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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sigh

  1. Sigh

    There are some days...

    Im unscientifically guessing that is the days my body is working on actually dropping some weight… this is the only correlation I can find to when it’s happening to me. Also drinking flavored water helps me… (and this phenomenon has been noticed because i do weigh myself daily) and I wouldn’t say im super hungry, just more snack-y feeling, if that makes sense!
  2. Sigh


    Some insurances consider anxiety and depression..as well
  3. Sigh


  4. How did you decide on what your goal weight should be? BMI calculator, your lowest weight, recommendation from dr or dietician? Interested in learning… so please share.
  5. Sigh

    You can't tell me NOTHIN!!! lol

    You look fantastic!!
  6. Sigh

    Waist training anyone?

    After breast reduction, my surgeon put me in compression wraps- bustline to hip, just to pull everything in. They did the same after my sister’s tummy tuck— id look to something more like that- it was surgical compression with velcro— it SUCKED to wear, but it was required for about 6-8 weeks. As earlier advised, dont do something too tight, but it could be supportive.
  7. Sigh

    Alcohol consumption

    In my paperwork the instructions we were given were to take a Prilosec before and after drinking- to keep the stomach acid under control. I haven’t tried it yet, but im not a big drinker anyway.
  8. Like the idea of a good /better/best approach- and thinking about how to maintain what i land at. Thank you all!
  9. Sigh

    Overnight Bag

    Chapstick/lip mask- dry lips are a thing. Some people get sore throat so a mouth spray may be worth considering- biotin spray— i think some people used it. I stayed in hospital gown, but would have liked having a robe or warmer pjs to wear while walking will be nice for you, if you think you might use them— but take OLD stuff, you may have some drainage or bleeding - so dont go buy something special. Slippers/slides you can wear walking. A phone charger, long cord. I took a book- but never touched it- looked at my phone some, but walked and slept. That’s about it. Maybe a bonnet /scarf to sleep in, so your hair doesnt bother you/get tangled— I wore mine up in a bun the entire time. Toothbrush.
  10. Sigh

    My progress so far.....

    Way to GO! You are doing great, cheering you on.
  11. Thank you all so much for your replies, gives me quite a bit to think about- wrestling with the issue. I love that NSV are very life changing, and I dont think im wrong picking a number either- just trying to wrap my mind around the difference between advisors and what is sustainable. i too am very short- and have lived most of my life overweight. Im motivated by the numbers, but just as an indicator on how im doing - and i do feel really good. Still no labs pulled, but have plans for them to be pulled in August, prior to the Bariatric nutritionist. At 4.5 months post op, i know i still have a bit to go, but am trying to shift my thinking towards the maintenance phases. Not there yet, but i could accept it if I my body decided this is my stable weight.
  12. I totally agree that the NSV are MORE important, and that i cant tie myself to a number— and I KNOW that the benefits have SIGNIFICANTLY outweighed what the number on the scale is, but am wondering how do you know what a healthy weight for you is? Im getting conflicting numbers from my dietician and my GP— I was self pay in Mexico and have had to assemble a team on my own, and am wondering what other people have done. I have an appointment with Bariatric dietician (not just a regular one) but can’t get in until mid September. Currently, I am 4.5 months out and already at the target on the outcomes link provided above, and understand that the number chooses you— my number on my ticker is what i was comfortable at years ago, and think it will be achievable. My dietician thinks it’s too low, and my GP advises an even lower number— and ideal weight/BMI calculators seem stupid. I know i started with a much lower BMI, but am trying to find that “healthy place” where i can keep the weight under control over time as well.
  13. Sigh

    How I got here...

    Welcome! i can tell you will do well- and i hope the joint pain alleviates as a side effect of losing the weight- I know mine has significantly improved, and it has been life changing for me.
  14. Sigh

    Amazon Prime Day!

    What did you end up getting? I saw Patchaid was running a “PRIMETIME” special, and got a great deal on my patch vitamins— but haven’t really seen much on Amazon i was in need of. Although, I did buy a new swimsuit that I am hoping works. Guess I will find out tomorrow!
  15. Yes, you can certainly manage that. Just keep in mind that “enjoying it” will mean something different. Can you have a sip of alcohol or a taste of cake? Likely without issue, but just small toast kind of thing. Can you eat a whole meal? Get really inebriated? Probably not. But, you will likely have the energy to dance the night away if you stay hydrated and stick to your program— I know RNY is more invasive, but after my VSG I have had incredible energy. Heres hoping you do too!
  16. Sigh

    Always Low Energy

    Are you taking B12? That has made a difference for me, but I have sleeve.
  17. I love the light hearted idea of the thread, and think it encapsulates some of the interesting experiences we share going through this process…. my good problems- Ive been able to dress myself with all the clothes i grew out of on the way up, with a few budget items added in— until about now. If I lose this final 10-15 lbs I will officially have nothing on reserve. On one hand I love this problem- I get to SHOP! But on the other, I HAVE to shop. For everything- underwear, pajamas, and even to outerwear. It is going to be expensive! But also, it’s scary because Ive never been this size, and what If I can’t maintain it? Yikes, it does a number on your brain. Am I really this size? Will I be able to keep it? Lots of catching up to do on what i think I look like and what I do look like.
  18. Sigh

    Itchy, red incisions

    Oh goodness - you poor thing! Im so sorry you are dealing with that! I thought it might be allergic reaction. Hope you find some relief soon!
  19. Sigh


    Im also 4 months out- and they are slowly getting less noticeable. After my hysterectomy, I used silicone tape to help them fade, but it can take up to a year for them to fade. I also recently saw something about using leg makeup to cover them up if you want to wear a swimsuit or something, but I haven’t tried that as I want to keep the sun off of them for at least the first year. Just a thought.
  20. Sigh

    Itchy, red incisions

    Maybe an allergic reaction to the adhesive from the bandages? You can develop at any time. Hope you got some answers and some relief.
  21. So happy for you and that looks like an AMAZING vacation for you and your family~ such wonderful memories.
  22. Sigh


    I just came back from a month long vacation in Europe- in my third month after VSG, and i can so relate. Do the best you can and focus on hydrating. keep liquids going and dont skip vitamins. My nutritionist and i discussed ahead of time and found ways I could still enjoy some treats- so I wouldn’t feel deprived or guilty when i had little choices available. I figured i was walking enough to make up for it- but did try treats and things that i wont eat at home in tiny quantities because i may not ever get to try food in Italy/France/etc again. Just set your mind to being okay with it- and although i was a way from scale, I was still having success with the small goals I set with nutritionist to enjoy my trip. Ended up losing just fine- so give your self some grace.
  23. Thanks for the kindness- no he was not part of that cycle- and his issues came from ordinary vaping of tobacco, just in the past year.
  24. YEs- sorry I missed that question! 1 month out I was 168
  25. Sigh

    Post Surgery Depression

    REading your post, I can so relate to rewards/family connection around food- it’s so HARD! Good news is that you can shift that to something new over time— and still enjoy those family bonding moments. But in the beginning with hormones raging- and yes, fat holds estrogen so its flushing out as you loose— it is so emotional. You have not lost that forever, it’s just evolving. Soon it can be more about being together than the eating part. Definitely consider getting a counselor on your team- even if you get one on your own, find one with eating disorder experience, mine has helped more that dietician even. DBT and CBT are great treatment options with therapist, imo. As for the 6-10 pm hide out- is there anything you can do outside your home to keep you engaged in something healthy for you? I started organizing my home, doing small projects, walking or even just going for a car ride to keep my mind occupied. Movement, fresh air and exercise is great for our mood/mental health. Or do you have any hobbies/interests you can engage in to get out of the headspace? Maybe any volunteering? Even just playing with a pet can lift my mood. Medication can also really help. You are incredibly brave and can do this— dont give up and soon you will be on the other side of it with a healthier version of you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
