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About dawn7672

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 07/06/1972

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  1. Happy 41st Birthday dawn7672!

  2. Happy 40th Birthday dawn7672!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary dawn7672!

  4. dawn7672

    wtf kinda bummed...??

    I totally understand your frustration. I too was banded the 15th of January and have gained back 3lbs and lost the same 3lbs in the last month. I am down a total of 50lbs. What I can tell you is I'm thinking that I need a fill. I can eat more than I could before, but I noticed that my clothes are loser. I guess that's why I didn't make an appt. for a fill ( I haven't had one yet). Try getting another fill and change your exercise routine and see if that helps. Also monitor how your clothes feel. Hope things turn around for the both of us. Dawn:thumbup:
  5. dawn7672

    Wii Fit

    I am addicted!:huh2: I love it too death. Dawn
  6. dawn7672

    The January 15th Band Party!

    Just wondering how everyone is doing. I am doing good. Hope to here from you all!:huh2:
  7. dawn7672

    Name Your NSV

    Only someone else who has experienced that would understand. I too have noticed that when I walk, there is not a small brush fire going on between my legs. I was shocked that my thighs weren't rubbing together. It felt great. I also noticed that my wedding rings are getting loose. I will continue to rely on NSV, to judge how I'm doing. The scale changes day to day, and it really is not important too me.:huh2:
  8. dawn7672

    The January 15th Band Party!

    Hello everyone, It's been a while since I've checked in. I am down 23lbs since surgery and a total of 47lbs. from my highest. I started regular foods on fri and have been tolerating it pretty well. I have my 2nd post of visit on the 3rd. and it went well. I am now cleared to head back to the gym and I will begin tomorrow. I can't wait. I opted not to have a fill at this time. I don't yet know what hunger is. I have been experiencing constipation:frown:, and alot of gas:mad:. I have been trying to remember to slow down when drinking and eating. I haven't tried to many of the old foods like bread or Pasta, I am afraid of it getting stuck, so for now I will stay away. I have also been having a hard time getting my fat intake in. I will be trying to change some of the fatfree options to low fat to get the fat intake up. Other than that, the band is great. Small portions were something I never thought I would be able to maintain, but I'm doing it. I go back in 2 months to see the surgeon, at that time I will decide if I will get a fill. I hope everyone is doing well. Dawn
  9. dawn7672

    The January 15th Band Party!

    hello all, I am a little under the weather. I haven't been to support in 2wks. I did weigh myself and I am down to 217.2. :thumbup: I am still on puree diet. I adv. to soft on fri. I am noticing how big my clothes are now and I went from a 44ddd to a 42ddd. I will not run out and buy any new clothes yet. I hope everyone is doing great.
  10. I haven't checkedinfor awhile, but I am down 16lbs. since the challenge began. My goal was 20lbs. I hope to get the last 4lbs. by saturday.
  11. HI, I just wanted to drop in and let you know you are not alone. I was banded on the 15th, and I have been spotting off and on since the 29th of Jan. I am actually still spotting. Nothing that requires a pad, but more or less I see it when I go to the bathroom. I have had the bloating and PMS thingy going on, but still no actual flow. If my period doesn't come completely on by the 10th, I will definitely speak with my GYN and the surgeon. I never thought I would say this but, I just really want my cycle to just come and be done. I wish us both luck. Dawn:blushing:
  12. dawn7672

    The January 15th Band Party!

    Hi everyone, just checking in. I am doing great!:redface: My port site is really itching like crazy:w00t:. Some days I just want to scratch my skin off:ohmy: Other than that, I am good. Eating is going great. Getting in around 500-600 cal/day. On pureed for 2wks, won't complain, just enjoying it. I have started back at the gym this wk. Walked a mile and felt like I was going to die. I walked on the track, all the treadmills were taken. I only went once, will try and go 2 morrow. Hope everyone is doing well.
  13. I was banded on the 15th, and I only eat 1/2c portions. If I feel as if I am still hungry (usually evening meal), I eat something that is high protein. This will get me thru the night. I was on clear for 3days and full liquids for 5 days, and now on mushies. I have tried sweet potato and it was good, but it also was a small portion. I have eaten collard greens, but only a tablespoon and chicken breast chopped so fine it was hard to pick up. I did however have a lapse in judgement and ate a pick of the skin from the breast and boy did I pay for it. I stayed stuck in the chest area for about 4hrs, before I felt relief. I didn't try to bring it up as I hate to vomit, but it was a great lesson for me. I will start soft solids on saturday. Good luck to ya:thumbup:
  14. dawn7672

    The January 15th Band Party!

    Hi everyone, I'm sorry I haven't checked in in a while. I had a very miserable first 6days. The pain was nothing compared to the gas. I had soooooooooo much gas that I believed that anyone could have come along and put a string on my finger and I would have floated away.:mad: The gasx and walking did not help. Only thing that was hard to figure out was whether or not I was hunger. I stayed over night in hosp. and when I got home the next day, the nurse from the program called and told me to start full liquids on Monday. The original instructions were to do Clear Liquids day 2-6, then full 7-14. She stated that they were updating the guidelines and will give out new instructions at the support/nutrition meetings. I was very weak the first 6 days because I could only get in 100-250 cals on any given day. The gas prevented me from getting anything of significance in. I had no energy for more than 1hr., after which I would have to go lie down for hours. I went out the for the first time on post-op day 5, and could barely walk. I did it anyway, but when I finally sat down, I was panting as if I had just run a marathon. On day 7, the gas had started to really move, and it felt so good to be able to relieve myself effectively. I had more energy and was actually able to eat 400 cals. w/32oz of Water for the day. It also was the first time I felt hungry and felt like I was full. I had my post-op appt. on friday, and it went great. I am down to 223.5, which is 6.3lbs from day of surgery, and 36.5lbs. since I started my journey back to health.:thumbdown: I am glad that I have u guys to talk to and keep me on track. I started puree foods today, and choose not to have blended meats. I will stick to egg whites and cheese and Cereal and greek yogurt. I hope we all continue to meet the challenges that is waiting ahead for us. I will be here for everyone, as I hope u all will be here for me. Talk to ya soon, Dawn
  15. dawn7672

    The January 15th Band Party!

    well, it's time for me to get ready to head out the door. I am NOW nervous. I hope and pray everyone has an uneventful journey into the world of lapband. God Bless, Dawn

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