Hi, I am 52, 6 feet tall and weigh around 315 (at my heaviest I was around 365).
I am thinking about getting surgery because I am starting to feel the effects to my health.
2 Years ago I lost about 100 pounds by dieting and exercise and got down to about 264 (I will also admit that I had just gotten a divorce and was suffering through that at the same time, so that was probably a contributing factor to me losing weight at that time).
Since then I have put on half of it and struggle with binge eating daily.
I would like to get surgery as I would like to permanently lose weight and improve my overall health.
I am thinking of bypass because I do have heartburn every now and again, but mainly when I eat badly.
Things that I am concerned about :
1. Complications of bypass surgery. What if I forget that I had surgery and have a huge bite of a steak ? Does that happen ? Or a huge glass of water that I chug down ?
2. Taking vitamins every day, forever.
I guess I am just really nervous about this but know that I need to do it.
I have my first consultation on the 23rd of March.
Is there any advise you can give me that will help me decide ?
Thank you!