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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by NCHoney

  1. I was wondering the same about consuming the liquids quickly. I had my surgery on Tues and I personally drink a lot of Water. Well atleast I'm trying to I'm now on my 3rd 16oz today. I brought a vanilla whey Protein after surgery which has 50g per serving because there was no way that I could get my 60g in a day on the EAS which only has 17g per serving. I mix that first thing in the morning with 8oz of skim milk which has another 8g of Protein and it's so nasty it takes about 40 min to finish it. But I'm getting that protein in for the day.

    I have noticed that I'm able to drink my Water or my Soup, puddings or Gelatin so much easier now that I was questioning my band. But at the same time I know when I'm full and I stop. Surely eating a lot less than before the surgery. AND IT FEELS SO GOOD. But honestly today was the first time I actually felt a bit hungry so I just had a lil more soup.

    Now I am still gassy so who knows when that will go away. I'm concerned about BM's since Tuesday my surgery date I have only had BM on sat. That concerns me. I have not taken any thing for that because I can't stomach it and afraid of what the after effect may be.

    I see my dietician on Tues and my surgeon on Thurs so hopefully all these staples will be removed and I can be a bit more relaxed.

    Keep up your good work and keep posted your great results.

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