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Posts posted by Krasavitza

  1. Hi all. I was scheduled to have surgery last month but due to extenuating circumstances had to reschedule my surgery the evening before it was scheduled. I am now due to have surgery at the end of this week but am very concerned about one thing I’ve been reading on other forums:orthostatic hypotension. People reporting light headedness, fainting spells and extremely low bp when getting up from a seated or laying down position.

    is this common??? How many people here have had this? I watched my dad suffer from that for years (part of another neurological condition he had) and it was the most traumatic thing and I don’t want that for myself. In his case I think it was also unmanageable because of his other condition but I wonder can anyone share some insight like how easy it to treat/cure for weight loss surgery??

    thanks in advance

  2. 25 minutes ago, ChubRub said:

    Harness those feelings, and use them to make better choices in the future!

    Think about the guilt/shame/embarrassment that you felt after that meal, maybe even journal about it. What can you do next time to make sure you don't feel bad about yourself next time you are presented with temptation?

    Now picture "next time." Your daughter asks you why you don't want pizza or dessert. Picture yourself telling her, that you want to get XYZ instead (salad, salmon, etc), and that you are too full for dessert. Think about how you will feel afterwards, proud of yourself for fueling your body properly, and proud to set such a great example of healthy eating for your daughter.

    You can do this!!! Best of luck for your surgery!

    Thank you I appreciate the encouraging words! I am so so stressed out. I generally don’t do well with change so as it’s coming closer and the reality is hitting me I’m struggling a bit. I know it will all work out in the end. I want this so bad

  3. Thanks Fred. You make a good point. I don’t think the magnitude of what I am about to do really set in for me as crazy as that might sound. I had a lot of other things going on and wasn’t really processing the reality of what I was embarking on.

    I spoke to my therapist this morning and my surgeon also and really feel a lot better and mentally stronger. No more games and no more self sabotage from here on out. I have a tendency to not treat myself well or prioritize my health and it has to stop. This new tool (smaller stomach) is supposed to be helping me do just that so I can’t ruin it. Too much on the line.

  4. I’m due to have surgery this upcoming Friday. I spent the day out with my daughter today and was completely unprepared. I didn’t bring any of the vegetable Snacks that I’m allowed which is baby carrots, and cucumbers and grape tomatoes nor my Protein Shake.

    My daughter wanted to eat pizza and asked why I couldn’t join in the pizza date like I always do (she’s 6 and has no idea what’s going on) and honestly I was starving and that was my green light to cheat. Admittedly, I was looking for an excuse to cheat. I started off getting a healthier option which was cooked salmon and avocado sushi but then I ended up eating half a pizza slice (daughters leftover) plus a few sips of Snapple. My daughter wanted dessert after and I told her fine but mommy is full and won’t be joining in. However when we got to the dessert place (first time going to this place) my amazement at all the options coupled with the fear that oh no I’ll never get to eat this once I have the surgery so I better do it now got the best of me.

    I got a piece of cake and almost ate the whole piece.

    I’m so mad at myself for it and so embarrassed /scared to tell my nutritionist.

    Did anyone else ever mess up this bad right around the time or surgery?? I Don’t even know what to do at this point

  5. 9 hours ago, Fred in Pa said:

    I’m on day 4 after surgery last Wednesday. Here are my thoughts based on what I just experienced.

    On day of surgery, when you wake up, don’t panic. This day and the next day before going home you will feel like total crap. Don’t panic! It gets better quick. You will have pain, pressure, poking nurses, doctors stopping in, house cleaning coming in, sheesh…too much. Don’t panic! Lol

    Your first full day home will be very uncomfortable. You will be recovering from surgery, working on almost no sleep, and trying to understand your new plumbing. I had anxiety from the anesthesia, was wicked tired, and cranky. Don’t panic!

    Don’t worry about hitting goals on these first two days, people rarely do. Take meds on time, create a schedule. I was on oxy and nausea meds for two days. By day three only Tylenol. See if you prefer hot or cold liquids. I found warm better.

    You will feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest…pressure from the gas. Don’t panic, it’s normal and will go away. Even being prepared on this and reading for 5 months, it was bad. Every swallow hurt a bit (pressure flare) but it eases slowly.

    By day 4 I feel great, almost normal even. Isn’t the human body amazing? Full liquids, full Protein, no meds.

    Remember don’t panic! There were times I wanted too!! (alright, I did a little, most do)

    Good luck, you got this!”

    Fred, a question about pain meds…. Did you swallow them whole or crush them? And very stupid question but I need to know… if crushed… how do you even do that?? With what??

  6. On 1/8/2023 at 5:24 PM, Eva M said:

    I caught myself doing the same thing before I learned it was common and called food funerals. And I can say for one I did not do that great on my pre-opt, and after surgery my doctor said my liver looked perfect and I did well on my pre-opt. Really all I did was cut down and three days of liquids before date. Haha. Everything works out as it's supposed to it.

    Good luck! you got this!

    What do you mean by you didn’t do so great? You ate foods you shouldn’t have or you didn’t drink enough water/get enough Protein?

    I’m on day 3 and I just couldn’t drink 4 shakes today and I barely got enough Water. On top of that I had 2 spoonfuls of hummus which obviously isn’t allowed and I’m stressing now over all this.

    I don’t even know if I have a fatty liver. I’m 5 foot 8 258 lbs, bmi 39 and a size 16

  7. On 1/12/2023 at 1:15 PM, Hollyserene said:

    I’m already over it. Eating whatever I wanted was not as fun as I thought it might be. My surgery is in 2 weeks. I’m a low bmi patient so I ably have to do the pre op diet for the one day before. I’m so ready for it and just sick and exhausted with my obsessive relationship with food. Ready to put the brakes on.

    What is your bmi if you don’t mind sharing

  8. 50 minutes ago, Fred in Pa said:

    I’m drinking premier shakes, caramel. Yes, a bit chalky. I also have Premier Protein Water.

    I also have Unjury Protein mix, chicken Soup flavor. Pricey but very, very good. It is savory.

    pother than that…Deer Park water…64oz per day. Knowing that I would be drinking A LOT of Water, I invested in a water cooler and have 5gal bottles delivered monthly. In the long run, it will be cheaper than slugging bottled water.

    Where did you buy Unjury Protein mix? Never heard of it.

    Today I got creative and made a Soup from the list of allowed items.

    I sautéed some mushrooms celery carrots and green onions with garlic and threw them in some chicken broth, simmered on stove for a few minutes. Honestly delicious and filling. I forgot I can have zucchini too so I’ll add that next time.

    had a Protein Shake for Breakfast and then some baby carrots for snack. 2 16 oz bottles of water and then maybe for dinner lll do a Tomato and cucumber salad with just some lemon juice squeezed on top

    It might not be so bad after all

  9. 5 hours ago, Fred in Pa said:

    It gets better. I am on day 6. The first 3 days sucked bad. It took that long for my body to adjust to the calorie deficit but it did. Caffeine headaches didn’t help.

    Hang in there, try not to cheat as the diet helps shrink the liver making surgery easier. One cheat leads to two, etc etc. Be strong, you can do this!

    I also lost 8 lbs so far…

    Thanks for the encouragement! What are you drinking? All these Protein Shakes have such a nasty chalky aftertaste which makes it hard for me to want to drink even Water afterward because of the gross taste in my mouth

    i Think I’ll ask my doctor if sugarfree mints or gum are allowed

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