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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sigh

  1. Sigh


    First off, hugs to you—. I am sorry this happened to you, but also want to assure you that this is really not a set back. It’s a step forward— and like others said before, it is good they found the issue now so you can get ahead of it if it something to be concerned about. I have the sleeve, and so far it has been VERY successful for me. No GERD, no dumping, nothing— and the weight is coming off. The first three days after any surgery are HARD- but I promise you it does get better. My thoughts—Use the tool you have today to get to the next chapter of your journey, then if you need the DS and qualify, you can make that decision then. We are rooting for you!
  2. As a mom to a son who was hospitalized due to vaping lung injury- i will respectfully disagree that vaping is safer— but i do agree that THC is medicinal, but would still say consider letting your body heal a bit. My earlier comment was not said in judgement, just consideration of healing process. Edibles may be the route to go earlier on. I’d also encourage discussion with doctors- they can advise you best based on your situation.
  3. F, 52, 5ft2inches, start weight 195lbs 12 lbs down in 3 weeks pre-surgery 183lbs day of surgery 3 months 148lbs just in 4month now—
  4. I also had this, and warm compresses really do help; hope you feel better soon!
  5. Sigh


    I started small bits of lettuce/salad mix in the past few weeks- im just at the four month mark. No issues, but no real room for more than a bit or two after putting the protein first.
  6. If you can, hold off a bit- vaping and smoking are extremely dangerous to your respiratory/circulatory system, and could cause healing delays so soon out of surgery. All of my paperwork said no to both before and well after surgery.
  7. Sigh

    Vitamin Patches

    The local clinic I originally discussed the surgery with did not recommend them, but i had surgery elsewhere and there is nothing in the paperwork about them from the Mexican surgeon. My own nutritionist seems okay with them, but may redirect after labs we do after first six months. I only use the b12 patches right now— but my daughter (no surgery) is low iron, and hates the pills- so we are trying them on her. She seems to notice a difference. Time will tell, and I’ll update when i know more.
  8. I would not expect to be cleared for this kind of exercise until several months after your surgery, but i do think you’d be able to stay hydrated as long as you prioritize and be smart about it. THat said, I am not much into exercising- so what do i know?
  9. Sigh


    No - not here either. Wonder if it is the timing of when you are taking vs the multivitamin?
  10. Summerseeker- that does sound lovely!
  11. I was like you- although I wasn’t worried about going under or the actual surgery/recovery later- I was instead more worried about the nausea/potential sickness waking up. About ten years back I had breast reduction and was just miserable waking up, got throw up sick and was just out of it. So every subsequent procedure i went to, I shared that experience and team took precautions to minimize it. Since then, I do fine- just be sure to be your own advocate- TALK to the team about it all the way up until they put you under. You will be fine, and they will take good care of you.
  12. I love thrift/second hand shopping- you can find some great deals and you are almost guaranteed not to see yourself coming and going. My daughter loves it too, and we have fun shopping for little hidden gems.
  13. Sigh

    Insurance Approval

  14. My bad habit im working on is stress/anxiety eating. Now im having to find new ways to deal with the stress instead. Luckily, im learning the difference between hunger and anxiety/stress. Im only 11 weeks out, and can say im shopping my closet- but I can see the end of the clothes i have that fit coming soon- then i will have to shop. That can certainly be expensive as I will have to replace almost everything- (undergarments even!) so trying to hold off until that is necessary. One new habit im working on is getting dressed “nicely” for the day- even putting on jewelry for casual outfit is something I had given up. I can wear rings and necklaces again! What a joy!
  15. Ive fought my weight all my life- sometimes healthy, but most of the time overweight, so dieting wasn’t new it me, BUT after covid and hitting peri/menopause, the weight came to stay. I was miserable- joint pain, pre-diabetic- and couldn’t lose weight no matter what - even on my usual low carb/keto path. Tried metformin—ugh, Tried contrave- Wellbutrin/naltroxene combo— sicker than a dog and scared of messing with my mental health. HRT was causing the weight to climb- and in november had hysterectomy - and by February hit my highest weigh of 195, Called and got a local Bariatric surgeon consult. Went in and discussed it- decided on VSG. I was NOT going to hit 200 - none of my clothes fit and everything hurt. Found out the process could be months log- so I got on internet and had Mexico- flights, surgeon and two days off work booked and planned for the next month. It cost me about as much as out of pocket would have cost me in the states and i was able to lose weight before surgery- where if id stayed in states, i could have been denied if i lost anything (MX requirement was BMI of 30, states was 35 and comorbitities, i think) I was READY-and was NOT in the mood to wait. So decided Feb 3, and surgery March 3. So glad i did it!
  16. I dont think many are on oxygen during your recovery- I know I went to a specific Bariatric hospital in Mexico, and none of use were on oxygen. I had a 4 hour flight there and back- and wore my jeans/tee/zip up hoodie home.- oh and slip on shoes! There was some swelling - so you could realistically wear your pjs home if you are just going straight home. I had an iV for the two days i was there, and so I stayed in gowns mostly- one to over the other as a robe like garment so I could walk thru the halls without my backside showing. Less was more, as I didnt want to have to carry or check any luggage for the 4 day trip- just my backpack which worked great- I totally didnt care what i looked like as long as i didnt smell bad. (Standards= low maintenance and minimal)
  17. Sigh

    Ever changing bra size

    Hanes makes a line that runs small, medium and large— I have been wearing them for years (after breast reduction I gave up underwires) and they still fit when i was heavier- and now. I am going to eventually find a replacement for my favorite as they discontinued it, and I am so sad… Im also wearing the bras I previously wore- sizes too small that just sat there waiting for these days. THankful I didnt toss them out. Good luck!
  18. ^^^ Yep- I didnt think it was possible either because I used to drink TONS of water, but I had no desire or will, and had to play the head game of just a little sip wont hurt- all day long. I still cant drink a lot of water at a time- but can get more crystal lite tea in than water, which confuses me. So strange- but between fluids, vitamins four times a day and eating 3 small meals I feel Ike i am constantly putting something in my mouth.
  19. Hi- im 5’2’’ and started at 195. I lost 12lbs in the three weeks I had to surgery, then went into surgery at 183.6. I am currently 8 weeks and 3 days, and weigh 155.6 today. I agree- it will come and I’d prefer to lose more slowly so my skin has some chance of recovering too- even though i know that is a bit of a pipe dream. I try to keep in mind this is not a magic wand, it comes down to my choices with this tool I’ve acquired. I am still only eating 2-3 oz at a time, 2-3 small “meals” a day and a protein shake to make sure i hit my protein goals. Im hitting fluid goals at about 68-70oz fluid, so still working on that too. Also, I think my body has some memory of these weights, and I tend to get “hung” around some that i stayed at before- ie, 165, current one 155, and coming up 145… so expecting some resistance on these numbers- and more slowly as i get closer to goal. I do FEEL tons better though- less joint pain and tiredness, so that is a WIN! For me, the numbers on the scale mean less that how I feel- so im enjoying it!
  20. I’d recommend wetting your hair and putting on a deep conditioner to keep the salt from drying out your hair- but that wont really stop loss, it will just keep your hair in good condition. Maybe air drying would be good too— there really isn’t much to stop it from shedding, but keeping the rest of it healthy will make you feel better about it.
  21. Encouraged to read these replies- I am traveling to Europe for the entire month of June, so am a bit worried about access to some of the high protein items I currently use to up my protein- im still drinking one shake a day to get my protein in— and am still hovering about 60gP a day. Just can’t eat enough to get there without the shake yet. I feel like London and Paris (not sure why I think that?) will have some options, but am concerned about Amsterdam/Cologne/all of Italy— I haven’t found a powdered shake mix I like yet. Im just at 8 weeks today, and when I leave i will be at 12 weeks. Ive tried a few bars, but ugh. Im not thinking i will starve by any means, but want to be sure i am getting my protein in for sure. Luckily meat/eggs/cheese have been my friend.
  22. I struggled with being able to drink anything during the first few days- and found that warm things actually appealed to me more, and leaned into broths— they count as liquids and had some flavor. Try varying temps- and it will come.
  23. I have told not one single person that I had the surgery— I took off thursday to fly to Mexico, had surgery Friday, stayed in hospital two nights and flew home sunday. I drove myself home from hospital that night after 4 hour flight home- and took one day off work. I worked from home for a week- that’s it, but I have a job that allows for that anyway. I didnt need any extra care past those two hospital days- but I’ll admit i had no real pain and have a high tolerance for it if i do- but i took no pain meds at all. I’d had hysterectomy in November (my VSG was march 1) and knew the incisions wouldn’t be terrible. I probably just looked tired to my kids- but they pay no attention to me anyway, so there is that. (Teens). To date, they have not said a word about my weight changing either. LOL!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
