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About amylittlelbs

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  1. amylittlelbs

    Solid foods - did I eat too much?

    Thanks all for the replies. I calmed down a bit and just accepted that I listened to my tummy and I shouldn't panic! Generally I can't tolerate much carbs at all as they bloat me so it's not a regular occurrence, I get full before I'm finished and I'm listening to that signal now (hit or miss sometimes but I'm still learning!) Thanks for the reassurance
  2. Hi all, So my guidance from dieticians say to just use a small tea plate for food now and stop eating after 20mins. Very vague to me as some meals I can clean the plate but others I get full quickly. Mostly I've been fine with this and feel full before it's finished but today I had two small tortilla wraps with chicken & veg inside ... Before surgery I'd have six or more! I'm just over 7 weeks out, is two wraps too much? I felt no pain and took my time, I just don't want to stretch the stomach unknowingly. I assumed it was fine as if I took the wraps apart it wouldn't fill a tea plate. Just looking for some reassurance! P.s. I usually use lettuce leaves as a wrap but fancied a change Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Thanks for the replies everyone, this forum is so much more supportive than Facebook or WhatsApp groups! It's amazing to hear people lose at the pace I am and hit their target. I spoke with my dietician and he said I've actually surprised what they expected me to lose so that has made me feel a lot better. I've already lost 25% of my excess weight from my highest weight. He said I should include the weight I lost since the day I contacted them, I was just counting what I lost since surgery You're all so helpful, thank you Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Hi all, I'm also struggling with this. I'm sticking to my allocated 125ml sized portions but there's been occasions where I've eaten a bit more. Is that out of the ordinary, should I be worried? I've tolerated puree and soft food stage really well. I find myself quite hungry even though I'm eating little but often Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. Starting weight: 262lbs Height 5ft Hi all, I'm just over 1 month post-op (Mini bypass). I lost 14lbs on LRD (2 weeks), and since surgery I've lost 19lbs. I've pretty much had stalls throughout this month and I'm so disheartened that the scales aren't shifting much. Literally everyone else I know that's had surgery lost at a fast rate in their first month and meanwhile I'm chugging behind. I healed extremely fast, tolerate anything I'm cleared to eat and drinking as much fluid as I can. I'm also walking more with my dogs and soon to be cleared to go to the gym. I feel hunger still as well, and to be honest drinking water makes it worse for me. I didn't expect this to be a quick fix but if I have to work out 5 days a week to even go near my target, then surgery was a big waste of money as that just isn't suitable for my lifestyle. The reason I'm saying 19lbs is slow is because before surgery I could easily lose 2st in less than a month, obviously would gain it back but that was the norm for me. Has anyone got a similar story to mine where they started off slow but still hit their target? Thanks
  6. amylittlelbs

    Am I the only miserable one?

    These responses are really lovely, I've had such a bad experience in facebook groups getting lecturered telling me this year is the most I'll make of the surgery ... they're right but I don't need lectures. I need reassurance, so thanks everyone. I'm really trying my best to think of this as a positive and remind myself of the above, because I know I'll feel worse if a year down the line I didn't lose as much as I wanted. I still struggle with the cravings and guilt of cravings but I'm coping ... I don't have to have my hopes up on this, I swear I've been out of the norm since the day of surgery. I was told I wouldn't crave certain things, I'd struggle to eat my whole portion per sitting etc - and so far I've had the cravings (worse than pre-op) and I'm able to eat my whole portion in a sitting. I'd love for this to be the case and not enjoy some of the foods I did, but I don't want to put false hope on myself If you need a chat, please drop me a message. Seems like we're in the same boat! I've left the facebook groups and trying really hard to not compare myself to others, hopefully that'll help us Keep that thought strong in your head! I know what it felt like once, part of my problem is that I was so close to surgery a few years ago and was shattered so I went off the rails and lost motivation. I'm yet to find the motivation to look forward to a healthier me, I'm sure I'll get there!
  7. Whilst I agree ... The majority of us get the surgery because we're not able to have the die-hard willpower to not overeat. We're sold by surgeons our stomach will stop us from over eating so it's fair to say that's what we would expect I'm experiencing the same issue but I've had to really focus and remind myself this is the honeymoon phase of weight loss. Doesn't make it any less difficult when you're not as strong as others with willpower Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. amylittlelbs

    Miss eating?

    I'm 3 weeks PO and I'm struggling. I miss eating so much, food is always on my mind now. Pre-op days I'd forget to eat and gorge in the evening. Hoping this will get better Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Hi all, I'd really like to hear only from those that have experienced similar feelings. I've turned to Facebook groups but only get responses from people that haven't experienced what I'm going through and hasn't helped. I'm seeing a psychologist soon but would like to hear from you. Bit of a backstory. I was so close to getting surgery a few years back on the NHS, my motivation was at it's peak and was excited to eat healthier. That was stopped as I moved and there's no support where I am from the NHS, in the meantime I went back to eating whatever I wanted and big portions of it. I managed to get approved by my insurance and it all happened very quickly and I got my bypass on the 20th Jan. Initially I was very excited but the harsh reality of the LRD made me flip 180. Before the surgery I'd never think of food because I forgot to eat due to ADHD. My issue was I'd eat mammoth portions in the evening. Since the surgery all I think of is food, and all the food that got me obese in the first place. I'm not looking forward to or caring for simple meals, I just want pizza or Chinese. I'm not doing anything I shouldn't whilst I'm healing but I'm worried this obsession with naughty food won't go away and the guilt of me even thinking about it is killing me. Is it normal to be looking forward to the "normal" food? Any time I ask people they say they don't have cravings or think about it and that I need to remember why I'm doing this. All valid but not helpful. My motivation is non-existent which is sad as I have had the motivation before Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using BariatricPal mobile app

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