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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP, I should be busy preparing for a moving sale next weekend, and packing for our move in two weeks. But, instead, what I am I doing? Playing around on LBT and facebook and not accomplishing a darn thing.
  2. *susan*

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    For those of you who wish to respond to the OP's post, great. To the OP, I apologize for the hijacking of your thread. To those of you who wish to argue about spelling, who is and is not a patient coordinator, etc., please leave it out of this thread as it is way off topic. Thank you.
  3. *susan*

    Brazillian Waxing

    Checking in to say, no, I am still not smooth. I am having trouble working up the courage to go in. I am such a wimp!
  4. I attended a locally created support group, where many of the members had both of these doctors. Dr. C clearly came across as not having the best bedside manner, but was an excellent surgeon and very good at motivating you to use the tool he has placed in you. I had my band placed with a different surgeon. However, upon revising to the sleeve in Mexico, I switched to Dr. B to follow up with me here in Jacksonville as he has had some experience with the sleeve. I have found him to be very good. I was having some pretty severe medical problems about a month ago in which other doctors quickly assumed I was having gall bladder issues. However, Dr. B disagreed and after exploring my symptoms more in depth, he was the only doctor to actually figure out what was wrong with me and help me to finally get healthy again.
  5. *susan*

    Green's passing.

    I am so sorry to hear about Green. My thoughts are with her loved ones.
  6. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Fanny, congrats on the new job. Everyone else, I am pulling for you and hoping for nothing but the best on your interviews. I am home sick today. I don't know if it was something I ate or what, but have been up all night sick and feel just lousy.
  7. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Tap, have a great trip! Glouc, will keep my fingers crossed for you. Fanny, the pictures are great. I love the frog! Beth, I hear what you are saying. We bought this house thinking it was our dream home. We didn't think about property taxes, homeowners insurance or the fact that it is 30 years old and would start nickle and diming us to death. The place is huge, way more than is needed for just three people. Every penny we make goes into it and leaves nothing for anything else. While we are going to miss it, hubby and I also feel like a huge load has been lifted from our shoulders. We plan to stay in the apartment until dd graduates, and then figure out what we want to do from there.
  8. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I did it, and had a very nice afternoon off with my daughter. That is awesome news!!! Wow, more great news, sounds to me like this was meant to be! :thumbup: I have so much stuff I need to do today, but woke up, my lovely monthly visitor had arrived, I have a massive headache and feel just blah. Something tells me I am going to accomplish nothing. Oh well.
  9. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I have no crafty skills at all. I just live on my laptop. It's Friday, it's raining and I really don't feel like being at work. I am seriously considering giving myself the rest of the afternoon off.
  10. Sounds like acid reflux to me. Is it possible you are a bit too tight now?
  11. *susan*

    Average Fill Level

    Honestly, that is a pretty tough question to ask, because everyone's sweet spot is different. Plus, many people have different size bands. For me, when I had my band, .02cc would make a huge difference for me in terms of restriction. I never got to more than 2.5cc in my band and even that was too tight for me.
  12. *susan*

    Feedback on Curves Fitness Centers??

    To be honest, I did Curves for about three months and left and joined a regular gym. I just didn't feel like I was getting anything out of the workouts at Curves. I never broke a sweat or anything. I am much happier at Anytime Fitness.
  13. *susan*

    Wooohoo not much longer now

    Jennifer, that is good news! Let us know when you get a definite date.
  14. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ebony, that is horrible. It almost sounds like the manager has a personal vendetta against you that has nothing to do with your job performance. G4E, as mentioned on Facebook, I am so sorry for all that you are going through. You are definitely in my thoughts. My hubby and I are doing better. I was on the verge of leaving. But, we finally sat down and really talked things through one night. We were up until 3:00 a.m. But, it was worth it, because we are doing so much better now. The bad news is we have agreed we need to get out of our beloved home as quickly as possible. He is a GM employee and things are not looking good for him. Between the mortgage, taxes and homeowners insurance, we simply cannot afford our home anymore. Damn this economy!! So, we have someone willing to take the home off of our hands and we are going to be moving into an apartment by the end of the month. This will take a lot of stress off of us, because money has been a huge issue for us. Plus, the house is 30 years old and starting to need a lot of major repairs like new drain field, new AC unit, etc., things we just don't have the money for right now. Anyways, as depressing as that all sounds, I am actually in quite a good mood. It is a relief to have finally worked things out with my husband, for us both to admit we need to basically start over both personally and financially and have a plan in place.
  15. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Happy Friday everyone!
  16. I had my band placed on in April, 2006. The first year was a breeze and I lost a ton of weight. In month 13 of my journey, I was overfilled and slipped my band. Since then, I seemed to have developed an intolerance for my band. I have slipped it twice, constantly choke on my food, and have been miserable. On April 2nd, I will be revising from the lapband to the gastric sleeve. Dr. Aceves will be doing the revision in Mexico. I have decided to chronicle my experience here, so others that have band issues and decide to convert can have an idea of what to expect. I spoke with Nina, the patient coordinator yesterday and we now have everything scheduled. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I will leave here on April 1st, have my surgery on the 2nd and return home on the 5th. My mother will be accompanying me on the trip. Nina advised me that Dr. Aceves is concerned about swelling due to the problems I have had with my band. Therefore, I am going this week for a complete unfill. Then, seven days before my surgery, I have to go on a complete liquid diet. This should alleviate any swelling issues and the chances of having to have the band removed and then go back at a later date for the sleeve. It is very important to me that I get this all done at the same time. I am looking forward to this, and feel like I have been given a new opportunity at life. To those who have helped me to be able to get the sleeve, thank you. Because of you, I now am looking forward to enjoying life again, instead of living in misery. I will update as I go through this journey.
  17. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    No, actually this is my oldest graduating. I still have my 16 year old daughter.
  18. *susan*

    True? Divorce after WLS within 3 years? Why?

    Beth, thanks for the kinds words. I am just ready to be done. He asked me again the other night what is wrong and I told him I am very unhappy. He hasn't spoken to me since. Slim, we sound so much alike. I think the only reason I haven't told him I want to end things is because I am so sad about all of this too. I thought it was the perfect marriage and he was the perfect guy. Turns out, that isn't the case. But, after so many years together, it is hard to let go, even though we know that is what is best. Plus, it is scary as hell to think about being on my own again. But, this weekend my daughter will be at her dads and it will just be him and I at home. I think I am going to sit down with him Saturday and tell him I want a trial separation. Steve, in our case, we are both going to have to move. Neither one of us can afford the house we are in on our own. I have a cousin who is in real estate and have already talked to him. He said if my husband agrees, he would take the house off of our hands for us.
  19. *susan*

    Diarrhea, HELP!!!

    I feel your pain. I had it for almost two weeks straight while on liquids. Now, I know this is way too much information, but it was so bad, I would not even make it to the bathroom sometimes. Like Daisy said, I found the only thing that helped was Immodium. It really didn't completely go away until I moved to full solids.
  20. Thanks for the hugs and support, guys. It means a lot. I am trying not to let myself get too down over all this. My weight loss keeps me excited about my future. CC, if you ever do go to the sleeve, you will love it!
  21. *susan*

    Brazillian Waxing

    I was wondering the same thing, Fanny. I have never heard of it and am curious.
  22. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Sorry, age is just a number, right? None of us are old, we are just getting started!! That sounds like potential great news, I will keep my fingers crossed for you. And, I bet you will look great in that cute swimsuit! Beth, keeping my fingers crossed for you too! Woo Hoo! You are doing amazing! Congrats! :smile: To those of you who helped me with voting last night, thank you so much. It is a close race right now, we are within two votes of each other and I believe voting closes at 2:00. Wish me luck. Guys, my oldest child, whom I refer to as my baby boy is graduating from high school tonight!! I cannot believe it. I know I am going to cry my eyes out!
  23. Thanks for the advice guys, I am going to give it a try. Right now, I am sitting here and feel like my insides are literally burning, the acid is killing me. Thanks for the kind words regarding my husband and I as well. I am not exactly sure what will happen, but we shall see.
  24. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Good morning everyone! I am still here too. Just trying to cope with the issues at home. Lulu, 24 miles??!! Wow, I am impressed, between you and Mac, I need to get my rear in gear. But, at least it is a shrinking rear! I plan to be one hot old lady by Christmas!
  25. Right now, I am going through a pretty stressful time in my life. My husband and I are having marital problems and are most likely going to separate very shortly. When I had my band, if I was experiencing this kind of stress, it would be completely closed up on me and I wouldn't be able to eat anything. But, with my sleeve, no worries. WasA, if you read this, I need some advice please. Lee didn't get enough of the Nexium for me and I have already run out. I tried Prilosec, but by late afternoon I am finding that reflux is kicking in. I have tried taking a second one in the afternoon, but that is not helping either. Is there anything over the counter that might work better for me?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
