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3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary gottaloseit!
Hey there. Good to hear from you. Sounds like your doing great. 30 bux a month for curves huh. I had thought about joining curves too there's one not to far from my house. Well keep up the good work and keep me posted.
Hey how are you doing. long time no talk!
I'm doing great. it's been four weeks post-op and I'm still on the mushies and some solids. I just started going to Curves and I love it.they are having a special deal right now for $30 for 4 weeks. hope your doing well.
I felt a little sore in the tummy muscles only for about 4 days. My back hurt if I sat to long. The gas went away the more I walked. Bending was uncomfortable for about 2.5 weeks. I stopped taking my meds after about 4 days unless I over did myself. You get your rest and take it easy girl don't push yourself to much.
Take care, Teresa
That's great news about your weight loss in total. You are just doing fabulous in recovery!! Thanks for reminding me that every day gets a little better ( and your right it really does). How long was it until you could sit up with out pain in your tummy? I'm 6 days out and its getting better but I can sit at the computer for about 30 min before it starts hurting. I have a desk job and was just wondering.
Thanks for giving me hope that it will all get better.
talk to you soon.
The gas gets better I promise. I'm on pureed foods and some soft foods. I am never hungry, ever. I have to set my a clock to remind myself to eat every 3 hours. I've lost 23 lbs since the day of surgery, 33 since pre-op diet and 53 since the start of this journey. I feel really good. Have great energy most of the time. Scars are healed, just look like little cat scratches. I tend to over do myself because I feel good, I have to keep reminding myself the I'm only less then a month out. I'm glad you're feeling better. Each day gets easier. Keep walking and the gas will be gone before you know it.
thank you for checking in on me. Today this morning I woke up feeling much better. the only problem is the gas pain in my tummy. the gas x strips help but then it comes back in a few hours. So Teresa are you on the pureed foods yet? How is your hunger doing.
Hello, I'm glad your doing better now and at home recovering. I'm sorry that you had that experience during your surgery and afterward. It sounds like your feeling a little better. Stay on top of those meds take them every four hours like it says to miss a dose or you'll feel it. It will get better each day and before you know it you'll be a whole new you. Take of yourself and keep in touch. Teresa
I'm the very sensitive one says the Dr and nurses. I was in sooo much pain after surgery. Cotton mouth was the worst ever!! They keep me over night and keep checking my blood pressure every two hours and keep giving me shots of I'm not sure what. They also keep drawing blood from me. The nurse said I gave them quite a scare on the operating table when my heart rate went down to 5.
I'm home now a doing so much better (I took a shower at home and that made me feel great) still in some pain but the pain meds help a lot.
Thank you so much for your prayers and good thoughts I really needed them.
Thank you Thank you.
I hope your recovery is going well for you and that you are not in much pain any longer.
Talk to ya soon.
Hey there Laurie. I'm not sure what time your surgery is set for today. I want to send my thoughts and prayers with you. Let me know how your doing when you feel up to it. Welcome to the loser's bench.
Hello. Good to hear from you. You go girl 2lbs a day huh, that fabulous! Enjoy that 4oz of meat and veggies while you can. Wow can you believe how close you are getting to your date. I remember talking about being in the 6mo diet phase. Time sure has flown. Keep up the good work. I'm not feeling to tired anymore. I actually feel pretty darn good. I stalled for a couple of days but now I'm down 14lbs. So, so far so good. I go in for my 2wk appt on the 18th. So we'll see how it all goes from there. Talk to ya soon. Teresa
Wow you have really done great on losing weight before and after surgery. well done! I'm on day 4 of 16 for the liquid diet. a protein shake in the morning and one at afternoon than a glorious dinner of 4oz meat and green veg'es. It's pretty hard but the weight is coming off. So far 2 pounds a day. Yeah.
Make sure you get plenty of rest. I'll be talking to ya soon.