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About ivorycassiopeia

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  1. ivorycassiopeia

    Day 11 PO - Severe/sharp pain left side

    Thank you! I hope you will soon, too!
  2. ivorycassiopeia

    Day 11 PO - Severe/sharp pain left side

    It finally went away! Yes, going to the bathroom was insane… I had to lean to the right, while elevating my left arm (it was quite a sight lol) just to be able to sit without feeling like my insides would explode. It was horrible! I’m assuming you’ve had your big incision checked out by your surgeon to make sure it isn’t an infection? My doc said that one gets infected about 50% of the time - luckily mine didn’t get infected. So, I don’t know what caused my issue… possibly because it took my body so long to start producing bowel movements after the surgery (7 or 8 days)? Maybe that mixed with something else? Wish I knew, but so glad it only lasted a few days!!!
  3. ivorycassiopeia

    Day 11 PO - Severe/sharp pain left side

    Update: I still have this pain this morning, but I’m able to walk a little bit easier… has anyone experienced this? I feel like it could be referred pain from the big left incision, maybe?
  4. ivorycassiopeia

    Day 11 PO - Severe/sharp pain left side

    Sorry, I *can* walk, it just hurts a lot and I have to hold my left side, while tilting my body to the right, and stretching my upper body straight. It’s still there this morning, but I was able to walk a little bit less like an insane person… I’m hoping it’s just referred pain from that big left incision or something. Was hoping someone else had experienced this… thank you for responding!
  5. History: I had a revision surgery from sleeve to gastric bypass on 1/31/23. I had all the normal gas pain issues (fun). Then, I had something weird happen - I got a severe, sharp pain directly in the middle of my upper abdomen. Lasted a day, then, when I was walking, I took a gasp breath and it rattled and went away. Doc thinks maybe mucus plug? That was insane and I’m so glad it went away. Current issue: Today, 11 days PO, I developed a severe, sharp pain in my lower left stomach (below/under the big incision - not the same spot). When I try to go to the bathroom (even just trying to urinate), it is killer pain. I can barely walk. The only way I can make it feel any better is stretching back and leaning to the right. Oh, and I’ve also felt vomit/bile at the top of my throat most of the day, too. Any ideas???

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