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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Advice needed

    The one that jumped in the pool. I can't believe he picked her to stay. I think she was looking for a way to make herself stand out, and I guess she succeeded.
  2. I hope you find out something soon. I know the waiting for news can be unbearable when it is something you want this bad. Keep us posted on how things are going, we are all pulling for you!
  3. *susan*

    At The Hospital

    Best of luck to you! Let us know how you are doing.
  4. *susan*

    Pre-Op Jitters

    I am glad your pre-op went well and you seem to be feeling a bit better about things now. All the emotions you are feeling are quite normal. I felt that way when I was preparing to get the band. However, when I was waiting for my revision, all I felt was excitement at the idea of getting the band out!
  5. *susan*


    Definitely thanks for the update, Aryssia. How are you doing?
  6. Bthom21, first off, welcome to our forums! I imagine by now you are officially sleeved, welcome to the losers club! As soon as you feel up to it, let us know how things went.
  7. *susan*

    Reflections from a Fat Chick

    I get a little frustrated with not being able to eat as much as I would like at times too. Like others have said, I just have to remind myself I can have more, just not right now. I found myself getting frustrated because we would go someplace nice, like a steak restaurant and I would feel guilty ordering a $20.00 meal knowing I would only be able to eat a bit of it. But, I still want my filet mignon. My daughter and I have worked out a pretty good system at most restaurants now. I will usually just order a side salad and instead of her ordering the petite filet like she used to, she orders the larger one and I just have a few bites of hers. That way, I am satisfied, but don't feel like I have wasted a lot of money.
  8. *susan*

    signs of leakage

    Symptoms can include rapid heart rate, dizziness, shortness of breath, fever, worsening abdominal pain, left chest or shoulder pain, abdominal distention, the appearance of illness and a general feeling that something is very wrong. If you are concerned, I would check with a doctor.
  9. Hi Alexa! First off, you will love Dr. Aceves, he is wonderful. As for how I am doing, well, thus far I am very, very pleased with my revision. I lost 31 pounds in the first month. Then I plateaued for several weeks. I found that to be very frustrating, but since reading many others stories, I am finding that this is actually quite normal. At nearly four months out, I have lost 52 pounds. I am thrilled with that, and am averaging about 1-2 pounds a week right now. I have been bad about the gym the past few weeks between moving and this being my busy time at work. But, I am going to get back with the program, and when I do I am sure my weekly weight loss average will increase a bit.
  10. *susan*

    Advice needed

    I watched it. There was definitely a lot of crying going on. It is so sad how many of us are judged by what is on the outside instead of the inside. Most of those woman were actually very attractive too. And, there were one or two that scared me as well, lol.
  11. *susan*

    Post Op Weight Loss

    $300.00!!! Oh no, I am not paying that much when I never know for sure if standing on it is going to make me happy or mad.
  12. *susan*

    Opening the door

    Hey BuRnOuT, welcome to our forums! You should be feeling much better next week. Who did your surgery?
  13. *susan*


    I am closing this thread. I do not want to see anyone else start anymore new threads regarding this issue. It is ridiculous and just plain out of hand. Additionally, pnkpassion and justcurious are one in the same person.
  14. *susan*

    Advice needed

    Ruthi, you are too funny. Vegas, I agree, it does have to be the right man.
  15. Kauser, it concerns me when you say you are hardly drinking anything. I was there and ended up in the hospital several times my first month after getting sleeved for severe dehydration and had to get fluids via IV. Please be careful and try to drink as much as you can. I know it is hard, but it is so important you get enough fluids in. Without them, you are not going to start feeling any better.
  16. *susan*

    come into the chat room!

    I will start doing that tonight, if my tired brain will remember. Usually you guys all get on after I have gone to bed though.
  17. *hugs* going your way, Daisy. My question has always been, if they say the majority of Americans are overweight, why are the plus size departments so small and filled with really unattractive clothes?
  18. *susan*

    Some are clueless

    They are now saying the same thing about coke. They say it eats the enamel off of your teeth.
  19. *susan*


    Aryssia, welcome to the forums! Penny, just checking in, I am sure everything will go great today!
  20. That is a great weekly average!
  21. *susan*

    Pre-Op Jitters

    So, how did the pre-op go? Are you feeling better about things now?
  22. *susan*

    October 1st

    Judy, kudos to you! I love kids, but I am not sure I could handle a room full of five year olds all day!
  23. *susan*

    Fitness Center

    Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you, Bearded and Vegas!
  24. *susan*

    Reflections from a Fat Chick

    It really and truly does get better guys! At nearly four months out, I have very few, if any problems and absolutely love mine. The key is listening to your body. Stop eating when you are no longer hungry, don't wait until you have that full feeling because you will probably end up being uncomfortable later.
  25. *susan*

    Forgive me for I have sinned...

    It goes down easy, but more importantly, it just tastes so darn good and can fix just about anything!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
