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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tqtena

  1. tqtena

    Shoulder Pain

    I get it mostly when I'm doing a task that requires me to bend forward. Writing at my desk is one of the huge problems. Once I get it agravated it doesn't stop till I lay down.
  2. tqtena

    Reached your personal goal???

    Congrats at reaching your goal. That is awsome. You mention getting your tube shortened. Why was that necessary. Just curious because I'm still having a lot of deferred pain in my left shoulder since banding 9-8-09
  3. tqtena

    One year and -66 pounds

    You look fantastic!
  4. tqtena

    Happy Problem to Report!

    THAT IS SO EXCITING! I had a similar experience. Before my band 9-8-08, all my clothes were getting really tight or just flat didn't fit me anymore. A couple months post op I was in my closet and started trying things on. I fit into everything, jeans, shirts, fancy dresses I hadn't worn in 10 years. Now everything either fits or is in a huge basket for Goodwill in the corner. AND I've been shopping. It's all so GREAT!
  5. tqtena

    Shoulder Pain

    I really feel for you. It's like knives stabbing you. I have the same pain. I'm only 4 months post op. Narcotics do nothing for mine. The only thing that works is laying on my back. And I stand up as straight as possible. Still anytime I have to bend forward to do anything I get the pain. My Dr. said there is nothing he can do for it. He thinks the band is somehow irritating my diaphragm. He told me if it didn't stop he would do some tests. I'm not having the pain as often now, so I'm holding out for the testing. Good Luck! I'm sorry you're having to deal with this.
  6. Hi Nina

    I really suck at this message thing. I didn't see your message from 10-16 until just now. I am doing better with the scale. I am down 42 pounds now. I just had my second fill yesterday. I added a 40 minute walk on my treadmill twice a week to my curves 4 times a week plan and I think that has really helped. The last few weeks I have lost 2 pounds and this week I lost 3 yippee! I'm feeling very good about the process at this point. My goal to reach 199 by Jan.1 is looking a little more possible. So how have you been doing with your excercise and everything?

  7. Hi Connie I was banded 9-8-08. I too was really worried about all the PB and sliming talk. I have not had either of these things happen to me. PB is productive burp or so I've been told. And sliming is when you get tons of saliva in your mouth. If you chew your food really well with any luck you won't have to deal with either.
  8. tqtena

    Rice, bread and tortillas o my

    I have eaten tortillas a couple of times, I did not have a problem with them at all. I have not had rice or pasta. My nutritionist has me on a pretty strict meal plan. I too am not supposed to eat bread, pasta, potato, rice, tortillas. I am working really hard to make this work, but must admit I have eaten a couple things on the forbidden list. I didn't care for my first fill experience either, but I'm going to have to get another one because I feel too hungry. I'm doing this on mostly will power at this point. Your not being a baby. Just stick with it and make it work for you. GOOD LUCK!
  9. tqtena

    I don't get it....

    my band date was 9-8-08. i had the same feeling, my first fill was october 24th. i can maybe feel a little more restriction, i was hoping for full. i'm going to schedule my second fill and hope to get more of the full feeling i'm looking for
  10. tqtena

    Confessing, Moving Forward

    My guess is you are human. Don't be too hard on yourself. Sounds like you learned from your actions. Speaking of Taco Bell, for Breakfast I had refried Beans with melted cheese and loving it. Good Luck! WE CAN DO THIS!
  11. tqtena

    Hi everyone

    Hi I am the wife of a police officer and was banded on 9-8, my first step was with my primary care doctor. I asked if my HMO insurance would cover banding, and was shocked that they did. I got a referral to a Bariatric surgeon. That was on June 10th, so things really went pretty fast for me. Also, since then my husband decided he wanted to be banded, his bmi was 39.8. We just got word on Friday that he was APPROVED. I really don't think you will have a problem being approved. Just get the ball rolling! Good Luck!
  12. tqtena

    Gas pains.....

    I was banded 9-8. I started having left shoulder pain a week later. My surgeon said it was gas. It just didn't stop. I finally posted on this site and got some really good responses. My pain has to do with nerves in my diaphram. The only thing that has helped me is if I stand up and sit up straight as a board. I am 3 weeks post op and still dealing with it. GasX did nothing and neither did walking. Good luck!
  13. Hi My surgery was Sept 8. I started having these stabbing pains on top of my left shoulder on Sept 13th, they just won't stop. They start mid morning and last all day. The only thing that helps is laying down. My surgeon said it was gas, but it should have gone away already so he told me to try gas x. It's not working. Has anyone else had this problem? HELP!
  14. tqtena

    Diet right after surgery

    Thanks-that's all sounding really good about now.
  15. tqtena

    Diet right after surgery

    What are you actually eating on Mushies?
  16. My Dr. said to use Aloa Vera or Vit.E oil. Hope this helps.
  17. tqtena

    Diet right after surgery

    Hi- I will be starting Mushies next Wednesday. I have been on protein shakes for 2 weeks after surgery. My question is. What is everyone eating when the diet is Mushies?
  18. tqtena

    HELP! I can't quit caffiene!

    I felt the exact same way. It took me about a week before I had energy in the morning. One day I seriously was sitting up at me desk before I knew it my eyes were closed, I just could not keep them open. I stopped Aug 25th. My surgery was Sept.8th. I just got up about an hour ago and feel great without the caffiene. Just hang in there! YOU CAN DO IT!
  19. No problem. I will need the occasional kick in the pants as well.

  20. My big day is Sept. 8th. I'm so happy to be given this opportunity to change my life. I'm on day 5 of protein shakes, so far no melt downs. That's all for now, just wanted to introduce myself.
  21. tqtena


    So here we are a week since banding. Oh my gosh I'm so sorry about your first day. What a nightmare. I came home on the 9th, I could feel every bump in the road, I was so glad to be home. I had liquid pain meds from the start so I started right in and took as much as I needed to stay out of pain for the next 3 days. I dose on the bottle didn't seem to do much so I did take more. I didn't start having gas for several days, but I had diarhea really bad. One day my Mom and I figured I was on the pot every five minutes from the time I got up till I went to bed. Then the same happened the next day but only about every half hour. I started have the gas pains in my left shoulder really bad yesterday. Just like someone is stabing me with a knife. Good thing other people had posted this on the site so I knew it was gas, or I would think I was dying. I called for more pain meds today. I was surprised they acted like I didn't need them or something. Wanted me to come into the office right away. I assured them I'm getting better just in a lot of pain still. I was supposed to go back to work today. I called yesterday and took another week off. I'm so glad I did I can't imagine being at work right now. I wish you luck with the shakes. My Dr. office has shakes they are called New Direction. They aren't the best but I've gotten over it and drink them anyway. Stay in touch
  22. tqtena


    How are you doing now, post surgery?
  23. Hi Sandra I was banded on 9-8. I am supposed to get 64 oz. of water down. I was starting to get disapointed with my 32 ounces. I really have to concentrate and continually drink to get 32 down. Someone else wrote about the pressure being gas. I'm sure that's what it is. Just today I have had the worst pain in my left shoulder, just like a knife stabbing me. I know it's gas but man it's killing me. I haven't weighed myself since the morning of surgery. I am feeling bloated and don't want the disappointment. Are you back to work? I just called in this morning and took another week off. There is no way I could work tomorrow. It's nice chatting with someone who was banded about the same time as me.
  24. tqtena

    I'm at the end of my rope

    What kind of excersise do you do and for how long? For me if I don't work out at least 45 minutes to an hour 6 days a week I don't see the scale move.
  25. YES, they will include the weight in the pre-op diet. I am on day 13 of 14 and have lost 12 pounds. I will not be down the 10% they asked as I gained 10 pounds before I started loosing. They said that is not a problem it will not postpone the surgery, which is Monday. Of course if I had it all to do over again I would have started out by not gaining. GOOD LUCK!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
