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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Calling Vegasangel....

    I thought bearded's signature basically indicated clothes were optional? :ohmy:
  2. *susan*

    My own room!!!!

  3. I am so happy that you two have made the decision. If you have any questions, we are all here to support her and you in any way we can.
  4. *susan*

    Advice needed

    Have a great time, Daisy. I have a feeling this will be just what you need.
  5. Hey, if he can do Facebook, he can do this, lol.
  6. Be glad you don't, lol. Between the band and the sleeve, my poor tummy looks like a war zone.
  7. kaykay, you need to get your hubby on here too! We would love to talk with him as well. And, I think you are awesome for being so supportive of him.
  8. *susan*

    Hunger 2 to 4 year out???

    Bosses and IT people can be very annoying like that!
  9. My concern is, have you seen some of the scars people who have their batwings fixed have? I keloid really, really bad, so I would never dare to have that done.
  10. *susan*

    Food network

    I love watching that dives, drive-thrus and diner show. Some of the stuff that guy eats just amazes me!
  11. Honestly, I say if she wants it, and you have the means for her to be able to do this, then most definitely do it!! I have been big since I was twenty years old. What I wouldn't give to be able to get those 22 years back and relive them as a smaller, healthier person. There are so many wonderful things I have missed out on in my life because of my weight. If you are able to provide her with the opportunity to live a healthier, happier life, I say go for it!
  12. *susan*

    My own room!!!!

    Woo Hoo, another man is in the house!
  13. *susan*

    Advice needed

    Jaffa, you are a good guy!!
  14. I have the same thing, I seem to plateau in terms of pounds, but my clothes fit looser, so I guess that is okay. Isn't is wonderful going out to eat with friends, family and coworkers and not worrying about the inevitable PB?!
  15. Hi kaykay, welcome to our forums! I was a revision from the band to the sleeve, so I went in expecting to be in a significant amount of pain after I got out of surgery. However, I was pleasantly surprised in that I found there was very, very minimal pain. I hardly took any of the pain medicine, and when I did, it was more to help me sleep the first couple of nights than anything.
  16. I am doing well, thank you for asking. It has definitely been a completely different experience than what I had with the band. I still have a long ways to go in terms of how much I still have to lose, but am confident I will reach my goal. It sounds like you have done fabulous with yours, congratulations! I can't wait until I am where you are.
  17. *susan*

    Day 4 of liquid diet

    Bob and Linda, you guys can do this! Just keep your eyes on the prize!
  18. Let's not have this thread turn into a bashing of people with different viewpoints. Please stick to the facts.
  19. Angie, first off *hugs*! Second, welcome to our forums, we are glad to have you join us. You have been through so much. It is sad that woman are in a position now that most of us can no longer stay home and care for our children. I truly, truly would have loved to have been able to and admire you for making the decision to do that. While financially, it may have caused difficulties, I am sure Gracie will grow up to be a wonderful, well-balanced adult as a result of the sacrifices you and your husband have made for her. Congratulations on your decision to have this surgery. Just losing the weight will make such a huge difference on your outlook. You will feel better, have more energy and you will find that it effects everything in your life, for the better. Please continue to post and let us know how you are doing. We are one big family here and all support each other and help each other through this journey in any way we can.
  20. Suzanne, thanks for sharing your story! It is very inspiring and gives us all something to look forward to.
  21. *susan*

    Surgery in San Francisco

    I sent MacMadame a link to this thread, so I am sure she will respond to you soon.
  22. *susan*

    Advice needed

    Daisy, I agree 100% with Vegas and Tiffy. If he is going to let a supposed comment on Facebook, that he hasn't seen for himself, come between you and him, then he isn't worth the time of day. Especially if he can't discuss it and work through something as minor as that in a mature manner.
  23. Awesome, I would love to hear more about it as well.
  24. HH, I am surprised by this as well. I don't know, maybe they are waiting for more long term statistics to come out? Perhaps the insurance industry feels it jumped the gun by approving the band so quickly, considering all the problems people are now having that are two or more years out.
  25. *susan*

    Full Liquid Recipes

    Ha ha, that would be funny!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
