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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sigh

  1. For me, the desire to have a drink of something after a meal was such a hard habit to break. But that was just it- it was a head thing, not a physical one. I would give myself just a tiny sip of Water to rinse my mouth— but if I went overboard my stomach would hurt. As you see what works for you, see if something like a biotene mouth spray would help— and as above mentioned, ask your drs if you should see if you have medical issue.

  2. Great responses so far- and as I hit anxious times, I find myself thinking about some of those unhealthier options too— I was/am an emotional eater- stuffing down my emotions with food— and realizing it was half the battle. When i get anxious/sad/have a feeling I have to slow myself down and ask am I really hungry? And to be completely honest, 90% of the time im not. I hope that as you heal from breakup you are able to find support to grieve and move on while also keeping up with taking care of yourself.

    Question- is it because you think the friends are having more fun than you? Or that they are watching you and wondering why you arent eating? I have never had anyone say anything about how much im eating— and if they ever did, I would simply say, im just not that hungry right now. But if it is that you are concerned they are watching you: i offer this quote from Schitt’s creek— Alexis discussing why David was anxious about his driver’s test: “ David, no one is thinking about you the way you are thinking about you”. That is the mantra I’ve decided to live by— no one cares what im doing! I am going to make sure i do what is best for me and have fun- and as long as it hurts no one, im golden.

    Best of luck to you!

  3. The needing new shoes surprised me too, although it makes sense- I never thought i had “fat” feet.

    The seating issue in the car- I am so short it was always a problem, but am grateful for the ability to adjust the height on the seat in my car now.

    And yes- the butt pain sitting is ridiculous. I prefer to stand most of the time now when I can.

    The other annoying thing, which i know is first world issue- that i have to replace all the chains on my necklaces so they sit where i want them to on my neckline/outfit! The rings i could just move to other fingers— but the necklaces! Arghh…

  4. Thank you for the great information- I did get to consult with dr before— and got the v-shape as that was what dr preferred as well. I had 4lbs of skin removed from my stomach, and they Lipo scuplted arms, waist and back to get the 2lbs of fat to use for the tiny bbl they were able to complete. I am 3 weeks out (as of Wednesday April 10) and am very pleased with the results so far. The back side is not super dramatic, which I am happy about.

    Surgery went well, although i did have to have an Iron treatment because my hemoglobin dropped 4 points ..but after that i felt great. Instead of general they used an epidural and exparel- so I didn't need any major pain meds after. Just had a headache for a couple of days, so Tylenol was solution. Staying in a recovery house for a week was THE best decision for me to not push it and to make sure i could recover well— at home I’d have been doing things when i should have been resting. No real pain to speak of from anything- sore and tight might describe it best—but that eased up at the end of the week. I admittedly have a high pain tolerance, and after previous breast reduction and hysterectomy knew some of what to expect.

    Now, Im just working from home and living a fairly normal life. Driving, walking, etc with ease. In a few weeks, I will be cleared to start exercising- which I have never done— so slow and steady will be course of action. Ill post some pics when things settle and i don't look too Frankenstein like.

    Thank you all for the kind words and support! Plastics is a game changer!

  5. Thank you guys!

    I am having a Tummy Tuck and skinny bbl! I dont want to lose anymore weight at this point, but rather get rid of the loose skin on my stomach and perhaps lift up the backside/eliminate some sag there. I go wednesday, so Im starting to get a little anxious about it—i know it will be fine, but am not looking forward to being in recovery for a while. Any advice or tips appreciated.

  6. On 3/3 I hit my one year anniversary— been holding steady the last two months or so — about 10 lbs lower than my original goal. Heading into plastic surgery next week— tummy tuck! (Yay). Down 75+ lbs— Some days i really understand the changes, and others I am in disbelief. It’s slowly catching up with me.

    5’1’’ Female, age 53

    Start weight 195, day of surgery 184- current weight 119.2



  7. On 2/11/2024 at 11:05 PM, Hope4NewMe said:

    I did not have to commit to any amount of time for my Dr but they do recommend 2 weeks because then you can usually get the drains and stitches out. I stayed 6 days at a recovery house and then another week at my moms because she lives just 30 min from the border. That second week I just sent pictures to the dr as needed for updates and then traveled once to go get my stitches and drains out before I flew home. You can travel the day after surgery if you wanted to but I would really not recommend that because I could barely move. I really had no pain and other patients of his seem to have no pain too. I was just on tylenol and nothing else for 5 days. But you are so stiff and numb its like wearing a plastic suit or something and makes doing anything so much harder. I am on several plastic surgery boards and so far basically no one is reporting any Hair loss like after bariatric surgery. I have not lost any yet but it also didn't happen until 3 months after my surgery before. So I'm hoping it won't happen but its too early to say for sure.

    Any recommendations on what to pack for the recovery house? I am about to book!

  8. I had waist length hair at surgery start- not too thick. Starting losing hair about 3 months out, like others— and while the length helped hide it at the start, toward the end my ends were super thin. At 9 or so months out I went and cut about 6 inches- and it does look much fuller now. I can see baby hairs have been growing in all over, and have some about 4 inches that can stand out if I dont smooth them down, especially around the edges of my hairline. Luckily the regrowth is coming in white and I totally love it! No more coloring my hair, and it feels soft and healthy.

  9. Im 5’1. Weighed 195 day of surgery. My bmi was right at 35. I was what one might call a “smaller” heavy person- but my frame was not built to carry that weight. My joints hurt, was struggling with high A1C1 and starting to have trouble sleeping, etc. It was time- and most people wouldn’t have even considered surgery— but it was the best decision for me. The yo-yo dieting and struggles were not working. The surgery gave me my life back. My advice— Think through your whys- and dont let fear of change keep you from moving forward— whatever you choose.

  10. Im currently researching a Tummy Tuck procedure myself- and strongly considering traveling to Miami or Mexico myself- how long did you have to commit to staying in Mexico for your surgery?

    As an aside- I went to TJ for my VSG as well. Wondering if the cosmetic surgery will cause Hair loss like the VSG did? I dont recall the hair loss with previous breast reduction, so I hope not!

    Welcome any thoughts?

  11. My daughter and I had a discussion about negative attitude/self sabotage, and she found something on TikTok (hey, she’s 14) that she loved:

    ”I just discovered ominous positivity and im obsessed. You will be fine, you have no choice. Everything will turn out okay and you cannot stop it. You will succeed it’s inevitable. Better days are already coming and its too late now.”

    Sort of like learning to accept that the unknown IS GOING TO BE GOOD and that your hard work is going to make it good— so accept your fate and move on instead of worrying and self sabotaging. Start playing that loop instead of the “what ifs” and if you focus on the day by day moments to build to it— when you get there it will feel normal. And you will have the muscle memory built to enjoy it—and deal with anything that needs adjusted if needed.

    I wish you the best, and know changing that inner monologue is hard— but with thought stopping and therapist, you will succeed!

  12. I never have counted calories at all— I think protein/fluid goals and staying with healthy choices/watching portion sizes are more what my drs want me doing. Im at 8 months with sleeve, and pretty much moving to maintenance and some days i can eat more than others— so best advise already given here is talk to your team.

  13. As a recovering people pleaser, I applaud you for prioritizing your health- both the physical and mental aspects of your health. Taking care of ourselves is not selfish- its part of being responsible for you own well being.

    Im so glad you are setting some boundaries, and I am going to remember that when I need to do the same for myself. Thanks for putting into words that there is more to this process than weighing and measuring our food.

    Best of luck to you on this journey- and please keep sharing your story, it helps both yourself and those around you!

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