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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by soccerdadks

  1. Trice,

    I was banded on 8 August. I too was a big eater, but honestly, the hunger pains have been few and far between. Comfort foods can be a nice hot cup of a home made broth, or healthy Soup which has been blended..(I use this a lot) but make it healthy and lean... I did not go thru this to substitute milk shakes and ice cream for healthy stuff. You will be just fine, there are lots of folks here to talk to and confide in. We have been right where you are. You will be fine and just think how ABSOLUATELY fantastic you will feel about yourself with BMI of 25 or under. You go girl... and God bless you.

  2. Hi all. I got my band August the 8th. the 17th I left my home on a business trip. I received absolutely no guidance from the hospital... except ice chips the frist 24 hours and liquid diet for 2-3 weeks. I am feeling a little lost at the moment. I am living on Protein Shakes and baby food veggies. I find myself not hungry most of the time... but when it hits... oh my:drool:... I muster up the will power and drink some Water.

    My first question is.... when does the first fill usually take place... and does one start over with liquid diets?

    thanks for listening:confused:

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