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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. That must have been really scary for you. I have experienced the dizziness before, but never the blurring of vision. That would have terrified me. I am so glad everything turned out okay.
  2. Sleeveless shirts would be wonderful. I haven't warn them since I was twenty years old.
  3. *susan*


    I don't think I want to know, lol!
  4. Hi Loli, welcome to our forums. We are so glad you joined us and look forward to getting to know you. Like Ruthi said, weight loss is different for everyone. Some people lose much faster than others. I lost a pound a day for the first month, then slowed down a bit, then hit a plateau and right now I am averaging about one to two pounds a week. I think you are doing great and wish you much continued success.
  5. *susan*

    To Tell ....or not to tell

    Oh my gosh!! We sound so much alike. My husband's ex refers to me as "the fat lady." I hate that. They have three kids together from when they were married. The daughters and I do not get along and do not speak. The son and I get along great. But, like you, I have no interest in them learning about my surgery because it will just be more fuel to add to their fire.
  6. *susan*

    Some are clueless

    You may be surprised, attitudefree. I have heard several people say they didn't like the taste of coffee anymore after getting the sleeve. Our tastes change a lot. My tummy can't stand anything carbonated, it really upsets it.
  7. *susan*


    I was allowed to start walking immediately after surgery. Dr. Aceves had me wait one month before returning to the gym, though. I try and do the gym every other day. I usually start with twenty minutes of cardio, then do about thirty minutes of weights and finish off with another twenty of cardio. On the days I don't go to the gym, I let my dogs take me for a walk.
  8. It was, but I was shocked when we first got there and I saw the menu prices. I didn't realize they were in peso's. I was like, $300.00 for a sandwich, honey, we didn't bring enough money!! Then hubby set me straight, I felt like an idiot, lol.
  9. *susan*

    Some are clueless

    Yay, switching to dark chocolate today then!!
  10. *susan*

    First Procedure

    :001_smile::ohmy:Oh my!!
  11. *susan*

    July Sleever's

    See, I couldn't drink any of them. I still can't tolerate the taste of anything sweet. I guess that is a good thing though. It would be better if I couldn't tolerate the taste of crunchy, salty foods though. That is my true weakness.
  12. *susan*

    I have a surgery date!!!

    Hey Jill, welcome to our forums, glad to have you here! Congratulations on deciding to get the sleeve. I think it is great that you and your dh will be going through this together. It makes for a great support team, as I am sure Bearded and Vegas can testify to.
  13. *susan*

    I hope someone reads this

    I may have to go to Amazon and check that out too!
  14. *susan*

    Changed My Mind!

    No problem, this is a great community of people here who just want to see everyone succeed in their weight loss goals.
  15. *susan*

    How to talk to your PCP?

    I agree with Ruthi, not much she can do about it now, you have already had the surgery. Hopefully she will recognize that and do her best to help you achieve your goals now. It is sad that a doctor isn't sympathetic to how truly difficult it is for obese people to lose weight. Perhaps she should attend a couple of weight loss support groups just to get a better understanding of what her patients go through.
  16. My husband and daughter took turns cooking for each other while I was on liquids. I don't think I could have handled it if I had to cook for them.
  17. *susan*

    July 25th surgery date

    Deanna, congrats on getting a date! It won't be long now. Aryssia, welcome to the forums! You both have chosen a wonderful doctor!
  18. *susan*

    Sleeping post op????

    Yay! That is good news, bearded!
  19. *susan*

    Men are stupid

    Denise, you have to click on "settings". Then go down to where it says "privacy" and click on "manage." Then, go down each section and make sure everything is set to my friends only, not the one that says my friends and friends of friends.
  20. Hi and welcome to our forums! Like others, I found the hospital to be too cold. I had at least three blankets piled on top of me. I had my last meal at the hotel as well. I had filet mignon and hubby had salmon, both were delicious. He ate at the cafeteria the whole time I was in the hospital. I had to laugh when he commented to Dr. Aceves how surprised he was that they served some of the best Mexican food he has had in forever. I was like, "honey, your in Mexico, what did you expect?" LOL.
  21. *susan*

    Some are clueless

    What??!! You mean I am not supposed to be eating fried chicken and drinking mountain dew?? Next your going to tell me I need to stop having these one pound bags of m&m's for lunch. Sheesh! :001_smile:
  22. You two are funny! I had dreams about filet mignon when I was on liquids!
  23. Where did you have surgery? Is it possible for them to fax the information, or did you have it out of the country? If it was out of the country, then I would definitely call and ask them if they can mail you a copy of your records as soon as possible.
  24. *susan*

    Sleeping post op????

    Good morning, just checking in to see if Bearded had another good night's sleep or not. I am hoping he did.

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