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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    Jaffa and others, please pay attention to Alexandra's previous warning. This is truly getting out of hand.
  2. *susan*

    Minor Slip

    When I had my band, I slipped it numerous times. Each time, my doctor did a complete unfill and had me do liquids only for a week. And, each time, my band did go back into place. Hopefully, yours will too.
  3. *susan*

    Am I alone

    First off, hello and welcome to LBT. You are not alone, many people have experienced similiar problems. For some people, it takes several cc's for their bands to give them any restriction, and for others, just the tiniest amount can make a huge difference. Have you talked to your doctor about the problems you are having? Has he done a fill under flouroscopy? If not, perhaps it is time to do one that way. It will help check the placement of your band, and he will better be able to give you an appropriate fill by seeing how fluid is flowing through your band.
  4. *susan*


    Hi Tonya, and welcome to LBT. Have you tried asking about Chicago doctors in our physicans and hospital forum? Also, we have a local forum for Illinois where you may get some answers as well. I hope you find a doctor who will accept the medicaid.
  5. *susan*

    Please Help ME

    The best thing to do is contact your doctor and let him know that you are still not feeling much restriction and work with him on it. The thing to remember is that for many people, it takes two, three, four or more fills before they reach proper restriction. Personally, I feel it is better to approach fills conservatively in order to avoid getting too tight, which can be miserable.
  6. *susan*


    Hi BarbieAnn, and welcome to LBT. We are glad to have you join us. You said you are feeling quite tight right now. Does that mean you are having trouble getting anything down, including fluids? Or, are you now at proper restriction? Have you had any problems with acid reflux? Also, I am not sure if you are tracking your daily intake or not, but very often that helps. Sometimes it can be quite surprising to find that things we think are quite healthy can actually be loaded with calories. If you are not tracking your food, I would suggest doing so. I like www.thedailyplate.com and www.fitday.com . They are both great sites and are free.
  7. *susan*


    I think getting a massage before your surgery is a great idea. It will definitely help you to relax. But, being a bit nervous before any type of surgery is perfectly normal. Just focus on the great benefits of the surgery and that will help you get through it. Good luck and let us know how everything went as soon as you feel up to it.
  8. Believe me, I feel for her! The first month was quite rough for me. I hope she gets to feeling better. Dehydration can really make you feel awful. I haven't been online much lately. We are in the process of moving, with the big day being Saturday. So, I spent the first two weeks of the month getting ready for a major moving sale as we are downsizing, and now I am packing like crazy.
  9. Eyfura, I saw your post and it really hit home. I had the exact same problem as you when I first got my sleeve. Nothing tasted good to me anymore, and drinking most things actually made me feel nauseous. As a result, I ended up in the hospital on IV's for severe dehydration three times during my first month of being sleeved. The thing I finally found that I actually liked and was able to tolerate was the new low calorie, fruit punch flavored gatorade. It got me through the rough period. Now that I am nearly three months out, I have found that I am able to tolerate most things much better now, and am able to get more than just a sip of water down at a time.
  10. I do not see where WasA talked about her band or her conversion to the sleeve anywhere in this thread. So, exactly what point are you trying to make here? Just curious. Many people, such as myself, converted because our bodies were actually intolerant of the band. How could we know that before banded? As I mentioned a few posts up, please try and make your points without personally attacking anyone.
  11. On an added note, Agnes, if you get the band, I wish you the best of luck. I have known I have a problem with food my entire life. If I had known about WLS surgery when I was just ten or twenty pounds overweight, I would have done it in a heart beat. I would have much preferred to have prevented my obesity and the associated health problems that comes with it as opposed to being told I have to wait until I am morbidly obese and a health risk.
  12. Headhunter, I agree with 99% of what you posted. And, no, I sure as heck don't want to see you when you are really mad, lol. Headhunter and everyone else posting in this thread, please remember, do not personally attack anyone. You can attack the idea all you want, just not members personally.
  13. *susan*

    How do tattoos fair through weight loss?

    I have one on my right calf. I got it when I was 80 pounds heavier than I am right now and it still looks great. And, my legs were huge and have gotten much smaller.
  14. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Happy Thursday All!! Ebony, I love your house!! As for the job, most employers are advised not to say anything negative about an employee when asked for a reference due to potential retribution. Normally, like Plain said, they will verify dates of employment, job title and a simple yes or no in regards to rehire eligibility. I don't think you have anything to worry about. I do know we are all on pins and needles waiting to hear the final outcome though! I still have everything crossed for you.
  15. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Sweet!! I am so excited for you! :wink2::wink2::w00t::w00t: Sounds like you guys are having a blast!! I am enjoying the pictures on Facebook, they are great. That baby just gets cuter and cuter! What is Bunco? I have heard several people talk about it on FB and they always sound like they have a ton of fun playing it. Taps, give in and get on Facebook already!!!! I am glad you had a PB free day yesterday, heres hoping that continues! You need to get on there too. Actually, all of us with bands/sleeves on FB are pretty cognizent (sp?) of the fact that many of us want to keep that aspect of our lives separate from FB. So, unless you mention it personally, pretty much no one ever brings it up there.
  16. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ebony, it sounds very good for you. I have my fingers and toes crossed that you hear good news soon. Thanks everyone, for the thoughts and prayers on behalf of my friend and her family.
  17. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Tap, I definitely recommend an un-fill, that is so not good for you. I know how miserable you must be feeling! You and your mother are in my thoughts. Keep us posted on how she is doing. We received sad news yesterday about an old friend from high school. Her and her husband had encountered some pretty serious financial problems after having been fairly well off. Apparently, he couldn't handle it anymore and killed her, their two children and then himself. That is such a tragedy. I am in shock.
  18. *susan*

    True? Divorce after WLS within 3 years? Why?

    Thanks, guys. I am hoping for the best.
  19. Nancy, I am glad to hear you are back home. I hope you have a speedy recovery and much success with your RNY!
  20. *susan*

    True? Divorce after WLS within 3 years? Why?

    I love reading Kat's post, as she always has great insight and advice. As for my situation, things have changed quite a bit. My husband and I sat down about two weeks ago and really, really talked. We were up most of the night talking, but it was worth it. In the end, we realized there were a lot of underlying problems that were affecting our marriage, finances being a huge one. We realized we were actually much happier before we bought our dream house. After we bought the house, we became "married" to it. Every penny we made went into it. We stopped going anywhere, doing anything. Basically, we had no life anymore. We began to resent each other and everything because the house was sucking us dry. Then, in October my husband's company eliminated his position due to the economy. He found another job quickly, but to a tune of about $1,500.00 a month less. That really hurt us. Anyways, we decided to give our marriage another go. We have found someone to buy our house and we are downsizing. We will be moving into an apartment the last weekend of this month. We plan to stay there until my daughter graduates in two years, then maybe look at purchasing a small condo or something once we are back on our feet. By making this move, we will be able to have extra money to enjoy life with again, and still be able to put plenty away into our savings. While it was a hard choice, we both feel as though a huge burden has been lifted from our shoulders. For the first time in ages, we actually spent the entire weekend together, we ran errands together, watched movies, etc. We actually found ourselves laughing and enjoying each other like we used to. It was really nice and I am hopeful for our future together now.
  21. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    G4E, I hope you have a great first day at work!
  22. *susan*

    A question for you all

    When I had my band I had a definite "stop" signal, which was a very loud, obnoxious hiccup. If I didn't stop eating immediately when that happened, I would experience the pain you are referring to. I agree with Lori, that it may be a sign you have ate a bit too much.
  23. Becky, that is fabulous news! I bet you feel absolutely amazing too.
  24. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I think Beth's idea is really good as well! She is a smart cookie... mmmmm, Cookies. I accomplished absolutely nothing yesterday. I figured why do today what I can put off until tomorrow? Sad, I know. I will be working all day on the job and packing all night when I get home. Oh well. Happy Monday all!
  25. *susan*

    New Bandster in Atlanta

    Hi Mike, and welcome. You will find a ton of great information, advice and support here.

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