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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*


    The last one I had, I just couldn't tolerate the taste of the stuff. So, they allowed me to do two enemas just prior to the procedure instead. While not pleasant, you could also see if that would be an alternative.
  2. *susan*

    Complications after Sleeve Surgery

    I had some minor problems during the first month following my surgery, but nothing major enough to make me regret getting sleeved. I had an awful time getting enough fluids in and ended up in the hospital several times due to dehydration. I also suffered from severe nausea, which turns out was related to being so dehydrated. I also was having severe pain, which I thought was related to my sleeve, but it wasn't, it was just bad timing. I had developed a bleeding ulcer which was giving me fits. Fortunately, I am past all of that now and absolutely love my sleeve.
  3. Wow, I can't even imagine something like that happened. But, I am thoroughly entertained by many of your responses.
  4. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Sweet, I am all over a get together, we would have a blast. On a side note, I haven't had popcorn since getting sleeved. I was craving it so I made some tonight. Why did I do that? It has made me so sick to my stomach, blech! I don't think I will be craving that again any time soon.
  5. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Darn it, I have gotten way behind again. What am I missing? Note to self, never go more than one day without checking this thread!!! We are settled in the new apartment, have gotten past the floor and ceiling leaks and are doing well now. But, more importantly, what is this about a get together????
  6. *susan*

    My Experience

    Iris, I am so glad you had a good experience. I hope the rest of your journey goes as well!
  7. *susan*


    Hi Shawn, I haven't had to have a colonoscopy, but I recently had a cat scan. Prior to doing so, I was required to drink 3 bottles of this horrible drink. I will be honest, it wasn't easy, but I was able to get it down. If it had been in the first few weeks following my surgery, I wouldn't have been able to, but now, it has gotten easier. It took me about 45 minutes to drink it all, but they knew I was sleeved and were patient with me.
  8. I really miss being able to guzzle down my drinks, especially when I am parched. I sometimes forget when I am working out and start to guzzle, then have to run to the ladies room because it hurts and is trying to come back up. As for the full signal, mine is pretty good. My biggest problem is sometimes I just want one more bite because something tastes so good. I haven't disciplined myself to not take that extra bite, and it usually ends up in my being pretty uncomfortable. I wonder if I will ever learn, lol.
  9. *susan*

    Dr Aceves pre-op diet?

    Judy, you will love, love, love Dr. Aceves, he and his staff are absolutely amazing. That would be great if you could convince your friend and both of you could go at the same time.
  10. *susan*

    Sad, Mad and Disappointed

    Judy and Norma, I just wanted to offer my support to both of you. I truly hope you are both able to find a way to get sleeved.
  11. *susan*

    Hopefully Waiting

    Hi and welcome. The insurance companies and all the hoops one has to jump through to get approved for surgery drives me insane! I will keep my fingers crossed for you that everything goes well.
  12. *susan*

    What are your hobbies?

    My dogs love the dog park! They have a huge lake there, and as soon as we walk through the gates, they head straight for it. It is all we can do to convince them to come out of the water. And, like yours, ours absolutely crash for the rest of the night when we get home.
  13. Hi there and welcome! You have definitely come to the right place for support, advice and friendship. We look forward to getting to know you better.
  14. *susan*

    Anyone from Jacksonville???

    Welcome, Pixie and cmdtl, we are so happy to have you join us here on LBT. I love to see more locals signing up!
  15. *susan*

    What are your hobbies?

    This is an interesting thread. I am definitely not crafty either. I wish I were, but I am just not. I love animals and spending time with them. I also enjoying going jeeping in the woods. And of course, my main hobby is technology. I love the newest, geekiest stuff I can get my hands on.
  16. *susan*


    I don't see any reason why you can't fly after banding. Some people have reported that it does cause their band to become extremely tight. I flew a couple of times with mine and never noticed any difference.
  17. *susan*


    I am so sorry you are having this problem. The same thing happened to me after my first year or so with the band. Unfortunately, I was never able to resolve it and ended up revising to the sleeve. My doctor agreed that my body just seemed to have an intolerance for the band. Have you had any of your fills done under flouroscopy? If not, it might be time for one. That way your doctor can check your band and get a better idea of just how much fill you need.
  18. *susan*

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    Those are the key words, "he hasn't been caught trying it with anyone else." Do you hear what you are saying? Just because he hasn't been caught doesn't mean he stopped doing it. It could very well just mean that he has gotten better at intimidating those he is doing it to and scaring them enough to where they won't tell anyone.
  19. Hi there! I agree, the whole group there are absolutely wonderful. I revised to the sleeve because after about the first year and a half, my body just seemed to become intolerant of it. I did everything right, it just wasn't working for me. I was always too tight and pb'ing, even when I hardly had any fill.

  20. *susan*

    Feedback on Curves Fitness Centers??

    I haven't heard of "Curves Smart", what is it?
  21. *susan*

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    Gloucester, I am with you on this. He may have been a great musical artist and performer, but the most likely true accusations against him far overshadow that, in my opinion. My children are too precious to me and I would have never allowed them to be in that circumstance. My parents have been friends with another couple since they all went to high school together. That is over fifty years. About twelve years ago, they suddenly stopped hearing from them. My dad was finally able to talk to the wife and she broke down in tears to him. She volunteered at an elementary school and one day they had a police officer in, who happened to be a good friend of theirs, to do a talk with the children regarding good touch and bad touch. The next day, the same police officer showed up at her door. She thought it was a social visit. Turns out he was there to arrest her husband. After the presentation, a little girl, six years old, approached the police officer and told her the man next store had been "bad touching" her. It was my parent's friend. The little girl lived next door to them. He admitted to doing it and spent only eighteen months in jail as a "first time" offender. He said the reason he did it was because he had retired and was bored. I didn't buy that one bit. At sixty years of age I refuse to believe you retire, find yourself bored and think, "hey, I am going to go molest my little six year old neighbor." I was working for a psychiatric hospital at the time and discussed this with several of the doctors there. General concensus was this was just the first time he ever got caught. After all this, my parents decided to remain friends with them and support them. His wife stayed with him. When my daughter was six, my parents informed me they were coming down from Michigan to visit and wanted us to come over for dinner and spend time with them. Having a six year old daughter and an eight year old son, I refused. My mother was absolutely livid with me. She said I was being terribly unsupportive of a long time family friend. No matter how angry she was with me, it didn't matter. I am a parent and my job first and foremost is to protect my children. If I had taken my children around a man who I know is a convicted child molester, I would have failed my children as their parent. Eventually, my father and I had lunch and he came around to my side of things. I told him, what about all the times we sat there watching the news about these kind of people and you said there would be no trial or jail time because you would kill anyone who did that to your children or grandchildren? Just because the person who did it was a long time family friend, he should be forgiven. What about that little girls parents, how do you think they feel?
  22. *susan*

    LapBandTalk Member Contest

    Good luck, everyone!
  23. *susan*

    hello from the sunshine state

    Hello and welcome to LBT! As you can see, I am from Jacksonville as well. Which doctor are you planning on using?
  24. *susan*

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    Oh my goodness, I suppose you are going to attack the innocent puppies too! For shame you two, for shame!
  25. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Wow, I have been busy, busy, busy packing and you guys have been just as busy posting. Something like eleven pages since I last checked in. Moving day is coming up on Saturday. I still have my kitchen and bedroom to finish packing. Have I missed anything important?

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