jet plane". Sorry, I am actually getting a little giddy here. Stupid me though, I thought I knew exactly where my birth certificate is, but when I went to get it, it was gone. I tore my house up looking for it and cannot find it anywhere. I need it to get back into the states with!! So, I am going to call the office of vital statistics today and get them to overnight it to the hospital in Mexacali for me.
  3. *susan*

    Kissing the Band Bye-Bye! Yes!!!

    Good luck Elisabeth!!! I am thinking of you and will see you there on Wednesday!
  4. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I hope your hip gets to feeling better. That is definitely not a good way to start the week off. That is awesome news. They deserve to celebrate. Good morning everyone, hope you are all having a great Monday and a great week.
  5. Karey, I am definitely surprised that I am not physically hungry. No headaches or anything. Now, the head hunger is another thing. It is tough fighting that desire to want to chew something. But, I am able to because I know this is going to be so worth it! I will definitely let you know how things go with Dr. Aceves. I am expecting everything to go wonderfully.
  6. *susan*

    i am new to the forum

    Hi there and welcome to LBT. We look forward to sharing your journey with you. Keep us posted on how things are progressing.
  7. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Funny you should mention Floyd, to be exact, it was the last week of August, 1999 when he came to be. I know that because DH and I got married on August 28, 1999 here in Florida and honeymooned in Myrtle Beach. We pretty much chased him up the coast. When we got to Myrtle Beach, the winds and rain were unbelievable. Me, being the weather junkie I am made DH go down to the beach with me with our video camera. The film is amazing and we still watch it sometimes. My hair was blowing straight out, the rain was completely sideways and you could barely hear us talking because the wind was howling so loud. Ouch, luluc, that looks painful. I hope it heals quickly!! Good luck with the new job, Kat. If it is something you enjoy, then it can be very rewarding. And, it is definitely a good idea to be proactive in these times. MacMadame, congratulations, that is wonderful. I hope I can say that sometime soon as well!! Guys, I started this liquid diet on Thursday and am actually behaving very well! I couldn't stand it though, and jumped on the scale this morning. I have already lost six pounds!!! :thumbup:
  8. Congrat, Nia, you are definitely an inspiration. You have done great with the weight loss. And, congrats on the baby as well. Life must truly be exciting for you!
  9. *susan*

    Calling all SLEEVED People

    I definitely plan to take advantage of those first six months as well. I do cardio and weight training. I am curious to see how long Dr. Aceves says I have to wait before I can resume them. I am liking the jump start this liquid diet has given me. I started Thursday, today is Sunday and I have already lost six pounds!!
  10. Good morning everyone, I am actually not doing bad on my liquid diet. No headaches or anything, just the occasional tummy growl. I started it Thursday morning and weighed myself then. I decided Thursday would be my "new" weigh-in day. But, this morning, I thought, what the heck, and jumped on the scale. Unbelievable, I have lost 6 pounds already!! I am not complaining, but I sure wouldn't want to do this by living on liquids forever either. The time is getting close. I have no nerves at all right now, just excitement about finally not living every day of my life wondering if I am going to be able to eat or not, or if I am going to embarrass myself if I am in a situation where I am eating in front of coworkers or friends.
  11. *susan*

    Kissing the Band Bye-Bye! Yes!!!

    Elisabeth, we are almost there! I can't believe how quickly this is coming up. I am so excited for both of us! And, Denise, you aren't too far behind us either, girl!!
  12. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hey lulu, my daughter is planning to go to vet school when she graduates!! She is pretty excited, because she just landed a part-time job for the summer at our vets office. She gets a discount, which means it is time for all of my dogs to go in for check-ups and shots!
  13. *susan*

    Who Here Is On Twitter?

    I am bringing this back up. I think more and more of us are now starting to use twitter. In the past two months, I have become as addicted to it as I am facebook. In fact, I have my twitter update my facebook status. So, if you are on twitter, post your link here. Mine is in my signature.
  14. *susan*


    Go to facebook and view your profile, scroll down and on the left you should see the option to create a profile badge.
  15. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Yep, just a few threads down from this one. Did you quit? I know you are happy to be out of there and wish you luck on finding something you enjoy. Thank you!! Good luck. Airlines are the pits. When my DH decided he wanted to go with me instead of my mom to Mexico, they refused to transfer her ticket to him. So, I am out that $442.00. Then, because I was making DH's flight reservations at only ten days out, I ended up paying close to $1,000.00 for his tickets!!!! Good morning all! I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday. We are supposed to get storms this afternoon and major severe weather tomorrow. But, because I am a storm/tornado junkie, I am excited about it. I know, I am a freak. Hi Plain!
  16. WASa and serious did a pretty good job summing up my reason for going to Dr. Aceves in Mexico. He is the best and most experienced, especially when it comes to doing revisions. This is serious business, and I don't want to take any chances with my health. On another note, I did notice last night that every commercial is about food! I can't wait until next week when I have my sleeve so I won't be so hungry.
  17. *susan*

    Kissing the Band Bye-Bye! Yes!!!

    Uh, guys, do we really have to discuss cheesecake right now? Some of us are on liquids only and starving!!! :smile2:
  18. *susan*

    Last person to post WINS!

    While LilMissDiva was busy yelling at Taps for cutting, I snuck up behind Taps, grabbed the trophy, closed the thread and declared myself THE WINNER!!!!
  19. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I love goofing off! I am goofing off right now, because I should be working, but instead am PJTP. Started my pre-op liquid diet today. Wish me luck. I am hungry already.
  20. Your welcome, Irene. Well, I had my "last supper" last night. Hubby and daughter treated me to my favorite Japanese Steak House. It was delicious. Today, I started my pre-op liquid diet. As I mentioned previously, this is not what Dr. Aceves usually requires for his sleeve patients. But, they are requiring it of me due to all the problems I was having with my band. He wants to make sure there is no swelling or anything else that would prevent me from having my band removed and the sleeve done all in one surgery. So, I imagine by Saturday I will be a complete grump. I remember when I started my liquids only pre-op diet for the band, the first three days were the worst. Once I made it past them, the hunger and headache seemed to dissipate. I am hoping for the same now. I can't believe a week from today I will be in Mexicali, in the hospital being prepped for surgery. I am pretty excited to have the band out and all the problems it has given me gone. I know for many people, they have success with it. For me, it has been misery for the past year.
  21. *susan*

    New Band New Beginings

    Hi there Weightwise, and welcome. Congratulations on your decision to get banded. It sounds like you have a great attitude and are doing wonderfully thus far. We look forward to getting to know you as you progress through your journey.
  22. *susan*


    Hi and welcome to LBT. I am not sure I understand your question, would you mind clarifying it for us? Thanks.
  23. *susan*

    Just got here

    Hi and welcome to LBT, we are happy to have you join us here. It is perfectly normal to be nervous. But, what is important is that you are confident in your decision, did plenty of research and are confident in your chosen doctor. Read the forums, you will learn a great deal here about life with the band, what to expect and great tips and advice.
  24. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Here is the link to baconfest: Ticket Request
  25. I agree, Ebony, you have the most amazing advice.

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