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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by monalisah

  1. monalisah

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    thanks for the info I have people to gain more to get to 40bmi Trying to lose it. I will check it out
  2. Yes, I am ready for a Biracial president. One who knows the importance of both races. In a country that has multiple races. One who has not forgotton his upbringing. November 4th the day history will be made.
  3. monalisah

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    Help, waiting on final paper work on bcbs. At 37 bmi don't have major health issue. like sugar or heart issue no sleep disorders. I am obese can I get approved? restlessleg sydrome and bad knees. Told my parents and do not agree.Lose it by diet I live the oprah diet up and down. The yo yo diet tried everything. I am stressing out :teeth_smile: Please what morecan I do. Anyway thanks mona
  4. Write a dairy of food you are eating. When I did this I realized it was not really low fat .Get the Calorie king book like four dollar at walmart. It helps realize how many calories low fat really has. Keep your chin up they really want to know if you can your eating lifestyle for a more successful lap band experience. Good Luck
  5. monalisah

    Hello from Texas

    Hello first time. I am just getting ready for submitting to issurance bcbs. 6 month diet, psch, doctor letter of medical need and waiting for sleep study. I have seen my surgeon and his fine staff. I am scared and realize my fate is in the hand of an issurance company. Who does not know me or see me. I am doing with a guy from work who I told about this. He is also going thru this. My husband has been there the whole time. God gave me a great man. I thank him for him everyday. Please think of me in your prayers for approval. Thanks Mona

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