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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by NCHoney

  1. I am sitting here in disbelief. Weighed today and down 17.5 lbs in 3 weeks. I'm so excited I can screem. Felt so good I tried to get on my eliptacle when I got home for about 2 min. I better wait til the staples are removed before doing all of that.

    I never blogged before so I just wanted to say how good I felt getting on that scale and it only makes me want to do right the next 6 wks before my next nutritionalist visit praying for another 17+ to be gone.

    Anyway, keep lift me up and encouraging me on this road to success.


  2. I don't think so. Stay as youthful as you can as long as you can. I am 40 with a 6 year old so I'm trying to stay as young as I can. Waiting for a date. Heck I can't get rid of my ex-husband and now that I got banded he really don't want to let me go now. Calling e'ry chance he get (kinda cute though) I wish someone would ask me on a date I'm surely going to say absolutely.

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