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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. Just the thought of pureed pizza makes me sick to my stomach. One of the things I was craving while on liquids was tuna. It was my lunch on day one of mushies.
  2. *susan*

    First Procedure

    Michelle, every time I get a rash or anything else, I go to the doctor. That way I make sure that it is documented in my medical record that I am having ongoing problems with this. I have also had the doctor take photos and attach it to my record.
  3. *susan*

    Sleeping post op????

    Bearded, glad to hear you got a normal nights rest and Vegas didn't have to sleep alone!
  4. *susan*

    VSG vs LapBand

    Hi SpotOx, welcome to our forums! I am a band to sleeve revision and I have to tell you, the sleeve is so much better. With the band, you have issues of food getting stuck, being too tight, not tight enough, it is just a never ending battle. With the sleeve, you have the surgery, your tummy is smaller and your done. No getting stuck, no looking for proper restriction, no seeing your doctor every month or so for fills, you just concentrate on losing weight and feeling better. Many people who get the band do so just for the reason you mentioned, it is reversible. My thought is, so what? I don't anticipate ever waking up and thinking "Hey, I want to be fat again, I wish my sleeve was reversible." I have a food addiction, band or no band, sleeve or no sleeve, I know I will always have that addiction. So, I want something permanent. As for the ghrelin, I am told that eventually you do start producing it again. But, it is produced in much smaller quantities, more to the equivalent of that of a normal person.
  5. Happy anniversary, Ash! Tell hubby you guys have lots of great times ahead of you in the future.
  6. *susan*

    First Procedure

    I have actually heard of someone having implants in the booty to give it more lift and shape. I couldn't imagine having it done, but hey, to each his own. I have been saying for years that I want the girls lifted, but doubt I will be able to afford it. I am documenting the rashes I am getting from the pannus and am hoping to get the removal of it covered by insurance once I reach goal.
  7. *susan*

    Leak test

    Your welcome, glad I could help you find what you are looking for.
  8. *susan*

    Men are stupid

    I love facebook, but as you know, I have learned I have to be very careful about what I post publicly on there. So, did you ask him if he was upset about something, why he didn't just come out and ask you about it right away instead of letting it fester?
  9. *susan*

    I'm on the other side too

    Hi Helen, glad to hear everything went well with you. I agree, it is great to be able to chat with others who are experiencing and understand everything we are going through. You will feel great in no time!
  10. Mine was tax-deductible as well. It is a medical procedure, and medical expenses are tax-deductible.
  11. *susan*

    Leak test

    WASa had some good information about it in her researching Mexican surgeons thread here: http://verticalsleevetalk.com/vertical-sleeve-gastrectomy-vsg-surgeons-hospitals/66-researching-mexican-sleeve-surgeons.html#post390 Is this the one you are referring to?
  12. Ha ha, Blobby, maybe you should show him this thread to give him something to look forward to!
  13. *susan*

    To Tell ....or not to tell

    Like others have said, it is a very personal decision. I have told those who are close to me and some of my coworkers. Then, when they were talking to others who mentioned they could tell I was losing weight, they told them about my surgery. It wasn't in a negative manner, it was because they are happy for me. So far, everyone has been very supportive about my decision and ask a lot of questions about the process.
  14. *susan*

    Last person to post WINS!

    *sneaks up behind siouxcityranch, admires her cute dog and steals the trophy when she isn't looking*
  15. *susan*

    July Sleever's

    Amanda, I don't have a real problem with rice, but it is a food I have to be careful with. Reason being, rice is one of those foods that tends to swell up in your tummy after you eat it, which can be pretty uncomfortable if you eat too much of it.
  16. *susan*

    Complications after Sleeve Surgery

    Symptoms may include fever, abdominal pain, rapid heartbeat, intolerance of liquids, abdominal distention and/or dizziness.
  17. People make an effort to go through different exercises for different reasons, mostly to lose weight and to have a healthier, good-looking body. People exert effort lose weight for an improved health condition and better appearance. While for those who wish to shed off unwanted weight, there are also numerous forms of exercises, workouts and diet programs to choose from. Among others, aerobic exercising weight loss is most preferred. This is because; apart from the high effectiveness rates, aerobic is a natural, healthier choice of activity to discard that flab. With the heavy influx of healthier information, people now understand that losing weight can be achieved through healthy means. Despite the multitudes of programs, trends and alternative methods to shedding unwanted fats, aerobic exercising weight loss remain a good choice to achieve the same goal. With aerobic exercises, fats are burned and replaced with muscles, strengthens the heart and is a very efficient system to reduce body fats. Where diet programs render bodies lighter due to weight loss, other essential nutrients are also lost, resulting to a sagging, toneless, and unhealthy body. Many trends to losing weight has also gone bust because people realize that pills, food supplements and medications can achieve weight loss at such fast pace, and leave multiple side effects. Other methods to losing weight have also been shunned off as mostly just loud ads with no meat, not helping people lose weight at all! All these tragic results of weight loss pursuits do not happen with aerobic exercises and undertakings, like jogging, walking, swimming and biking, among others. Amid all these, and for all the decades it has since been created, aerobic exercising weight loss activities have been always the healthier, cost-effective and rejuvenating choice. Anyone, regarding age, gender, career or profession, can do aerobic exercises; there?s not much to spend on in this weight loss undertaking except a few long-lasting tools, right shoes and clothing to wear, and that?s about it. More importantly, aerobic exercises are, by far, the easiest to implement among any other options to shedding off weight. For many who achieved aerobic exercising weight loss, it has become a more rewarding achievement as it is integrated into their lifestyle without guilt or fear of side-effects. So how do aerobic exercises work? There are two things to consider when you hope to make aerobics work for you. One, make sure the calories you burn each day should surpass calorie taken in through food. Two, do exercise in ways that calories burned are from stored fats. Aerobic exercising weight loss can help you achieve these two, and at the same time render a better looking, evenly muscled body. More importantly, one has to understand that successful aerobic exercising weight loss can be achieved when it is understood and implemented properly. So always make sure you?re on a low-fat diet so your body doesn?t have a heavy load of fat calories to burn. Also, your aerobic exercise focus should be in the maximum fat burning zone, which for most people is about 45-60 minutes a day, and about 4-5 times a week. Lastly, always check your heart rate so you don?t overdo your aerobic exercises, or fall short of the ideal time and efforts in your sweating out activities. SOURCE: WeightLossVault | Weight Loss Articles | Weight Loss Resources
  18. *susan*

    Sleeping post op????

    Your body is going through so many changes right now, I am not really surprised that one of the side effects is sleeping difficulties. I have often heard that if you are not getting enough vitamins in, that will also affect your sleep.
  19. *susan*

    Cuisinart Smart Stick Blender

    Thanks, there are a lot of really good looking recipes there!
  20. *susan*

    deinied what now

    Alisia, first off, you are an absolutely beautiful girl. You should walk around with your head held high and if anyone says anything inappropriate to you, simply ignore it. Do not let anyone get the best of you, if you let them see that their words and/or actions hurt you, then they will just continue to do so. You are a good, sweet person, be confident in your knowledge of that. People who don't see that simply aren't worth your time. You mentioned trying to get another loan, but also mentioned you already have several student loans. I know it is frustrating, but I think you should try for the appeal first. You don't want to overburden yourself with too many loans and end up in financial trouble. I am not at all knowledgable on how to go about appealing a decision with one's insurance company. But I did find a couple of websites that offer advice, and even sample letters. I am going to post them here for you: Health Insurance Quotes and Information Center Appealing Health Insurance Denials Health Insurance Denials Process and Links Doctorsinfoweb
  21. *susan*

    Cuisinart Smart Stick Blender

    Whoa, protein ice cream? I never heard of it. I agree with Vegas, please share with us how to make this.
  22. Hi Chancie, we are thrilled to have you here with us. Wow, 131 pounds in five months, I can't even begin to imagine! That is just amazing. Please post before and after pictures, they are always such an inspiration.
  23. I don't know, but I got rid of it, lol.
  24. *susan*

    Cuisinart Smart Stick Blender

    You have me convinced. Since we moved, our kitchen is much smaller than it was in the house. I am going to have to get one.
  25. *susan*

    swimming post-op?

    Yep, they are much more fun. The other kind are too boring and add no spice to one's life.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
