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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by happy11

  1. happy11

    January 12th bandsters

    Hey Jan. 12th'ers! The worst part is over, the gas pains are gone, I can actually sleep on my stomach. I had leg cramps the first night, actually got nauseated, anxiety attack, thank goodness all that is gone. I hate to ask, but are any of you having any bowel issues? Diahhrea? Not a pleasant subject, I know, but I'm having it. I'm wondering if it's the Protein powder, is it the prevacid dissolving tablets, I'm just curious. Reading your posts makes me realize I'm not alone in this, there are others out there going through the same thing and I'm just curious if anyone else is having bowel issues? So sorry to ask! But thank you in advance for your answers!
  2. happy11

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi everyone, I was just banded Monday, it's Wednesday now. I survived! The drugs that everyone so "loves" after surgery only speed me up so this lady hadn't had any sleep until she started taking only liquid tylenol. I'm still "drinking," bouillion with protein powder, etc. Tomorrow I get to go to creamy chocolate shakes. I had to have a hernia repaired along with my band. Didn't know I even had it. The gas pains have NOT been fun. I do get inspiration from reading your posts and to see that you have regular (low carb but normal) food in your lives. For some reason, I picture myself always having to have "special food" and I worry about that. I guess I just have to heal, have my first fill in 6 weeks. Right now, had too much of a bite of SF popsicle and could tell it wasn't going down. But I do love reading your posts. Nice to see that everyone has lost weight, has their ups and downs and you all seem to "get back on the wagon" so to speak. That means everyone is human but the weight loss choice we've made shows we're tuff as nails! Thank you!
  3. happy11

    January 12th bandsters

    Hello Jan. 12 Bandsters! Aren't we glad it's in the past! I had/still have a little of the pain in my shoulders. I made the mistake of taking liquid pain med on an empty stomach, don't do that! Got nauseated, not fun. ANYway, as you all probably know, Day 3 is much better than the others. I wasn't able to sleep with the pain meds, they always have speeded me up so up until last night I had no sleep. Am a new woman today! Making coffee actually. Good luck to all of you, liquid tylenol is all I have taken since 2:00 a.m. on Day 2. Even then the only thing that really hurts is the gas pain in the shoulders. Whew, glad that's over, let the weight loss begin! Well, it's already begun as I'm down 14 pounds since I initially weighed in the 2nd week of December. Woohoo! Want these gas pains to go away though...
  4. happy11

    January 12th bandsters

    Last supper syndrome, that's what I'm going through too as I'm only on Clear liquids for 2 days before. I'm not enjoying the food that I'm eating though as much as I thought I would. I think the mindset change of eating to be healthy has already taken place and that's just the best feeling ever. Like part of the battle has been fought and won. We've only got one week left before our new lives begin, how exciting! This time next year, who knows how much weight we will have lost - woohoo!
  5. happy11

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Ya'll are sooo funny! (Ok, I'm from the south, we say "ya'll" a lot) I thank you for the support in your postings, I'm sure you remember facing being banded and were glad to have any info you could get. I, too, am very worried about wrinkles as everyone says I look so young but my answer to them has always been that all the fat fills out my wrinkles! Oh well, healthy is good and I earned each and every wrinkle. :thumbup: One of these days, I'll be posting about my 120 pound weight loss and hopefully giving inspiration to a newbie, just as ya'll have done for me. Thank you! Smiles from Nashville...:thumbup:
  6. happy11

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thank you! I have a high-stress administrative job, just hoping to "lose weight, keep Protein down, a smile on my face and exercise!" Not much...but where there's a will there's a way! And there's certainly the will now! :confused::cursing:
  7. happy11

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi All, I've gotten so much inspiration from reading your posts. At the age of 55, I'm being banded on Jan. 12, 2009 and wonder if I'm "too old" to lose my 120 pounds? I do lose very fast but have always gained back very fast. I feel hopeful that this will be the trick as quantity of food has always been my weakness. I'm type 2 diabetic and am concerned about "lows" after being banded and am wondering if there's anyone out there that has gone through that? :confused: What about energy levels after banding? I'm off work for a week but will have to be back 100% after that. Thanks so much in advance, Happy in TN!
  8. happy11

    January '09 banders

    My dr didn't put me on a pre-op diet, just 2 days prior to surgery I'm on clear liquids. They said "don't gain" and didn't require a diet. Is that unusual I wonder? From what I've read here, some do and some don't. Confusing!
  9. happy11

    January 12th bandsters

    Hi! I'm a Jan. 12 bandster myself! I'm not on a special diet, just clear liquids the 2 days before. I'm in Nashville, Tennessee and want to lose 120 pounds, at least right now that's the goal. Possible? You betcha!:Yawn:
  10. happy11

    January '09 banders

    January 12th for me, happy 2009! Nashville, Tennessee

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
