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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by stevegoad

  1. Good job on the loss (loss of weight, I mean. Not loss of insurance). Honestly, it sounds like you're using your band as the tool it is meant to be. Most likely, while you are getting some restriction, most of that 85 pounds is your will to lose. That it a great accomplishment, and you should be proud. I know it costs money, but if you don't keep your tool up to date, it will likely not function as it should. You are certainly due for a fill just to keep the band working at optimum level. As a private pay person, I can't speak on insurance and such. I went with a plan that allowed 10 fills over a 2 year period as part of the total pay package. Maybe you can work out something with your doc to get at least one or two fills (especially since they got more from your insurance then private pay people normally give over several years). So talk to your doc and see what they think.
  2. stevegoad

    caffeine and lapband

    My doc says don't worry about caffeine. It might cause problems, but he hasn't seen it. Sodas are a no-go for the above mentioned reason of a stretched pouch.
  3. stevegoad

    What have YOU lost?

    Well, Let's go twins. I've lost a set of twin 2 year olds (25+25=50) a set of twin guinnie pigs. (1+1=2) or 52 pounds.
  4. I had mine in Houston as well, True Results. Same deal exactly. I am happy with it.
  5. I made a trip to Chicago 8 days after the band - no problems at all, even though I thought I would die trying to find food on the trip (a one day trip). Wound up having Soup at Harry Carey's restaurant, and then a smoothie at the airport. But flying was no problem at all.
  6. stevegoad

    Gadgetlady, The Watcher, and all in between...

    Of course I'm not accusin' you of being a Quayle. You know exactly how many "E"'s are in the word Potatoe Besides, even to call you Quayle is a compliment about your ability to survive (stay with me here)... Quayle sounds like Quail - the bird that Dick Cheney likes to hunt. They are such smart birds that, if you let them out of a cage in the middle of a group of hunters, they can trick the hunters into shooting each other! (OK... that was a long way for a very bad joke.... I am sorry)
  7. Thank you. I'm honored. Don't know of any relatives in Oklahoma, but then again, Goad is such a small name that it can hardly go around more than one family.
  8. stevegoad

    Gadgetlady, The Watcher, and all in between...

    Plain... Maybe no one more modest than you.. "But I live in Humble... I have friends in Humble. And sir... you are not humble." (sorry for stealing from Lloyd Benson in the vice presidental debates of 2000)
  9. Well, pardon me if I don't read through 92 pages covering 2 years of posting... The question: Is GWB the worst ever? Who knows. I don't believe we can sit this close in time and say. Ask again in 50 years. Certainly he has not done a good job. His actions have taken some bad situations (World Trade Center, Katrina) and made them worse. By taking FEMA and putting it under the department of Homeland Security, he took a bad local government in New Orleans and let Katrina become a national issue... and then didn't do anything to fix it even three years later. By going to war with Iraq so as to find a terrorist in Afghanistan, he proved he doesn't know geography or military tactics. So yes, I believe he is a bad president. But to say the worst ever? Jimmy Carter's lack of any knowledge on domestic issues? Richard Nixon, who could have been great except for corruption? Certainly there are others before my lifetime. Only time will tell. Best president ever... William Henry Harrison. By dying only a month after taking office, he did nothing, but will be well remembered for the great slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!"
  10. stevegoad

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    Patty, I, for one, will defend your right to use God and Jesus as part of your arguement - especially in political discussion... After all, you have free speech and the right to make such decisions, and no one has the right to stop you. I voted for Obama because of my Christian beliefs as well. Clearly, however, we have different interpretations of our Biblical understanding. I have known many with your understanding, and I disagree. I believe you are taking some things out of context, just as it seems you believe I am taking things out of context. Oh well. But I am backing out of debate (again) since it is now the moot point. Barack Obama is our president elect, and we should now move forward to unify the country. Presidents can't do that, talk show hosts cannot do that. Only individuals can do that. McCain did a nice job in is speech on Tuesday night to heal the wounds, and Obama did a nice job trying to bring us together. I pray that we can all find unity now as citizens of the United States.
  11. stevegoad

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    When did he say that. He said in the debates that he saw marriage as a man and woman. Yes, he does believe in rights for domestic partners, but that is not the same as marriage. Where did God say that one? Jesus used examples of unfaithfulness, and used talents and money, but he also told the rich man to sell all he had and go feed the poor. Jesus was always one who wanted people to help others. What does the right to bear arms have to do with faith? Granted, I am one who wants strict interpretation of the second ammendment - if we must insist on the right to bear arms, then cool... everyone gets to own as many muzzle-load muskets as they want - it was good enough for the framers of the constitution, it should be good enough for you. But it certainly is not a "Christian teaching." Please, if you're going to argue President Elect Obama is not who Jesus would vote for, at least give rational arguements. If you give me the choice of a man who wants to improve the lot of the country (at least his words, since only history will say for sure) or a man with a foul mouth and an angry temper who seems to be happy taking us to war with the world, I will take the one for improvement.
  12. Well, I guess I am thankful to be private pay. No psych eveal, no problem. Of course, I had to take a couple going into seminanary, a couple going up for ordination, and a couple more when I decided to back out. Anyone who has ever taken the MMPI (I think that's the Minnisota Multiphasic Psychological Inventory) you know just how painful a psych eval can be. The MMPI seemed to be chock-full of questions like "do you often think about your bowel movements," and "do your genitals speak to you." I am glad not to be forced to take any more.
  13. stevegoad

    Gadgetlady, The Watcher, and all in between...

    I'd like to buy the world a coke... Three Long Island Iced Teas Two Crystal Lites... a Scotch and Water... a frozen margarita... a belvedere martini, extra olives.
  14. stevegoad

    Gadgetlady, The Watcher, and all in between...

    BTW.. What is a Beleveder Martini? That ones a new one on the bartender.
  15. stevegoad

    Gadgetlady, The Watcher, and all in between...

    Wow... How did you know I was just waiting for a few more orders to make that switch? That's amazing! :biggrin:
  16. stevegoad

    Gadgetlady, The Watcher, and all in between...

    OK.. I'd like to buy the world a coke... plus two Crystal Lites... and a Scotch and Water... And now that we're on it... a frozen margarita... Three Long Island Iced Teas (There used to be a bar in Illinios that made a fantastic LIIT... but since it's been 25 years, and I drank too many of them, I can't remember the name of the place). Let the orders keep comin'.
  17. stevegoad

    In the spirit of Thanksgiving....

    My urge is to say that I am thankful that this is not a political thread... :biggrin: But really, I am very thankful that 2 1/2 years ago, God allowed me to marry my dream woman, and in bringing Lisa into my life, also brought Theresa, the woman with Down syndrome who we have guardianship for. Having this wonderful family is a blessing I don't deserve. I am als thankful that I am alive years after doctors told me I should be dead, that I have more things in life than many, and that God gave me a chance to share my gifts to help others. So I am blessed, and I am thankful.
  18. stevegoad

    Gadgetlady, The Watcher, and all in between...

    OK.. I'd like to buy the world a coke... plus two Crystal Lites, and a Scotch and Water... And now that we're on it... I will buy myself a frozen margarita... Any other orders?
  19. stevegoad

    Notice to all employees (post-election)

    I will agree, our government spend a lot on pork, and it wastes a lot. That is why people voted they way they did. I will also agree that I don't know all that you go through, as you don't know all that I have gone through. Obviously, you have a home, you have lights, and you can even have a computer and internet... that makes you better off than many people in the world. If you pay over 50% taxes, however, you have a bad tax person, and you should keep better receipts. (I guess I shouldn't kid around, since it sounds like you are about to go postal). But beyond that, as I said, I know I don't know where you come from, Beth, and I will not try to look take your rant too seriously. Maybe you're just having a bad day. If it is as bad as you feel, however, I will pray for you. And I doubt I can afford to pay your taxes, but since you are hurting, send me your address, and I will gladly drop you a $5.00 donation.
  20. stevegoad

    Gadgetlady, The Watcher, and all in between...

    Beth, you beat me to it (I guess you were typing at the same time I was) :biggrin:
  21. stevegoad

    Gadgetlady, The Watcher, and all in between...

    Nice thought, Elisabeth. I pray it happens. But for all the people who are still angry... take the day, shout, scream, cuss, get drunk, whatever makes you fee better. Then come out in the spirit of America and join in one voice and sing... I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony, I'd like to buy the world a coke and keep it company. :biggrin:(for all the banders... I will buy you a flat diet coke):biggrin:
  22. stevegoad

    risky......anyone ever have a threesome?

    As a man (I know this is the power room, sorry for the interuption). Never had a threesome... It is enough work making one woman happy - I have no interest in trying to satisfy 2 at once. :biggrin: Really, though I am enjoying life with my wife, and love trying to find new ways to make her happy (and the way she "returns the favor" so to speak. No interest in a threesome on this part. But now, since I took a wrong turn I will leave you ladies to your discussion :biggrin:
  23. stevegoad

    Notice to all employees (post-election)

    Sorry you get crapped on so much. I am in a pretty good state right now. My wife and I own our house outright and both our cars are paid. We have enough in saved back to where paying 750 on car repairs from a flood, followed by 500 to buy a new washer, and 300 to for an electrician due to some damaged wiring during hurrican Ike did not break us, or even leave us calling FEMA. Our investments are diversified enough to where we took hits in recent months, but nothing that says we will fail long term. And yes, I pay taxes too.... and if my recording studio hits 1/4 million dollars in some coming year (It isn't going to happen any time soon, but if it ever does...) I will gladly pay taxes and not cry about it. That is part of life. I don't know about bailing out some lowlife. People hurt by hurricanes are getting some, but not enough. The homeless are not getting help. Families who are losing everything because their child has autism in a school system and medical system not prepared to handle the epidimic are not getting much help. People who only have social security are not getting much. In essence, the biggest hits to our economy, and our tax dollars on wars and building other countries economies and on supporting millionaires. I pray that, with your attitude, you never need help. I have, at times, been very near homelessness (thankfully, I have always had local help from friends and family in those times and didn't need government help). Now that I am in good shape, I am happy to help others. Sure there are those that take advantage of the system. But looking at Wall Street, I don't think those who stand on the street corners are the real culprits. So you want to gripe becaus your taxes may go up... get over it and be glad that you are making enough to be asked to do more.
  24. stevegoad

    your favorite chewable vitamin...

    I take the centrum - The don't taste too bad to me...
  25. OK Gadgetlady Here is John McCain [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwTKM_u-7j4]YouTube - John McCain Cursing[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCXOZpwT2ek]YouTube - John McCain Cursing again[/ame] The finger is questionable... McCain's language is not.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
