I had my surgery on Sept 10th, so not too long ago. Here is how my experience went..after I woke up in the recovery room I was very groggy and dont remember much ...then I woke up, they wheeled me into my room (i had to stay overnight for insurance reasons) and I got nauseous (from the ride up) but after a few min the nauseousness went away. Im not going to lie..for the first few hours I did NOT feel that great! It was more of a "really really uncomfortable" feeling than pain though. The girl I shared a room with, who had the surgery about 4 hours before me, told me "i know you might feel like crap right now, but TRUST ME, you will feel SOOO much better in just a few hours!" And she was right! After about 4 hours (it may seem long but its not too bad) and doing LOTS of walking around (it REALLY does help TONS!) I was feeling almost 100%! When I wasnt walking around the hospital floor, or talking to my "roomie", I was asleep. If your feeling pain, DONT be afraid to ask for some pain meds! After the car ride home I was a little nauseous again, but I laid down for a while and felt much better. Now, the gas pains you will feel....well...they suck, but are tolerable. Just remember to do LOTS AND LOTS of walking around (when I say lots I dont mean distance, I mean # of times you get up to walk around for a few min!) Also, get some gasx strips and a heating pad for when walking isnt doing as much as you would like. I was so nervous for my surgery too, and if I had to go back and do it over again, I SOO would! I have almost lost 30lbs sofar! In my opinion, the time spent in pain and discomfort is 100% worth it! Just remember, you will be in pain for only a short period of time, but you will be getting healthier and skinnier and that will last MUCH longer than the time spent in pain! I hope I was able to help you a little! Good luck with everything! I know you will do great!